Perhaps because of her boldness, Irvan had wanted her more. Although her memories were hazy because she was drunk, she could remember taking off her clothes and jumping into his arms.

“I see,” Laute laughed. “I knew that brave man would get a beaut… oh, sorry.”

The straight-faced Laute quickly glossed over his verbal mistake, and proceeded to guide Emma throughout Van Wert Castle as if nothing happened. They came across many of the castle’s functions: drill hall; knights’ hall; horse stables; military offices; library; internal affairs office; living room; meeting room; audience chamber; interview room; reception hall; greenhouse; banquet hall and others.

As she continued to walk while listening to the man’s high-pitched voice, her ankles ached and exhaustion knawed her bones. After stopping for a moment, Emma rubbed her forehead and took a deep breaths.

‘How could there be no end in sight despite having walked this much?’  she thought incredulously. It was as if they almost needed a carriage.

The vast and magnificent Van Wert Castle was like a small town. Various buildings were densely packed, and the insides were crowded with various residents such as servants, maids, bureaucrats, and courtiers.

“Since Van Wert Castle is in the center of Reshire and Wert City, the security is tight. Outsiders or guests can never walk around here alone, Miss Herman. They could be apprehended for being a potential danger and thrown into underground prisons,” Laute explained seriously.

Emma blinked. “Underground prison?”

“Yes, since there’s also a court of law in the main building. Criminals found here are sent to prison. I’m telling you in advance because I’m afraid you’ll be most curious. It’s quite a terrible place.”

“…I see.”

Emma changed the subject, as it was a place that she didn’t want to know about.

Outsiders inside the castle experienced just as Laute had explained; eyes were glued on them, such that they couldn’t move around alone. Even now, Emma could feel furtive stares in each place she passed by with Laute. It was hard to tell whether they were suspicious, merely cautious, or simply glancing, but still, their gazes were sharp and cold, showing that they idn’t feel amicable to outsiders.

‘Is it because rumors have spread?’ she thought.

Perhaps some were overly excited at the fact that she was Irvan’s guest, that there were often times when people looked at Emma with curious gazes. Among them, a few had taken the first step towards her, but soon retreated like a cat caught unawares by a snake when they saw Laute.

Certainly, she was now safe with secretary Laute, however, she didn’t know what kind of disaster would befall her if she were alone and people would approach her recklessly. Baron Berne’s warning to be careful vividly sprang to Emma’s mind.

“Their attention on me is quite immense…” she murmured.

“Because you are Irvan’s guest, madam,” Laute explained. “I too couldn’t believe it until I met you in person. How else are they supposed to react? It’s something you must bear.”

“I am not that influencial.”

“It’s all right. Even though you are young, after being with Master Irvan for awhile, your standing will naturally become stronger.”

Laute smiled wickedly as he replied. Emma couldn’t tell if he was complimenting her or blatantly disrespecting her.

“Master Irvan will tell you more about what I’ve just said,” he explained further.

Emma cast him an unsure glance, lips pale. Laute hurriedly shook his head, letting her know that whatever she was thinking is a misunderstanding.

They continued strolling through the castle, Laute joking with Emma in his carefree, straightforward way. From their talks alone, Emma garnered new information about Irvan. Moreover, it was quite different than what Baron Berne had told her.

“Master Irvan is the best leader of the knights. He is overflowing with excellent qualities. However, there are similar but many differences between running the Knight Order and governing the Van Wert estate; very different in quality. In the military, strict discipline and overwhelming presence are important, but it’s not all about administration. Just because an order is given from the top doesn’t mean it’s right or appropriate. Social life requires flexibility in a way, and that needs a wide range of experiences and understanding.”

As a secretary, Laute was naturally satisfied with Countess Karina’sadministration.

Irvan’s governing ability was pretty much the worst. So, even Emma couldn’t help but frown while listening to some of the stories about him.

‘What does he mean by execution without reason…?’

Among the powers of the lord, there was jurisdiction. However, in a trial presided over by Irvan, such ruling was obsolete. Although it was the lord’s responsibility to appease a person or group dispute with courtesy or punish someone who committed a crime. Irvan sometimes overturned the judge’s sentence in annoyance, and those who protested were directly overpowered or even executed.

It was because of his actions that there was a lot of resentment among the common people. The inhabitant’s opinions and sentiments in the territory had deteriorated out of control.

The resistance was even worse because it was Countess Karina representing the lord of the territory on behalf of the hadicapped Count Limon until Irvan’s adulthood. This was because she had a natural talent for sealing conflict smoothly. On the other hand, Irvan insisted on only on the strongest and fastest solution, which inevitably had resulted into a disaster.

In the face of countless criticisms and an angry public, he had completely lost interest in administration duties, and left his rights as the lord to Countess Karina. From then on, he only performed duties regarding the knights and military.

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