A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 343: The arrival of Olivia

When Alex said that, Layla looked at him with surprise in her eyes.

"How are you going to do it?" She asked in a curious tone.

Alex looked at her with a smile and said "Don't worry. Just know that I have many ways of doing things."

"Okay." Layla said.

Then still looking at Alex, she said "Alright. It's time for you to go"

"Nope. I won't go yet. I wanna spend some time with you." Alex said with his gaze hovering around the region of her twin peaks.

Layla looked at him and shook her head.

She knows that Alex didn't mean it, it was just that he was a naughty person.

Then she walked up to him and held him by the hand.

"Come with me, I want to show you something" Layla said.

"Okay" Alex said.

Then they both left the room with Layla pulling Alex by the hand.

After walking some feet away from her room, she released Alex's hand from her grip and tried dashing back into her room to lock the door behind her and keep Alex out.

But before she could go pass Alex, a strong arm suddenly appeared from nowhere and curled around her thin waist, then she was pulled towards Alex who looked at her with a smile in his face.

"I thought you were taking me somewhere?" He asked.

"Umm.. Well, I was. But I changed my mind my mind." Layla said.

However, Alex didn't release the grasp of his arm around her waist.

Seeing that Alex still hadn't uncurled his arm around her waist, Layla said "Your arm, they are still around my waist. And I am too close to you. I want my own space"

Alex smiled.

"Sure. I was going to release you before you even asked for it." Alex said.

Then he removed his arm from her waist and turned around to walk back to the hall so he could leave the palace.

"See you some other time, Layla. Take care of yourself" He said as he walked towards the hall.

"Alex, you must come see me at the Imperial Herb House. If you don't come, I would be mad at you" Layla said with a loud voice as Alex walked away.

"Sure. I would surely pay my beautiful wife a visit at her organization" He said as he walked away.

Then Layla went back into her room.

When Alex got into the hall, he nodded at the Royal personalities that he met there and walked towards the door to exit the palace.

Immediately he came out of the hall, he produced a beast-drawn carriage from his dad's spatial necklace. Then he entered into it and drove back to his organization.


Few hours later...

News of how Alex was invited to the palace for questioning and how he said that it was true that the princess and he were dating spread like wildfire throughout the city.

"Wow. I knew it. I knew that The Godly Punisher would surely be in a relationship with the princess. No matter their statuses or profiles, those girls won't be able to resist the enticing smile from The Godly Punisher. If he wants it, he could have all the girls in the world to himself. However, I know he wouldn't do that. You won't see him with ordinary girls, except girls of high profiles. He's truly a flawless creation. I wish I was like him" One said to a group of people that were discussing about the news that got to them.

"You think she is there because of his peerless handsomeness? I doubt that. I am very certain she is in a relationship with him because of his unequaled strength. Same with Olivia, the great Holy Daughter of the Immovable Mountain Academy. See, cultivator ladies would only be attracted to guys who are tremendously strong. And Alex is immensely powerful. But I agree that his handsomeness would also play a role. However, it's a sub-factor." Another who was in the discussion said.

Just like that, they discussed about Alex and Layla with some agreeing to a point while others disagreed.

Olivia who wanted to go meet Layla at the Imperial Herb House postponed it for another time.

She decided to be patient to see how everything would turn out first.

So, today, after hearing the news of how Alex went to the palace to say that he was in a relationship with Layla, set out to go meet Layla at the Imperial Herb House.

Few hours later, she arrived at the Imperial Herb House.

When the guards at the gate saw Olivia, they instantly greeted her which she simply nodded to and opened the gate for her to enter.

They didn't even question her as they knew who she was. She was the Great Holy Daughter of the Immovable Mountain Academy, and was the first wife of The Godly Punisher who was also the husband of the boss that they walked for.

Then everyone that Olivia met on our way into the organization became filled with shock and then greeted her with absolute respect in their tone.

A few moments later, she arrived at the office of Layla. She was brought there by someone that she asked to take her to her boss. Although the female worker that brought Olivia to her boss's office could have asked if she had an appointment with her boss, but because she knew who Olivia was, and didn't want her boss to go mad at her, she simply took Olivia to Layla's office even if she had appeared in here without an appointment.

"Thank you" Olivia said.

Then she knocked on the door.

Layla who was within and thought that it was a worker at the door, said "Come in"

Immediately she said that, Olivia opened the door and stepped in.

And when Layla raised up her head to look at the person that had just entered, a thunderbolt suddenly struck in her mind.

"O-Olivia?" She asked in a slight stuttering manner due to the shock that was delivered to her heart.

"Yea. That's me" Olivia said seriously.

Then without being told to have her seat, Olivia went forward and pulled a chair to seat on.

Now gazing at the shocked Layla in the eyes, she said "I see that you wanna share my husband with me. However, I don't have a problem with it. Male cultivators in our world are not loyal like we females who would be with one man and even give our life to them, despite knowing that they have many more women in their damned lives. So, what I am saying in essence is that, if you want to share my man with me without any problems from me, there is something that you must know. And this is, although you are older than me, you must however submit to me and respect me for I am the first wive. I have been with Alex through a lot of disastrous events that could have left us dead. So, I don't want a woman who didn't suffer with him to come from nowhere and be exhibiting power that isn't right for her to possess."

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