And with this, Karina’s resounding loss was basically sealed. The name she built for herself as a kind ruler collapsed instantly and her authority as the Countess hit not just rock bottom, but went through it. Her dignity as the benevolent agent of the estate lord was completely destroyed without a trace.

“This court finds Karina Muns Van Wert guilty of treason and breach, and for her immoral acts which cannot be forgiven!”

As the verdict was given, Countess Karina, was proven to be a criminal and locked up in the north tower. The head butler Miller, Dr. Monte and all those who were involved as well were all found guilty and also locked in the underground jail.

As a noble, Countess Karina had the luxury of being imprisoned, however, everyone else was immediately executed.


“Ha! What a tragic turn of events. Who knew something sinister could hide beneath  a kind and gracious facade.”

Standing on one side of the execution grounds, Bishop Albert shook his head.

He had originally been called to indict Irvan, but later became witness to the second trial and became venom for Karina’s plans. As Karina of the muns family was a prominent noble, her punishment would be decided by the king, but the news of a bishop attending the trial already spread out into the kingdom before the day was over.

“As the Count Limon has passed away, we’ll go into mourning immediately. You need to inherit the title to calm the estate. I’ll send an urgent letter to the capital.”

“No, you can stop.”

Irvan, who stood by, slightly raised his hand to Baron Berne.


“There are things to be taken care of first.”


The moment that the trial ended with Karina being found guilty, all those who supported the Muns faction dispersed and some of the ones who were quick sold their wealth and ran away to Muland before they were arrested for treason. But Irvan was one step ahead. He sent the Black Fang knights to cut off all the entrances. Those who were caught were sent to the underground jail to be executed and their families fell and wealth confiscated.

However, that wasn’t enough. Irvan felt the need to let the entire world know that the result for betrayal and treason right before the inheritance of the count was equal to perdition.

“We need to request compensation for damages regardless of the result of the trial. As everything was found to be due to Baron Muns’s greed, we need to repay him for all the insults we received. The capital will take care of Countess Karina’s punishment.”

Irvan frowned a little as Laute advised him clerically. “What is it?” Laute asked.

So Irvan answered. “Go request a confession with Bishop Albert tonight.”

“Pardon?” Laute looked at him as Irvan, curious. Irvan was the furthest from being religious. “You’re going to have a… confession?”


“Ahhh! Are you serious? The Captain?” Laute asked, face turning pale. Irvan merely grinned devilishly and repeated himself.

“Not me. Tell him Karina Muns wants to confess her sins.”

“Karina Muns? Huh… no way.” Laute shook his head even harder. “There’s no way that woman will! You might be giving her an unnecessary chance to run away. Bishop Albert already heard so much from her that might request for her to be locked up in a temple.”

“I know. Even better, she will come without another word. Bring the Bishop. Karina Muns will want to confess tonight.”

“Huh? Ah.. ah, okay.” Laute looked like he wasn’t convinced but he followed it anyway.

Irvan went to the north tower after he finished instructing Laute. He looked up and squinting his eyes, he could see a wide window at the top. He was satisfied that it was much higher than when Collin was locked up. One could instantly plunge to their death if they fell, but Irvan wouldn’t let her go that easily. If Karina died in a similar way to Collin, sympathy might arise for the twins.

‘No way I’ll let that happen.’

After Collin collapsed after being poisoned in the underground jail, it was Karina who sent thirty-five soldiers to threaten Emma. She had deviously used Emma whilst tormenting him after all this time.

Karina was probably quite excited to be sent to the palace for punishment.

‘She wishes.’

Irvan coldly smiled and glared into the darkness.

“Make sure to not let anyone come close.”

Irvan took Roham and the knights to the tower and had them guard the tower and then open the door. Then he stepped in.

“Wh-why are you here?” The red haired maid stepped back, all flustered.

Irvan didn’t mind her; he walked past her. The maid collapsed on the floor after being hit by his shoulder. Meanwhile, Karina, who was sitting on a chair in the corner, finally raised her head to look at her intruder.

“… Irvan.”

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