A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 354: Calling out his enemies

Next day...

- Multi-room apartment, Inn -

"Guys, I want to go somewhere. And I wouldn't be back in a day or two days time. I want to have a meeting with a very important person in this city concerning expansion of my organization to this place." Alex said.

"Okay. B-But why don't we come with you?" One of them who was a bit closer to Alex asked.

"Nah. I would have asked that you guys come with me. But the person I want to meet doesn't want me to come with anyone. He asked that I come alone so we could discuss deeply about what I am here to do. He doesn't want any interference" Alex said.

Then he stated further "Don't worry about my safety if that's what you are worried about. This person wouldn't do anything to me. He just doesn't want me to come with anyone."

"Okay" The person Alex spoke to and the others nodded their head.

"Here. Take this" Alex said and then threw a spatial ring at them.

"It contains tens of thousands of yellow sapphirstones. Use it to tour the entire city and buy yourselves some really nice things. However, do so cautiously so you don't attract thieves or bandits to yourselves. Also, while moving round the city and buying stuffs for yourselves, take your time to study some areas of the city. Look for a place that would be nice to set up my organization in." He said further.

"Oh! Thanks a lot Master." The one that was closer to Alex said excitedly.

Then he continued "But Master, we don't know the kind of place that you would like. Mind giving us a little description of a place that you would like to establish your organization in?"

"Well, just a place that's far from where people are living. You know, I don't want people living around the place. I want it to stand alone wherever it is without houses or shops of people hiding or obscuring the magnificence and grandness of the towering structure that I am going to erect there."

"I know you would think that why can't I just find somewhere in the forests and then level and clear the entire place to build my establishment. However, whilst I don't want people living around the organization, I also don't want to be too far from people. Hope you get my point?" Alex said and then questioned.

"Yes Master. We get your point" One said.

"So Master, when are you setting out?" Another asked.

"Well, that's right about now." Alex said.

Then he said further "So folks, take care of yourselves. And remember, be careful with the way you would lavish money, or you would attract undesirable things unto yourselves. Am I clear?"

"Very clear, Master" Everyone of them replied happily.

Now, they had money to get stuffs for themselves. However, they wouldn't do so and would only keep the money until they got back to Smith city; the city where their master's organization was prominent. So in there, they would be able to fearlessly spend lavishly, and nothing, absolutely nothing, would dare to attack them. 

Alex nodded his head and then left the inn from the multi-room apartment that they rented to dwell in for sometime.

As soon as Alex stepped out into the street, he began to walk towards no place in mind. He was doing that to basically attract his enemies who he believed would have arrived in the state, and with a small number of them in hiding in this particular street that he chose to rent a room at, simply waiting for the right time to show himself so they could come to abduct him for agonizing torture back at their base, or just kill him right there at the spot that he was.

With a smile surfacing in his face, he began to walk.

And Alex who was like an incarnation of beauty but with a male's face and figure, his unmatched physical look couldn't help but attract people's attention towards him.

They began to discuss about this new person that had appeared in their street.

Alex hadn't walked for more than two hours when someone wearing a dark robe with a large hood pulled over his head suddenly appeared before him. And wearing a mask that concealed his face while radiating an intense chilling look from his eyes which could seemingly cause one's blood to freeze, Alex quickly understood that this was one of his numerous enemies that had traced him to this city and was very impatient to kill him.

But pretending like he did know what was happening, he asked "Hello, good sir. You are in my path. Can you please move away or be moved?"

The dark-robed man looked at Alex with surprise instantly replacing the dreadful gaze coming from his eyes. 


He laughed without care. 

"I would like to see how you would move me." The hooded person said with a frightening smile in his face. However, this was hidden by the mask that he wore. 

Alex simply smiled.

When the hooded man unexpectedly appeared in front of Alex, people who had been looking at Alex with astonished and adoring gazes in their eyes became heavily surprised at why someone would suddenly confront such a young and admirably handsome person.

Perhaps out of jealousy and bitter enviness. They thought. 

Then they stopped what they were doing to see how this handsome young boy would react to the sudden blockage of his path by a really unfriendly person.

"Mid-phase Sky Lord stage? Hmm. Not bad" Alex said with a provoking smile in his face.

The dark-robed person who had a frightening gaze coming from his eyes looked at Alex once again with a heavily perplexed expression in his face. But this was concealed by the mask that he wore. 

"Sky Lord stage not bad? Are you kidding me? Even if you are a combat genius, that doesn't mean that you can overwhelm someone at the Sky Lord stage with your flimsy initial-phase, Earth Adept stage. The fuck is wrong with your brain? Haha. Such a daft fool" The person said and laughed.

This Alex was stupidly funny. He felt. 

Alex looked at this dark-robed person and said "Well, I don't have time to exchange words with you. If you wanna fight, fight. Let's quickly entertain the people watching us."

As soon as Alex said so, the dark-robed person gave a chilling look and then abruptly produced a broadsword which he swung at Alex's neck to actually cut off his head.

But Alex who had long infused his eyes with speedforce energy so he could see in slow motion instantly evaded the beheading sword strike that the dark-robed person sent towards him.


The sword cut extremely fast through the air.

It was an insanely fast sword strike. 

The dark-robed person saw that Alex had surprisingly evaded his sword attack and then quickly activated the sword-bound array in the treasure-sword that he wielded.

As soon as the array was activated with the treasure-sword now beginning to glow brilliantly and making sharp humming sounds, the dark-robed man slashed his sword once again at Alex and at the same time, fired off a six feet-wide beam of focused, sky-tier swordforce energy at Alex.

The beam which carried frightening sharpness as it caused the air in it path to cleave apart almost hit Alex by an inch who quickly dodged it due to his powerful slow-motion vision and enhanced movement speed by permeating his entire body with speedforce energy.

Since it couldn't hit Alex, the beam continued forward into the distance reducing everything in it path to small slices.

Alex saw that if his battle with this guy continued, a lot of people in the street would be killed.

Therefore, he abruptly channeled tiny amounts of his evolved, Saint-tier strengthforce energy to his leg muscles and then dashed away at a great speed that greatly shocked the dark-robed man who was still amazed at how Alex skilfully dodged his fast, close-range, sword-energy attack.

"Bastard! Don't you dare run from me! If you aren't a coward, stop running and fight me." The dark-robed man shouted with all his might and intense fury could be felt burning in his voice.

He couldn't be sure if Alex heard what he said as he was just too far away.

However, he was surprised in the next second when Alex suddenly stopped at the hundred and thirty feet that he had quickly reached and then turned around to look at the dark-robed man from the far distance that he was.

With a chilling smile in his face which gave the absolute feeling of slaughter, he said with a booming voice so all and sundry could hear:

"Moron, if you are sensible and truly powerful to look down on me like an ant, take into the air like the proud Sky Lord-stage cultivator that you are and chase after me, a flimsy Earth Adept-stage cultivator. And if you can't meet up with my shocking speed, I would be at a valley many miles away, waiting to deliver your head to your ghost."

Immediately after Alex said that, he sharply turned around to resume his high-powered dash to a very distant valley to wait for his enemies who he knew were around and would definitely come after him.

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