Miller expanded his chest proudly as he answered Emma’s question. “This is Wert City, capital of Reshire.”

Emma quietly lowered her gaze upon his reply. Her guess had been correct. If this was Reshire, it was certainly Count Van Wert’s estate. They were downtown of the Wert City.

The geographic information naturally came to her mind, perhaps because of her tutor’s previous cramming… Emma once studied the map of the continent and gazed upon Van Wert Castle, admiring it from a distance. Now, the pointed roofs of the enormous grayish-white castle were close enough for her to reach.

Looking from outside the walls and inside the city felt different. As they closed the distance, Emma could distinctly observe the old, majestic castle; a fortress that stood against time.

‘The castle really is wonderful.’

Summerville, where Emma had once lived, was under the direct control of the kingdom, so there were only small diplomatic and government offices for administration and management. There was no magnificent castle that imposingly stood above the rest, as if claiming ownership over the huge city.

“I see…” she looked around in amazement. “So, this is Reshire. I’m an outsider, so I’ve only heard about it. It’s my first time coming in person.”

Miller seemed to welcome any topic that could ease the rigid mood. “Oh, right, Madam. If so, I shall briefly introduce you to Reshire and Wert City,” he amicably chattered on.

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Just in time, Irvan had moved from the carriage to the horse. Perhaps because of his  master’s absence, Miller finally had a slightly relaxed look on his face.

“Count Van Wert is the owner of Wert City. Count Limon is…”

Miller still displayed lingering tension in front of an unidentified outsider, but he didn’t look as frozen as he did in front of Irvan. Due to the slightly, diffused mood, Emma could listen to several stories from Miller.

Irvan’s identity, which she had been curious about the most, was the very first thing to be revealed. His full name was Irvan Van Wert; the sole heir to the owner of Reshire, Count Van Wert.

It was years since the current count, Limon Van Wert, became bedridden, so Limon had willed that in the event something happened to him, Irvan would be the next Count Van Wert. But Irvan had problems with his health, so he was recuperating in the forest for a month as part of the treatment authorized by the family doctor, and Emma had visited him just in time.

‘I got lucky,’ she thought. Imaginary sweat forming in her temples.

Originally, she ahd thought it to be an empty cabin. Had she not met Irvan, she would have run into the monsters in the forest while also running away from the human enemies after her. A weaponless girl running around a terrifying forest like that? She would have probably not seen daylight. Even if she did have a weapon, the results would be no differe, her death would came in another form.

Emma listened as Miller narrated, and as she thought of her circumstance, she realized that Irvan was her lifesaver.

‘He really is my savior.’  She felt a deepgratitude to him. So, as Irvan had argued, Emma was going to stay by his side until he told her to leave. Out of duty. ‘A relationship with a count is impossible.’

From an early age, she was tutored and disciplined that she should never get involved with the off-springs of noble families. There was only one reason for those daughters and sons of noble status to approach commoners like Emma: it was when pawns like here served a purpose and was worth taking advantage of.

The daughters would want something from her that could not be obtained in monetary or ordinary ways, and the sons’ goals were likely to be similar to or worse than that of the daughters. They could covet material riches, and also Emma’s purity and body.

‘No matter how much they say, you shouldn’t believe it right away Miss Herman.’

The tutor with a strict impression had kept Emma straight in her wits and emphasized this every day. The solemn lecturing, like a reverent’s worship service, had become more powerful and longer as Emma aged towards adulthood.

‘Just remember. That you aren’t a noble lady, Miss Herman. Once again, even if the other person shows favoritism toward you at first because of money or appearance, always remember the immutable truth to keep in mind: noble boys only marry Ladies of nobility.’

According to the tutor’s brainwash-like lecture, the matrimony between nobles was a political marriage. As it was a combination of noble families and combined familial forces, there was no place for commoners of humble social backgrounds or status to mingle in.

‘No matter what they say, the whispered sweet nothings will never amount to anything. Even a heart-melting encounter will eventually end in tragedy. And you’ll be the only one sobbing, tearing at your chest at the end… like me.’  The tutor murmured the last words would always murmur the last words gloomily.

The old tutor was expelled from the academy and had become estranged from her family at the cost of playing with fire during her childhood. She was abandoned by a noble whom she loved with all her body and heart. From this trauma, she would endlessly recite in depressing fashion to Emma that she was the result of her miserable actions, and that she should know better.

With the influence of a strict tutor, Emma remained calm unlike her best friends, Becca, Sally, and Michelle. While they secretly adventured and experimented, experiencing only what the night offers, Emma safely passed the gateway to adulthood by steering clear from these night escapades.

‘I unexpectedly became mature from that. However…’

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