“Can’t you write “harem”? ”

After listening to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s narration, Chen Ziyun was a little dumbfounded, but it is reasonable to think about it, indeed, the “Love Metronome” she wrote has achieved a lot of success, but the problem is that the love metronome is not a harem work, but a typical love triangle… Of course, some people may say that love triangles can actually be called harems, what is difficult to write?

Indeed, this statement is not unreasonable, but the problem is the arrangement of the space, write a love triangle, as long as you focus on portraying the three key protagonists, you can write a harem, the characters that need to be portrayed are not just three so simple, according to the development of the plot, there may even be as many as six or seven characters to be created, in this case, she who has never had this kind of writing experience has a headache, how do you arrange the space?

“Well, I think you also understand what I mean, a love light novel set in the real world is inferior to a harem novel in another world in terms of overall length… Of course, except for those novels that have been cut off from the waist, in this case, the routine of a new heroine appearing in one volume is difficult to work on my side, so I have a headache about how to write it. ”

“Let me ask, how many volumes are you going to write?” After being silent for a while, Chen Ziyun suddenly asked such a question.

“How many volumes to write?” She was stunned, and to be honest, she didn’t know how many volumes she planned to write, and after all, until now, she hadn’t decided on an outline!

“I don’t know…”

She showed a helpless smile, “Classmate Chen, if it were you, how would you write?” ”

“You are asking this question too stupidly…” Chen Ziyun shook his head and laughed, “It’s very simple, if I have a talent like yours, then I will not hesitate to write according to my own heart, and the idea of considering how many volumes is really boring!” ”

“What do you mean to have a talent like me…,” Kasumigaoka Shiwa was a little crying, “You are a genius yourself…”

“This is not the point, what I want to express is very simple, you can write how you want, in the end, isn’t it the responsibility of a writer to express the story in his mind in words?”

“With your writing and talent, even if it is a harem theme, you can come up with a satisfactory answer.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stunned, obviously she didn’t expect him to have such a high opinion of her, and after being silent for a while, she asked, “Even if it’s a subject I’ve never challenged?” ”

Chen Ziyun nodded seriously, “Well, even if it’s a subject you’ve never challenged!” ”

“You can’t be the answer at all…” she was a little crying, but these words did give her a lot of confidence.

Chen Ziyun really didn’t give her the answer she wanted, “And after all, I don’t like to make choices.” ”

“Ha…” Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stunned, don’t say it was her, even Kokiso Xina, who listened with interest on the side, was stunned, what did this mean?

“I just talk about things by facts…” Chen Ziyun slowly raised his head and looked at the bright moonlight, “How to say well, born in the world, I have suffered countless tortures, so well, even if it is just delusional, I hope to see the result that everyone will not be injured.” ”

“Aren’t you saying so much that you like works like the real harem…” Kasumigaoka Shiwa understood, and Kogiso Yukina also understood, no, they had already hoisted the dead fish eye.

“I don’t deny this,” he laughed out laughing, “So, the answer you want, I can’t give you, ‘Blessings for a Good World’ is different from what you’re going to write next.” ”

“Is it a real harem…,” Kasumigaoka Shiwa frowned slightly, “Classmate Chen, ever since I knew from Miss Machida that you planned to end in the harem and draw sentences for ‘Blessings for a Beautiful World’, I have been wondering, does this work really have a way to end in the harem?” ”

“Do you think it’s possible for those four to separate?” Chen Ziyun asked such a sentence with a smile.

“Well…” she hesitated a little, to be honest, she couldn’t understand Chen Ziyun’s thoughts, after all, she only read the first volume of the novel, and the development after that, she really couldn’t guess… Or in other words, when she thought of falling in love, she subconsciously thought of stomach medicine.

“Honestly, I really want to read the second volume now…” After a moment of silence, she smiled and gave a sly answer.

“Yes…” However, Chen Ziyun nodded in agreement, “Although there are still some typos, the second volume is basically completed. ”

“Wait a minute…” She was stunned, and after a while, she asked in shock, a little calmly: “You just said that the second volume has been completed?” ”

“Yes…” Chen Ziyun smiled secretly, but still looked calm on the surface, “After all, it has been several days, and it is not surprising that it has been completed, you know, I have never listened to a class at all.” ”

“Then your grades…” Kogiso Yukina couldn’t help but speak, although it broke the agreement to “disturb them without talking”, but this question, Kasumigaoka Shiwa also wanted to know.

“Last semester’s final exam, I failed all subjects!” Chen Ziyun smiled indifferently, “For this reason, I was even caught by Teacher Hiratsuka to tutor!” ”

“It’s not something to be proud of…,” Kasumigaoka Shiwa shook his head helplessly, “Forget it, with Hiratsuka-sensei in charge of you, I don’t need to worry about anything, what is the quality of the second volume?” ”

“Personally, I’m quite satisfied, but well, it’s still some time before the second volume is delivered, so I’m still correcting the typos.”

“Can you really let me read it first?” Listening to him say this, her interest was raised, and she still liked the stress-reducing work “Blessings for a Beautiful World”.

“Well, senior sister, you are my colleague after all, it is still very important to listen to the opinions of your peers, and if it is not for your help, it is unknown whether “Blessings for a Beautiful World” will be cut off!”

“Well,” she didn’t refuse any more, “then I’ll read your masterpiece.” ”

Although Xiaokiso Xina on the side was also very interested, considering his relationship with him, he finally gave up helplessly, compared to ah!

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