
After painting the mentally disabled goddess, it seemed that he noticed the sight coming from nowhere, Chen Ziyun looked up with a little doubt, and then he found that it was Megumi Kato, who had a strong stealth ability, watching him or watching him paint.

Seeing that he had found himself, Megumi Kato showed a faint smile, “I didn’t bother you, did I, classmate Chen?” ”

Chen Ziyun smiled and said, “No, but then again, Kato, if you go to be an assassin, the assassination rate must be as high as 100%!” ”

“This is not praising me, is it…” Megumi Kato was a little speechless, is it my fault that the sense of existence is low?

“No, no, no…” he shook his head with a smile, “This is praising you, rather, I also want to be like you without a sense of existence, in this case, during class, won’t the teacher subconsciously ignore me?” ”

“It’s really convenient to say so…” Kato Megumi suddenly thought about it, she really hadn’t been ordered by the teacher during class!

“So, it’s not a big deal to have no sense of existence, don’t you?”

“But the assassin or something is still too far off topic!”

“Just kidding, but there shouldn’t be any problem saying you have a talent for this, right?”

Megumi Kato became more and more speechless, so why did you have to associate me with the assassin?

“Don’t talk about this, classmate Chen, what are you painting, your sweetheart?”

Seeing that she forcibly changed the topic, although Chen Ziyun was a little amused, he still replied: “No, I’m setting up the illustrators for the light novel!” ”

“What an accident, I didn’t expect that you are still an illustrator.” Megumi Kato was indeed a little surprised, although she was an out-and-out layman in this regard, she also knew that she could not draw such a painting without certain art skills.

“I’m not an illustrator,” Chen Ziyun smiled and shook his head, “I mean, I’m creating characters.” ”

“Creator persona?” She still didn’t understand, “Is there any difference between the two?” ”

“It’s very simple, illustrators have to draw according to the persona I create, and that’s the difference.”

Megumi Kato understood, but a new question followed, “Isn’t the creation of the character done by an illustrator?” ”

“Because I wrote that novel, I want to make my own character or something.”

“Eh…” Megumi Kato was stunned, really fake, can create light novels and draw, this is completely the standard for manga artists!

“That’s awesome, Classmate Chen.” Having said that, Megumi Kato didn’t show too much surprise… Well, in fact, it is because the tone of speech and the expression are too indifferent, but Chen Ziyun just likes her indifferent nature, and getting along with her is indeed not ordinary ease and comfort.

“Thank you for the compliment, if you don’t mind, I will give you a copy on the day of the sale, just think of it as a teaching!”

“Although I don’t understand very well, but no need, I can buy it myself, you live alone, and the living expenses must not be so sufficient.”

“There was a shortage before, but now, it’s more than enough to eat three or four loaves of bread a day!”

“This is really…” Megumi Kato didn’t know what to say about him, you had a hard time before!

“I will support you.” She put on a serious look, and quickly asked: “By the way, I haven’t asked you yet, what is the name of that novel, what is it about?” ”

“The name is “Blessings for a Beautiful World”, as for the story…” Speaking of this, he suddenly noticed that since then, there were only three of them left in the classroom, it seems that someone’s existence is really a big help!

Thinking of this, he changed his words: “Summarizing the outline or something, I’m not very good at it, if you are interested, I can repeat it for you.” ”

“Okay, obviously the novel is not on sale yet.”

Chen Ziyun said with a smile: “I believe you will not spread it, and the public’s opinion is also very important.” ”

“Well, I see, please.”

“Hmm…” After coughing lightly a few times, Chen Ziyun slowly spoke, “Mr. Sato Kazuma, welcome to the world after death…”

Chen Ziyun’s retelling is different from general retelling, not a simple retelling of the original, but a combination of anime and the original, in order to achieve the best effect, he even changed the tone of his speech, thanks to this, indifferent as Megumi Kato, there is a feeling of patience, this story is too funny!

As for the winter horse and yarn lying on the table, they were smiling at this time… No way, the combination of these two is too funny, if she can’t bear the laughter, I’m afraid she will laugh out loud in a gaffe.

This guy is really powerful!

While laughing secretly, Fuyuma and Sha couldn’t help but admire their neighbor table, this is really not an ordinary talent!

Due to time, Chen Ziyun’s retelling did not last long, but even so, Kato’s interest was indeed hooked, “What will happen next?” ”

Seeing her look of interest, Chen Ziyun was quite satisfied, “Please allow me to keep this secret for the time being, but there is one thing I have to declare first, when I actually read it, there is probably no way to show it so funny.” ”

The work “Blessings for a Beautiful World” does have the desire to read, but compared to the anime that is enough to make people laugh, the expressiveness of the novel is still too inferior after all… In this regard, the performance of voice actors is indeed not generally brilliant.

“No problem, I’m sure this is a work that won’t disappoint me.” Megumi Kato showed a faint smile, “Classmate Chen, although it is only my personal opinion, you must be fine.” ”

“Are you that confident in me?” Chen Ziyun was amused, confidence or something, he naturally has, “Blessings for a Beautiful World” this work is a very special work, once successfully animated, even if the effect of the anime is not good, as long as the voice actor is powerful and does not delete the plot of the original work, then, even if the picture collapses and is simple, it can hammer some so-called gods to the head.

“Well, should I say unconsciously…” she frowned slightly, “Or maybe it’s a hunch, but well, I think you must have no problem with such a spirit.” ”

Where did I get the spirit?

Chen Ziyun was a little crying and laughing, “Then bear your good words, Kato!” ”

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