After noticing her expression, Chen Ziyun, who knew her well, immediately knew what she was thinking, and then asked: “Miss Aoyama, do you know what kind of work “Blessings for a Beautiful World” is? ”

“Another world harem?” Nanami Aoyama was a little unsure, although she only briefly looked at the original manuscript given by Mayu Sagaku, but she felt that this work was fundamentally different from those harem works in another world.

“You can say so, but “Blessings for a Better World” is essentially a comedy, I think you also understand this truth, comedy is much more difficult to play than tragedy, the role of Dakonis, as one of the funny responsibilities, the difficulty of its dubbing, that is imaginable, so you must not underestimate this role, this is a considerable challenge for you!”

Qingshan Nanami was stunned, comedy is more difficult to play than tragedy that is recognized, this simple truth, of course she understood, but what she didn’t expect was that the first role she matched turned out to be a comedy role, Chen Ziyun was right, this is indeed a considerable challenge.

Seeing that she was a little nervous, Chen Ziyun persuaded with a smile: “However, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, the road ahead is still long, even if you fail this time, it can’t mean anything.” ”

“No, I’ll try…” However, she shook her head solemnly.

It’s too tight….

Unfortunately, Chen Ziyun’s persuasion was not of much use… No, not only was it useless, but it made her even more nervous.

How can this be done….

Chen Ziyun sighed softly, and suddenly changed into a solemn expression, “Miss Qingshan, don’t be nervous, I’ll give you reference!” ”

“Eh…” Aoyama Nanami was a little puzzled, “Reference means…”

He took a deep breath, and the next moment, the discoloring performance was presented in front of them, “Sure enough, those two people covered in slime just now are your companions!” What the hell happened to end up like that…! I, I too…! I want to be like that too…! ”

“Good, so powerful…” Aoyama Nanami couldn’t help but widen his eyes, although the voice was not right, this performance was really speechless.

And Sagaku Mayu, after seeing his performance, immediately turned her eyes to the drawings she had drawn, and soon she showed a thoughtful look.

Chen Ziyun’s expression quickly returned to normal, completely without the fanaticism of the right talent, “The image of Dakhnes, probably like this, in short, don’t worry about failure, let go and perform, that’s enough, as I said, a failure doesn’t mean anything.” ”

“Yes, yes…” Aoyama Nanami was not a fool, she already understood what the other party meant, but she really didn’t want to disappoint the person in front of her.

“I’ll work hard!”

Seeing that she regained her calm, Chen Ziyun nodded gently, the appropriate pressure can be transformed into power, but too much pressure will also crush people, but looking at her appearance, it seems that there is no need to worry about anything.

“Chen, I probably know what is lacking in this original manuscript…” At this moment, Sagaku Mayu suddenly spoke.

Chen Ziyun was stunned and asked, “Is there a problem with my storyboard draft?” ”

“That’s not the case, I’m afraid I haven’t really caught the main points of the character…” Saying that, she simply took out the drawing board and drew the scene of Dakhnes’s appearance, her drawing speed was quite fast, more than ten minutes, a simple sketch, has been officially formed.

“This, this is…” After seeing this sketch, Qingshan Nanami was taken aback, “Isn’t this Ziyun’s expression just now?” ”

“Yes,” Sagaku Shinyu sighed a little helplessly, “Although it is a little bad to say this, without Chen’s help, I probably wouldn’t be able to draw this work in the true sense.” ”

Speaking of this, she couldn’t help but ask: “Chen, are you really not an actor?” ”

“Eh…” Chen Ziyun was stunned, but he didn’t know why she asked such a question.

“Although it is a layman’s vision, I honestly think your acting skills are enough to compete with those formal actors.” Xiangle Mayu’s expression was very serious, she was not joking, she really thought that Chen Ziyun had such talent.

“Ha…” Chen Ziyun’s whole person was stunned, can my acting skills compete with formal actors?

Indeed, he is a person who has completely adapted to society, and he has played it perfectly, but it is too exaggerated to say that his acting skills are comparable to those formal actors… Ah, of course, if the opponent is those little fresh meat who rely on traffic fire, he really dares to say that his acting skills are better than them, but he understands that Xiangle really refers to not that kind of traffic star, but to real actors.

“I also have this feeling…” Aoyama Nanami also spoke, “The profession of voice actor, in a sense, can also be called an actor, but the voice actor brings people auditory acting skills, and formal actors, for people to bring visual acting skills, actors this piece, I don’t particularly understand, I don’t dare to guarantee whether your acting skills are comparable to those formal actors, but in the voice actor part, you are undoubtedly professional-level.” ”

“A professional-level voice actor?” Chen Ziyun became more and more confused, are you two sure that you are not joking?

You know, the system is clearly marked, he Chen Ziyun only has a painting lv2!

Wait a minute….

At this time, he seemed to think of something, and his expression became unpredictable, yes, no matter how you look at it, how can a normal adult only have one skill, even if it is not good, the language should be able to do something, mathematics and everything can be understood, but those skills are not shown… In other words, am I a natural actor?

Chen Ziyun was taken aback by this conjecture, which was also incredible…

To be honest, he never thought that he still had such a talent, but if you think about it, it doesn’t seem to be a strange thing, he has never been in contact with the entertainment industry in his previous life, and it’s normal to know nothing about his talent… In fact, don’t say it’s him, in reality, aren’t there countless talented people buried without knowing it, it can only be said that this kind of thing is too common.

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