“I’m shy!” After noticing her expression, Machida Enko covered her mouth and laughed.

“Miss Machida…” Shiwa Kasumigaoka rolled her eyes angrily, even if this matter is almost to the point where everyone knows, you don’t need to tease me so much, right?

“I’m sorry, sorry…” she apologized with a grin, although it didn’t look like she was apologizing at all, “Xiaoshi, you want to know about Teacher Chen, right?” ”

“Teacher Chen… Is he really a creator too? ”

“Yes…,” Machida Enko nodded with a smile, “Although it is a newcomer author who just signed today, why, is he famous in your school?” ”

“It’s not very famous, but well, he is the only Chinese in our school, and in this sense, it must be false to say that he is not famous at all, but strangely, he does not seem to be an international student.”

“I do know about this, but it involves personal privacy, and I can’t disclose it casually.”

“I’m not going to ask about that, Miss Machida, is his work interesting?”

“It’s really interesting, although it’s an otherworldly crossover novel, it’s quite anti-routine, and it’s also quite good at portraying characters!”

“Is it actually a theme from another world…” Shiwa Kasumigaoka was surprised, wasn’t that a subject that had already been written badly?

“Well, but don’t underestimate this work, Xiaoshi, although I think it is slightly inadequate, it is indeed a very interesting work!”

“Can I read it…” To be honest, Shiha Kasumigaoka also felt that her proposal was very abrupt, but she was really not generally interested in the work that could be praised by this picky person in front of her!

“This…” After tangling for a while, Machida asked Chen Ziyun, who was sitting not far away, “Teacher Chen, Teacher Kasumi Shiko wants to read your work, is it okay?” ”

“Ha…” Chen Ziyun, who was browsing the web page, was stunned after hearing this sentence, how could she notice him, according to the theory, didn’t she put all her heart on An Yilunye’s body now?

However, after reacting, he smiled and nodded, “Of course, no problem, I also want to hear the opinion of Teacher Kasumi Shizi.” ”

After getting Chen Ziyun’s approval, Machida Yuanzi smiled and took out the original manuscript brought by Chen Ziyun, “This is the original manuscript brought by Mr. Chen, Xiaoshi, don’t mess up or lose it!” ”

“Are you treating me like a child?” Shiyu Kasumigaoka is very speechless, no matter how I say it, I won’t pit you in this kind of thing.

“Sorry, sorry, well, since you plan to read Mr. Chen’s masterpiece first, then I will go and discuss the illustration with him first!”

“Well, you go get busy first, Miss Machida!”


“Make you wait for a long time, Teacher Chen!”

After hearing Machida Yuanzi’s voice, Chen Ziyun put away his mobile phone and said with a smile: “Are you all busy?” ”

“No, Xiaoshi is very interested in your work, so I’ll come over and discuss illustration with you first.”

“So that’s the case…” he nodded gently, but pulled out a notebook from his backpack, “This is the character I drew during my lunch break!” ”

“Teacher Chen, can you still draw?” Machida was surprised.

“Slightly understood…”

“Do you understand…” she smiled, and then looked at her notebook, no matter what, the pictures that appeared on the first page made her confused, “What is this, mouse?” ”

Chen Ziyun was stunned at first, then remembered the first painting he had drawn, so he took the notebook from her hand and replied while flipping through it: “That’s what I drew casually, and the character behind is the character.” ”

“Is that so, although it looks a little strange on the outside, it is still quite cute, are you planning to add it to the novel as a pet?”

“No…” Chen Ziyun was a little crying and laughing, your brain hole is too big!

“I’m guessing wrong, but I think it’s a good fit, or are you not going to write about pets?”

“Pets, I have my own plans, and the image has already been thought of, this Pikachu… Unhappy. ”

“Is it the image that will be used in the later work?”

While the two were talking, Chen Ziyun had already turned to the page where the character was drawn, he smiled abruptly, shook his head and said, “I don’t know.” ”

The Pokemon series is undoubtedly a successful IP, but the problem is that now he really does not have the ambition to achieve great things, and he is too tired.

“It seems that it has not been decided yet…” Machida Enko smiled gently, did not ask more, some things, but not to say that you can ask if you want, at least, when the relationship between the two is not close enough, it is very rude to probe each other’s past, as a social person, Machida Enko naturally understands this truth, and soon, she changed the topic with a valid reason, “This character is really well drawn, and the image is just right!” ”

Although Machida Enko’s words are suspected of diverting the topic, she is really not deliberately flattering him.

“It seems to have entered your eyes.”

“That’s true, then, Mr. Chen, your requirement is that the illustrations used in the novel must be drawn according to the characters above, right?”

“Well, is there a problem?”

She shook her head and said with a smile: “Although your situation is a bit special, it has no effect on the illustrator, so I can call the shots.” ”

“Well, I’m okay, I’ll leave the rest to you, Miss Machida!”

“You’re welcome, it’s just a matter of responsibility, but then again, Mr. Chen, although you may find me annoying, I still hope that you will reconsider that matter, the practice of publishing a novel a month is really a bit courageous!”

“Miss Machida, are the rules in the industry really that heavy?”

“I didn’t mean that…” she shook her head and sighed: “Normally, a qualified light novel takes about three months, and you now propose that one volume a month is equivalent to shortening the event by nearly two-thirds, you know, even industry veterans, dare not say that they can write one volume a month, this is too reluctant, too hasty will not end well.” ”

“Miss Machida, I understand your worries, but I still say that, you will see in a month, of course, if the finished product I take out cannot satisfy you, I will follow your wishes in the future, one volume in three months!”

Seeing that he finally compromised, Machida Yuanzi unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and said in his heart, this is good, there is at least a two-month buffer period, although Teacher Chen is a little young and vigorous, but he is not a person who does not listen to advice, and it is not a bad thing to suffer some hardships to sharpen his temperament.

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