A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 364: A powerful formation

Once Alex said that, the furious Heaven Adept-stage cultivators quickly aimed their palms at Alex and began to unleash all sorts of terrifying energy-attacks, which Alex tried to immediately counter and destroy by punching into the air at them and releasing resplendent, Might power-infused waves that carried and transmitted astronomical-scale devastating vibrations that felt like it was totally capable of disintegrating entire mountain ranges and islands, since it caused the air around them and for many feet to shake so hard that they seemed to lose their gaseous form and then surprisingly disappear without a trace, creating a massive vacuumed zone in the next instant around them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Loud thundering sounds began to ring out as the waves carrying vibrations struck the energy-attacks and instantly reduced them to thousands of fragments that then dispersed and returned to the realmverse as slivers of energies.

Since he was now facing off against formidable Heaven Adept-stage cultivators, Alex instantly chose to employ his Pseudo-Saint tier Strengthforce energy for his battle with them, and utilize an advanced, higher-level battle technique in the 'Worldbreaking Golden Overlord Fist' Trinity Methodology called the 'Heaven-Destruction Vibrational Punch'

After destroying all the attacks, with none of them even getting the chance of producing rampaging waves of energies that should tyrannically knock any of them backwards and probably injure them, as they had been forced to vibrate intensely and then thoroughly disperse, the Heaven Adept-stage cultivators looked at Alex with increasing shock and profoundness in their eyes.

'Is this boy a reincarnated expert from either the Greatverse or Oververse?'

They couldn't help but ask these questions in their minds, since Alex had by himself, without the use of any treasure or artifact, destroyed the fearsome full-powered attacks of seven peak-phase, Heaven Adept-stage cultivators. And he did so that not even a tyrannical wave could surface from the explosion of their attacks into thousands of smithereens. It was really a tremendously surprising to do, even by someone so low in cultivation to them, and at an age that showed that he shouldn't be someone that should be greatly experienced in battle.

Then the Heaven Adept-stage cultivators who seemed like they knew each other very much, began to use secret communication techniques to stealthily discuss amongst themselves on how to bring Alex down. At this point in time, they felt that they weren't battling a common genius, but possibly an old immortal expert that either reincarnated, or transmigrated into the body of this terrifically handsome boy and hijacked it for his own use.

Once they decided within themselves on what to do, they quickly moved into positions.

Actually, they formed a formation around Alex that only required seven people. Then once they did this, and started to rapidly perform the same mysterious hand symbols, different types of energies began to gush out from their bodies in seemingly unquantifiable amounts. Then the myriad energies that unceasingly poured out of their bodies gathered a point that was many feet above Alex, who only smiled at them and looked on with crossed hands to see what they wanted to do.

Actually, Alex had immediately understood that these cultivators were creating a battle formation that they wanted to utilize in attacking him, and possibly, totally destroy him out of the fear of something dreadful about him which had abruptly surfaced in their hearts and ate deep into them.

Then from the look of the massive offensive formation that rapidly formed above his head from different energies, and then the shocking power of decimation that it seemed to radiate in directions, Alex nodded his head with a high level of impression present in his eyes.

"When I kill these guys, I should be able to get the Array-Formation scrolls for the creation of this particular formation and teach it to my men. It will seriously boost the battle power of my organization." He said within himself.

He then got ready to block or deflect the killing attacks that would descend upon him any moment from now from the massive formation that had abruptly formed many feet above his head.


Sounding like the furious discharge of a streaking thunderbolt from a thundercloud towards the ground, a brilliantly dazzling, corporeal attack that was in the shape of a blade, immediately appeared after the deafening bang sound rang out and then shot towards Alex at a seemingly frenzied speed to cut him into two, thereby annihilating him.

While Alex who was long prepared for the attack that would be born from the combined full powers of seven peak-phase, Heaven Adept-stage cultivators, quickly aimed his two palms at the blade-shaped energy-attack as it immediately appeared from many feet above his head and then released many energies from his body which sharply condensed and shaped into a colorful and coruscant, pentagon-shaped shield of energy that also shot out at an incredible speed towards the concerted, fearsome attack of the Heaven Adept-stage cultivators and brutally bash it to smithereens.


Both devastating attacks severely clashed and resulted in the abrupt release of frenziedly roaring, tyrannically powerful waves of energies that swept out with a type of force that struck Alex and catapulted him towards the lake far below, at a speed that if calculated, would be many times that of an arrow that was fired from the solid, massive bow wielded by a war giant. While the Heaven Adept-stage cultivators that set up the butchering formation were viciously flung far into the distance, with their chest heavily dented. It was simply like a wrathful god vexedly smashed his hammer into their chest, since their thick garments ripped apart from behind, painting in one's mind the amount of force that transmitted through their bodies. Then as for the Sky Lord-stage cultivators, they had been blown away like dusts in a windstorm, with numerous gruesome and life-threatening wounds inflicted upon them.

Alex who was knocked hundreds of meters into the lake, in which he almost got to the bottom of it, shook his head with great awe in his eyes at the power of the formation that was produced by the Heaven Adept-stage cultivators. Then since he could breathe underwater, an inborn ability that he had discovered long ago, he started to swim back to the surface. And to get to the surface faster, he started to continuously discharge massive, jet-like streams of tribulation-enhanced fire from his two feet to increase his speed in the water.

If one was wondering why Alex was still alive despite the mighty, ruining waves of energy that struck him really hard and sent him plummeting at a great speed into the lake, it was simply because he had quickly produced a Saint-rank, treasure-armor suit which appeared all over his body in that same instant and protected him from the crushing jaws of the killing energy-waves.


A few moments later as Alex didn't mind the rapid consumption of his pyroforce energy since he had lot of it to delightedly waste, he shot out from within the large lake that he was tyrannically shoved into by those destructive energy waves, and then directly flew towards one of the seriously hurt Heaven Adept-stage cultivators in the far distance using the peerless-grade treasure-wings still strapped to his back. And since he continued to expel tremendous amounts of pyroforce energy from his feet as massive streams of flame to propel him in his flight towards that cultivator, he was able to gain a shocking leap in speed due to the great propulsive force that was generated by the brilliant flames constantly blasting out of his feet like an unending chain reaction of controlled explosions were taking place within his legs.

Then with a glowing treasure-blade appearing in his hand in the next moment as he blazed through the air towards that cultivator, he slashed off his head without batting en eye when he arrived in front of him. He then flew towards another that was at the far distance to do the same thing.

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