A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 356: Killing one of them (Don't read) Bugged Chapter

As Alex ran, he didn't speed up too much so they could meet up with him.

After running for hours in search of a valley, he finally arrived before one.

Then he dashed into it towards it center and then stopped, waiting for his attacker to arrive.

Not long, the Sky Lord-stage cultivator appeared before Alex with an astonished expression written all over his face.

"Boy, I must give it you, your speed is impressive. I can't believe that I couldn't catch you as you ran." The Sky Lord-stage cultivator said.


Alex laughed.

"Sure. My speed is impressive. How can someone as useless as you match my movement speed on foot? Eh?" He asked with a smile.

"I see that you want your death so quick. But I won't do that. I will make sure I torture you to my satisfaction before beheading you." The Sky Lord-stage cultivator said.


Alex laughed again.

"Are you really sure about that?" He asked.

"Yes" The Sky Lord-stage cultivator answered with a cold gaze in his eyes.

"Okay then. You can carry on. But I will surely remind you of this" Alex said awaiting the energy-attack of the Sky Lord-stage cultivator.

The Sky Lord-stage cultivator who was still in the air suddenly aimed his palm at Alex and tried his best to quickly discharge a large amount of pyroforce energy which then condensed in the next instant into a sword that shot towards Alex at extreme speed.

Alex clenched his fist so hard that his bones cracked.

Then he surprisingly sent it at the fiery attack that was shooting his way.


His fist smashed into the fiery attack, quickly reducing it into thousands of smithereens that then dispersed and returned to the realmverse.

Alex wasn't even shaken nor he did he leave the spot that he was at.

He simply gave the feeling that he was an immovable mountain.

Standing straight and exuding the aura of indomitability, he pointed at the heavily surprised Sky Lord-stage cultivator and signaled with his fingers and with an annoying smile in his face that he should unleash more attack at him.

The Sky Lord-stage cultivator seeing Alex's mocking gaze and smile became more infuriated and then shot higher into the sky like it was going to increase the damaging power of his attack.

Then gnashing his teeth and his eyes turning red, he tried to expel more pyroforce energy from his body.

Alex simply waited for him to build up his energy to the amount that he desires.

After creating a massive cloud of pyroforce energy around him in the air which resulted in the sickly paleness of his skin and his nose and mouth bleeding, the cloud of energy that had formed around him in the air rapidly condensed into hundreds of spears that shot towards Alex to impale him.

Alex however gave a smile and then prepared to shatter the spears that were shooting towards him from a great altitude in the air.

With his arms fully stretched out to his sides, he brought them together and then clapped his hand very hard to create a powerful sonic boom that generated a destructive sound wave that shattered the entire spears when they came into contact with it.

While the sound waves moved on towards the sickly pale Sky Lord-stage cultivator and struck him.


He was struck hard by the devastating sonic wave and his body was knocked flying into the distance.


His body then landed with a heavy thud sound to the ground from a height of about seventy feet, causing the air in his lungs to be knocked fully out, and the blood in his body which churned greatly when he was hit by that shattering-force sound wave, spurted out of his mouth in large amount.

Alex quickly power-dashed towards him. And when he got to where he was, he lifted him up into the air with one hand and asked "Do you recall what you told me? That you will torture me to your satisfaction and then behead me? But who has you in his grasp now? Me!"

Then he slammed the body of the Sky Lord stage cultivator at the ground causing him to scream out in pain and agony.

"Yea. Feel the pain. I am just beginning to torture you. When I finally gain an utter sense of satisfaction from torturing you, I will crush your neck."

"Just telling you beforehand so will know how you died. You know, due to the intense torture that will go through, you might just pass out and not exactly know how you died. That will be tremendously pitiful right? Haha!" Alex said and laughed.

Then he carried the body of the Sky Lord-stage cultivator off the ground and into the air again.


He slammed the cultivator's body hard against the ground again resulting in the cultivator coughing a large mouthful of blood.

"Yea. I guess you are greatly enjoying the pain." Alex who was now soaked with blood and had blood dripping down his face making him like a bloodfiend said in a somewhat sinister tone.

Alex then turned his head to look at the man's groin region and gave a wicked smile.

He then turned his head back to look at the bloodied cultivator and asked "Since you will be dying soon, you won't really need that anymore. So, let me crush it for you."

The cultivator's blood-stained eyes widened in shock.

Then before he could say anything or beg Alex, Alex used his powerful hands which would give the feeling that they were actually hands casted from true metallic steel when touched, to grab the man's private part and actually crush it into pieces.


The Sky Lord-stage cultivator screamed out very loud and miserably in pain.

Alex had actually reduced the man's entire private organ to paste.

"He is enjoying it, I think?" Alex asked himself with a brutal smile in his face.

Alex actually went this extreme to make fear and dread surface in the hearts of his enemies that he knew were around.

He then stood to his feet and raised a leg up.

Then in the next instant, he brought it down with tremendous force against the Sky Lord-stage cultivator's head.


The head exploded into mists of blood with hundreds of shreds of flesh and fragments of bones also jumping out of the shattered head into the distance.

Alex exhaled with a smile in his face, giving the feeling that he was having a great time.

Then in the next instant with his hands by his side, two types of energies suddenly erupted from them and actually condensed into solid corporeal weapons that he grasped.

He then said into the air with an aura of fierceness beginning to exude from his body.

"I can see you folks where you all are hiding. Come out now, let's play!"

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