A Contractual Marriage with the Best Leading Actor Chapter 132

Our Sister-In-Law is Simply Adorable (1)

President Pei soothed the tense atmosphere with his words.

He was truly a gifted person.

All the attendees of the gathering were prominent figures in the business industry. Peng Wanli was caught in between a rock and a hard place. He had no choice but to come to terms with what he had done.

Peng Wanli was getting paler by the moment. He glanced at Bai Qi.

“You’re truly different from before. When you were younger, your parents had raised you like a dainty little flower. All you could do was cry when your dad got into trouble...”

Xi Chengyun’s expression noticeably darkened while Peng Wanli talked.

He gradually sat up straight, and anyone could tell that he was very displeased.

He hated when other people talked about Bai Qi’s past, the past that he didn’t know of...

Thankfully, President Pei reacted even faster.

PANG. He slammed his car keys on the table.

“What are you doing? Reminiscing over the past? If that’s what you wish for, I could take a trip down memory lane with you,” President Pei said as one of his bodyguards stepped forward.

Everything that Peng Wanli had wanted to say was now stuck in his throat.

Bai Qi couldn’t help but frown. “Do you find it inappropriate for me to question you? Or would you rather have the police here instead? It’s against the law to have incomplete documentation of accounts and failed to remunerate your workers.”

‘Ah, our sister-in-law is so innocently adorable. He’s even trying to convince that old man that he’s doing something that’s against the law. I have to do something to scare that old man away so that he’ll stay far away from Bai Qi...’ President Pei thought to himself.

However, before he had the chance to say anything, Xi Chengyun nonchalantly said, “Exactly. This is against the labor laws, and if you could not clearly show all the past transactions, all these would be considered as embezzlement of funds.”

Peng Wanli was in shock. He opened his mouth to say something, but to no avail.

“Perhaps back then you were smart enough not to allow him to sign any formal contract of employment with you. However, as long as he’s carried out something according to your instruction in the context of your business, an employer and employee relationship is established,” Xi Chengyun said in a deep voice.

President Pei was speechless.

‘You really are something! You’re the epitome of a gentleman in war!’

President Pei reflected upon his actions and, for once, he found himself to be a little discourteous.

‘Remember, society is now governed by the law...’

On the other hand, Peng Wanli was as pale as a ghost.

Clearly, he never thought that he would be held accountable according to the Labor Laws.

Lu Bin, who was as tall as an iron tower, suddenly stood up and said, “Old Peng, don’t you have anything to say for yourself…”

The other attendees of the gathering finally came to their senses and muttered, “If that’s true, what you’ve done is truly inhumane. Also, who helps their friends in this way? You should have stood up for them in front of everyone, rather than keeping quiet and... embezzling their wages?”

Peng Wanli lost all composure as he gasped, “I…”

“Couldn’t I safely assume that President Peng has something to do with Hu Ming, who ran away with all that money a decade ago?”

Peng Wanli was in utter shock. “Oh no way, Mr. Xi, please don’t jump to conclusions! I really didn’t do that... I merely had Bai Shan work for me for free, and at the start, I had the right intentions! I lent him 5 million!”

“It was only towards the end… Towards the end, I settled the hospitalization fees for him… Back then, he’d settled the penalty at one go and only wasn’t able to pay for the hospitalization fees. I didn’t have anything else in mind when I offered to help him, I just really wanted him to work for me…”

President Pei clicked his tongue and said, “Exactly. In fact, you actually needed help from him, but you twisted the story into something else.”

Peng Wanli didn’t say a word.

“So, how long was my dad supposed to work for you to cover the hospitalization fees?”

At this point, Peng Wanli was finding it easier to come up with new stories.

“There wasn’t a time limit. Some of the patients were bedridden for the rest of their lives…”

That was why, when an accident happened, the liable party would rather have the injured pass away on the spot. This way, the amount of energy and money spent would be a lot less.

If they didn’t die on the spot, they would be dependent on the liable party for the rest of their lives.

“Let me put it in another way. Are there any extras left from the amount that you’re helping to pay?” Bai Qi asked.

“...” Peng Wanli was speechless.

“Is there anything left?” Xi Chengyun asked emotionlessly.

“... Yes.”

“My dad recently transferred an amount to the hospital. This should be enough to last them for a long time, am I right?” Bai Qi spoke in a cold-blooded voice.

Peng Wanli forced a smile, with cold sweat running down his forehead. “This is how lies are, they’re like snowballs. The more you lie, the bigger it becomes. I didn’t want your father to leave us, so I had no choice but to make up lie after lie.”

“When you visited the patient at the hospital, did you let them know it was my dad who sent you?”

“Of course I did,” Peng Wanli hurriedly replied.

President Pei smiled and said, “Our sister-in-law is a young lad, so perhaps he didn’t realize what he was inadvertently implying, but I’m sure you did. Who knows, perhaps the family of the injured might still think that all the money they got is from President Peng, isn’t that right?”

Peng Wanli looked pale, and he had nothing to say in return.

Bai Qi nibbled on his lip. He felt a little angry.

Not only was he heartbroken that his dad worked for nothing, but it was also because, to this day, his dad was extremely grateful for the help he’d received from Peng Wanli during one of the toughest times in his life.

And it turned out that Peng Wanli didn’t even intend to help him.

“President Peng, I don’t suppose I need to tell you what you should do next, right?” Xi Chengyun said.

“... Got it,” Peng Wanli said.

President Pei couldn’t help but interject. “Sister-in-law, what does your father do at Peng’s company? I noticed that the projects that he’s managed for the past few years have been quite significant. Is it because of your father? No wonder a certain someone wants your father to work for him for free for the rest of his life... And he even wants you to be grateful for it... Cheh.”

“My father is in charge of one of the construction sites,” Bai Qi dully said.

He had to run errands under the scorching sun and freezing winds for Peng Wanli.

One time during the summer, his dad came back entirely sunburnt to the point of bleeding.

President Pei clicked his tongue and said, “He’s a foreman? That isn’t an easy job at all.”

And anyone could tell that he didn’t mean it in a demeaning way.

Naturally, the rest didn’t dare to look down upon Papa Bai’s profession either.

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