“Voice over Akuya!?”

Yukishita Xuenai’s eyes widened, Chen Ziyun’s proposal was indeed unexpected to her, but she couldn’t be happy at all, let her dub a mentally retarded, did this bastard treat her as mentally retarded?

“That’s right…” Chen Ziyun still had that faint smile, although that smile, in the eyes of Xue Nai under the snow, was simply full of malice, “Compared to letting you do something that can’t be done, reducing the financial burden is king!” ”

“This is too reluctant…” Yubihama Yui was a little crying and laughing, although she had long guessed that Chen Ziyun wanted to rectify her, but she didn’t expect that he would use such a way to rectify her, of course, as a good Ji friend, she would not see death and not save it, “Aren’t you afraid that Ah Xue will spoil your plan?” ”

The four protagonists in “Blessings for a Beautiful World” are all portrayed quite brilliantly, but because of this, the people who voice several of them must have certain skills, which is not a position where cats and dogs can go up casually.

As for Yukinoshita Yukino, yes, she is a genius, except for the disadvantage of poor physical strength, she learns everything quickly, but even so, it is too reluctant to let her, a person with no experience in voice actor work, to voice such an important role!

“It’s okay to let her try, it’s really not okay, just go find someone else…” Of course, Chen Ziyun will not joke with this promotional video, the reason why he made this proposal is to disgust her, doesn’t she often claim to be a genius, he prefers her to play the mentally retarded, the performance is bad, he has no loss, originally he didn’t have any hope for her, if he plays well, then it will be better, and there will be a sum of money left.

Anyway, no matter what, the person who suffers the loss will not be him Chen Ziyun.

“How, do you dare to promise?” Chen Ziyun once again used the Agitation Method on her, and sure enough, she gritted her teeth without hesitation and said, “Act, act, I’ll let you see my ability under the snow!” ”

“Then, be sure to practice well, as for the script, I will give you the first volume of the novel afterwards!”

“No need…” However, she turned her head with a look of dissatisfaction, “I will buy the novel myself!” ”

“In this way, then please cheer up…” Chen Ziyun curled the corners of his mouth slightly, although it was a little bad to say this, but this nizi is still too immature, should it be said that it is simple and good, or overconfident, a small agitation method can stimulate her blood to rise, no wonder Hiratsuka Jing is worried about her future.

But then again, dubbing is indeed a problem, although the drawing of manga is also very important, but the voice actor also has to start searching, suitable folk personnel are not said to be able to find if they want to find, at this stage, all he can remember is the Aoyama Nanami located in the neighboring school Mizumei Art University Affiliated High School, but even counting her, his team is still a little lacking.

Can I only hope for the introduction of Aoyama Nanami…

He scratched his head with a slight headache, in fact, the problem of voice actors is not a big deal for him, if he really can’t find the right civil personnel, it is okay to ask for a professional, although in doing so, his property may shrink significantly, and even it is very likely to fall to the point of having to borrow money from people, but this is not a big deal, with a source of income, it is not too simple to plug this gap.

Of course, it would be nice to have a hard time.

“So, why did you suddenly fall silent?” At this moment, Xiao Muzen Xuena’s voice suddenly sounded, “What are you thinking, classmate Chen?” ”

“Ah…” Chen Ziyun quickly came back to his senses, with a hint of apology on his face, “Sorry, I was just considering…” Speaking of this, he seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became a little unpredictable.

“Eh…” Seeing Chen Ziyun looking straight at himself, Xiao Muzeng Xuenai was a little calm, what was he going to do when he stared at himself like this?

Since someone had just calculated Yukino, even if she knew that she had no contradiction with him, she couldn’t help but get nervous, as if she was being targeted by some dangerous beast.

“Yes, what’s the matter?” Her voice was a little stiff, but she still asked the question in her heart.

“Kogiso-san, would you like to try it, the work of a voice actor?”

“Huh?” Kokiso Yukina was confused, the work of a voice actress?

“Well, I think, you can become Megumi’s voice actress!”

“Wait a minute…” Kogiso Yukina was completely calm, and she repeated in disbelief: “You mean to let me be Megumi’s voice actress?” ”

“That’s what it means…” It wasn’t for nothing that he had this idea, this “Flower of the High Ridge” is not generally good at singing, in this sense, her voice can be said to be quite good, if properly trained, as a voice actress or something, it is more than enough.

“I haven’t been exposed to the industry of voice actors at all!” Although it is a little bad to evaluate his friends like this, but Kokiso Xina feels that he is probably crazy, this is his plan to pay for it personally, he even dares to mess around like this, is he not afraid of the failure of the plan at all?

“I know, but well, I think I can give it a try…” At this point, he grinned, “If it goes well, won’t the expenditure be much less?” ”

Kokiso Yukina was speechless, so was it like this?

“By the way, if things go well, I’ll pay you, and that’s not a bad thing for you, right?”

“Well…” she fell into deep thought, it was not a big deal to give it a try, as for the salary he said, she was not particularly worried, although the person in front of her was a little treacherous, but he would not pay the bill, she still believed it.

“You just think about it…” Seeing that she was moved, Chen Ziyun slightly cocked the corners of his mouth, he was still quite confident in her ability, but the person he should find still had to find, “In addition, I will take leave for tomorrow’s tutoring!” ”

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned, but after seeing someone’s resolute look, she finally sighed, she was not an idiot, of course she understood that there was no point in reluctance, and, considering that he was very cooperative with her tutoring work during this time, she felt that it was still okay to take a day or two off.

Seeing that Xue Nai did not say anything to stop his proposal, Chen Ziyun was a little surprised, is she a sex change?

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