Monte was hesitating. He wasn’t saying much while trying to survey the situation but in the end he agreed. Then a curtain was drawn at a corner of the court. The maids were checked by Monte in there. Monte came into the witness stand after the check up and declared they’re pregnant with a face looking as if it was the end of the world.

It was that moment-


The blond haired maid came out of the curtain screaming and collapsed on the floor. People were wondering what was going on and the judge was hitting down his gavel to calm them down. But the maid still screamed.

“Les, calm down!”

The black haired maid was trying to calm her but it wasn’t enough. As she thrashed around like a crazy person, the judge was about to order her to be escorted out. But at that moment, the hem of the dress she was wearing started becoming red. Blood pooled down quickly covered the floor.

“She’s bleeding!” Heather urgently yelled.

Both women were pregnant, and the tension from the court must have made the maid ill, but as her blood unusually poured down the floor, everyone was shocked.

“Emergency aid!”

“I think it’s too late with that much bleeding.”

As people with experience guessed, she had lost the baby. People brought in a stretcher and carried out the maid. Monte was about to follow, but he was held back by Irvan’s knights.



“How do we know that you weren’t trying to get rid of the evidence in court?”

Irvan doubted Monte and declared that he would have another doctor to look at the other maid.

“No. Please don’t be suspicious! I placed my work ethic and my name on the line.” Monte protested but it didn’t work.

“Mr. Monte.”


Irvan looked at him coldly as spoke. “The alchemy room.”


Monte’s face quickly became pale and his hands and feet started shaking. He crumpled to the ground and the people on Countess Karina’s side supported him up and took him out. Once everything calmed down, the trial continued.

“Prosecutor,” While Irvan was looking on coldly, Roham lightly smiled at the prosecutor. “Do you have any other suspicions on our commander? Or something you’d like to prosecute?”

The prosecutor dropped his head. It was a total loss. Even God wouldn’t be able to turn this around. “…. No.”

“I see. Are you going to withdraw charges on Irvan?

“Yes. I withdraw all charges on commander Irvan. I agree that I acted too rashly and I officially apologize for falsely accusing him. I’ll take any punishment.”

As the prosecutor put his tail down, Countess Karina shut her eyes.

“Then, I’m not guilty.” Irvan finally spoke. As his voice rang in the court, everyone stared at him.

“Yes… Technically, you’re innocent. However, it’s not because you’re not guilty, but there are no allegations made against you.”

“I see. Hm….” Irvan nodded lightly and then stared at the prosecutor. “By the way, isn’t the prosecutor supposed to work on public interest? And the court exists for honesty and justice.”

“… Yes.”

The prosecutor was having cold sweats as he was put on the spot. He could sense something bad was about to happen.

“So your job is to prosecute any suspicion or any crime found no matter what the title of that person is. Is that correct?”

“…. Yes.” The prosecutor blinked.

Irvan stared at him coldly and then looked around.

“So while we have you here, prosecutor, and the judge and the bishop along with many nobles, please prosecute this.”

“About what?” The prosecutor asked with a trembling voice.


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