After the meal, Papa Bai went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. While he washed the dishes, he suddenly asked, “Qi Qi, what have you done to your chopsticks? They’re unsalvageable.”

“Is that so?”

He blinked and blushed.

Papa Bai didn’t question any further. “He’s just like when he was little…” Papa Bai mumbled to himself before he turned back to finish washing the dishes.

Papa Bai knew that they’d be going to the filming site soon. After he was done with the dishes, he also packed some snacks for them. Then, he and Su Meixian walked with them to the parking lot.

“Will you be back for the Lantern Festival?” Papa Bai asked as he stared as they walked away from him.

Bai Qi wasn’t sure either. “Of course.” Nonetheless, before he could come up with a reasonable excuse, Xi Chengyun beat him to it.

Papa Bai was delighted and smiled. “Alrighty, off you go now. Have a safe journey.”

Xi Chengyun nodded and stepped on the pedal.

President Pei was helping them with the issue with Peng Wanli while Bai Qi and Xi Chengyun boarded the plane to head to the filming location of Episode 4.

His assistant asked him, “President Pei, are we done here? Case closed?”

“No way,” President Pei’s expression turned dark as he put out the cigarette in hand. “Isn’t there also Ji Minchuan, who wanted to get his hands on Bai Qu through Peng Wanli? Although it’s been years and he didn’t get his way with things, we can’t leave things as it is…”

“Come, let’s report this to the police,” President Pei said.

His assistant was taken aback. “Huh? Police – report?”

President Pei nodded. “That’s right, our sister-in-law stated that we have to settle the situation legally.”

Pictures of Bai Qi and Xi Chengyun boarding the plane were taken and circulated online by the reporters, and the fans were eternally grateful.

【This is a dream come true. Qi Qi will still be appearing on the shows with Xi-ge. I was worried that he’d no longer make an appearance】

【Cries. The sweetest couple will be appearing in another episode. Finally!】

Meanwhile, there were another two trending topics on Weibo.


The topic was about the judgment the court gave to Xing Chen Construction Company. They required a penalty of $18.14 million Yuan to be given to Bai Shan as compensation for the years of free labor. The court has made the order and is requesting for action to be taken promptly, if not, the company would need to pay extra as additional compensation.

【Efficiency! All hail labor laws!】

【I’m amazed. Did the company owe him that much?! This amount excludes the 500 thousand you know!】

【Let’s not forget about the taxes. His income after tax should be around $13 million Yuan instead】

【Guys, go look. It seems like it’s been proven that all the projects Bai Shan has handled over the past few years have been very successful… It’s an insult to pay him this little. Even though he went bankrupt, any company could kill for such a good worker like him. If he went to those companies, he’d easily be able to earn enough to pay off his debts. Bai Qi would now be living the life of a middle income household!】

【To be frank, we learnt another lesson from this case. To all my working class friends, never work for others for free. Exercise your rights as an employee properly! Don’t be shy to do so】

After Bai Shan received 5 million from Bai Qi, he asked Peng Wanli to pay him his salary instead of settling his “debts” for him. Back then, Peng Wanli didn’t want to expose himself, so he paid him his salary.

And this payment became solid evidence of an employer and employee relationship between the both of them.

The netizens couldn’t help but sigh.

【Goodness me, I’m so happy】

【Things would be perfect if they could find Hu Ming and put Hu Ming behind bars!】

【I heard that Peng Wanli might also be charged for tax avoidance… Can you imagine what a horrible person this man is? When the Company submitted their tax returns, they’d already deducted it against the ‘salary’ paid to Bai Shan! They managed to avoid so much taxation!】

【This… is more than enough for him to live off of】

Meanwhile, there was also another topic trending on the internet.


No one was familiar with the name, but everyone immediately became furious when they realized what the man had done.

This man had been caught for pedophilia, for forcing his subordinates to do things for him through illegal means, and money laundering… And after so many years, he was finally caught.

【It’s been a long time since we’ve seen such a degenerate person… him and Peng Wanli would actually be a good match】

【In the gossip forum, it seems like him and Peng Wanli know each other?】

【Birds of the same feather flock together… Serves them right! Also, is it possible that the man was finally caught thanks for Xi-ge’s efforts?】

The comments flooded in non-stop.

However, no one knew that Peng Wanli had once wanted to give Bai Qi to Ji Minchuan.

Even Bai Qi himself didn’t know.

Xi Chengyun saw the trending topic when they got off the plane.

He looked at it briefly before moving on to something else. He hoped that Bai Qi would never find out what Peng Wanli intended to do with him.

Nearby, the staff from the filming crew welcomed them with wide arms. “Bai Qi! Xi-ge! We missed you guys!”

The sunlight shone through the ceiling height window and Bai Qi sneezed before he turned to look at Xi Chengyun. The tip of his nose was red and tears were gathering in his eyes. “I think spring is here?”

Xi Chengyun unknowingly smiled as he said, “Yes.”

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