“Forget it…” Yukinoshita Yukino really couldn’t stand his disgusting look, “Let’s start tutoring!” ”

“I see, Yukinoshita-sama!”

As soon as these words fell, she glared at him viciously, “Shut up for me, don’t talk to me in this disgusting tone in the future!” ”

“It’s too much to say disgusting, I’m obviously showing respect for you…” Chen Ziyun showed a “grievance” look, but his heart was happy, Xiao Zian, just at your level, you still want to find me stubble, nausea can disgust you!

“In short, don’t speak to me in this tone…” She was almost not blown up, but considering that the person in front of her might still have a back, she finally gave up her plan to pursue, this person was too annoying.

“I see…” After disgusting her in a flattering tone, Chen Ziyun finally ended the performance that was enough to make her feel disgusted, of course, after the end, he did not forget to add the sentence “Your mental cultivation is not at home yet” as the final mend.

“You !!!” She almost didn’t hold back, but eventually swallowed the breath.

Seeing this, Chen Ziyun praised her instead, “Not bad, there is indeed an improvement compared to before.” ”

“Hmm…” Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned, what did he mean by that?

“Confused?” Chen Ziyun smiled, “If it was you before, you would have launched a counterattack against me as soon as your iron head was hot!” ”

She was silent, and although she didn’t want to admit it, she did learn the word “patience” because of someone.

“I am very pleased that you can make such progress, yes, no matter how angry the heart is, it cannot affect the judgment of the brain, otherwise, the so-called revenge is just a joke.”

“Revenge, revenge…” Yui Hihama was frightened, she didn’t hear it wrong, right?

“That’s right, it’s revenge, Yubihama-san, although the world often preaches that revenge can’t change anything, but ah, revenge can vent the anger in your heart!”

Forgiveness? What does not exist, connivance will only make the other party more lawless.

“If you say this to me, aren’t you afraid that I will retaliate against you afterwards?” Yukinoshita Yukino sneered and asked rhetorically.

“If your mind is narrow-minded to such a point, then I have nothing to say.” Chen Ziyun smiled, he naturally wouldn’t care about her words, retaliation? Does she have such a cruel heart?

The answer is no.

Even if she really has such a cruel heart, he won’t care, he Chen Ziyun has nothing to worry about, what can she take revenge on?

“You’re going to use the Agitation Method,” Yukinoshita Yukino laughed disdainfully, “Let’s start tutoring!” ”

“Good, good, good…”

The subsequent tutoring went very smoothly, not to mention that he had already learned this knowledge, and the “assistance” of the system alone was enough to make him stunned Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes.

She had to admit that the person in front of her who made her senses very poor was even more genius than her genius.

To be honest, she couldn’t understand why he had such outstanding talent, but he lived so well.

As for Yubihama Yui, although she didn’t have anything to do here, she didn’t leave, and she now likes the atmosphere here more and more… Of course, the most important reason is that she is more and more in harmony with Yukinoshita Yukino.

Just as time slipped away quietly, a knock sounded on the door without warning.

Xue Xia, who was explaining the topic for Chen Ziyun, was stunned, but still invited him: “Please come in.” ”

“Hit, disturb…”

The door was slowly pushed open, and everyone looked at it, but saw that the person who walked in was a famous figure in the school-Kokiso Yukina.

“Kogiso-san!?” Yubihama Yui was surprised, she really didn’t expect that the client this time was so big.

“Yubihama-san, it’s been a long time…” Kokiso Yukina smiled, and just as she was about to greet her, a familiar figure came into her eyes, “Chen, classmate Chen!?” ”

Chen Ziyun showed a slightly helpless smile, “Yo, meet again, Xiao Muzen-san.” ”

“Why are you here, are you also a member of the Ministry of Service?” Kokiso Yukina was surprised.

“No, I’m just ordered to tutor here…” Speaking of this, Chen Ziyun was also helpless, that guy could make him miserable.


“Chen, classmate Chen, do you know Kogizen-san?” Yubihama Yui was surprised, as far as she knew, there was no boy who had a good relationship with Kogiso Yukina, but there was none, how could he look familiar with her?

“I guess I know each other…” he nodded gently, but his expression was a little complicated.

“What, a reluctant look…” After noticing his expression, Kokiso Yukina puffed out her mouth a little unpleasantly.

In a sense, I really don’t want to be too involved with you….

“Just be a little considerate of me, I just fell out of love, and I really don’t want to get too close to any girl.”

“Eh…” Yubihama Yui and Yukinoshita Yukino were both stunned, lost love? Really fake?

“I know,” she was still a little depressed, “I don’t know how that girl named Kato opened your heart.” ”

“Kato?” Yubihama Yui frowned, “Where do I seem to be with this last name…” Speaking of this, she showed a sudden expression, “It’s Megumi Kato!” ”

Hearing this, Xiao Muzen Xuena showed a curious look, “What kind of person is she?” ”

Yubihama was embarrassed, and although she remembered the name, she found that she didn’t seem to know anything about her!

“Strange…” Yukinoshita Yukinoshita suddenly frowned and muttered, “Why can’t I remember her appearance?” ”

After noticing their expressions, Chen Ziyun couldn’t help but mourn for Megumi Kato, your sense of existence is too low!

And, is this putting the cart before the horse?

Thinking of this, he starred and reminded: “It doesn’t matter to you what kind of person Kato is, Kogiso-san, you should have something else you want to consult here in the Ministry of Service, right?” ”

“That’s right!” Kokiso Xuna reacted instantly, “I really want to consult you about something!” ”

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