“Why are you here?”

Looking at the boy standing outside the door, Yukinoshita Yukino was surprised, didn’t he say to take leave today?

“The voice actor’s matter is solved, so come and see your situation, how is it, Yukinoshita-san, Akuya’s tone of speech, have you mastered it?”

The corners of Yukoshita Yukino’s mouth couldn’t help twitching, can you not remind me of this?

Mastered or not? Isn’t this nonsense, of course she mastered ah, she is a genius in the real sense, although she is not as good as those real voice actors, but imitating Chen Ziyun is really not difficult for her.

But to be honest, she would rather not master it herself, remembering yesterday’s practice, she was uncomfortable, and she didn’t expect that her fit with the retarded was so high, which was like saying that she was mentally retarded.

Seeing her like this, Chen Ziyun was a little misunderstood, “If you can’t master it, you can’t master it, anyway, I didn’t have much expectations…”

“Mastered…” At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino spoke with a humiliated face.

Chen Ziyun was a little confused, he finally understood that she would just show such a humiliating expression, seriously, although he had a trace of expectation for her, but he really didn’t expect that she really mastered the skill of dubbing, this talent is too high, if not for the lack of brain, she is definitely the smartest person he has ever seen.

“Not bad…” he quickly regained his composure, and a faint smile returned to his face, “Then, the voice of Akuya is up to you.” ”

Chen Ziyun did not let her perform in public, he knew that this girl with a head that was enough to be called a tendon would not lie about this kind of thing.

“Don’t worry, I mean what I say!” Yukishita Yukino glared at him viciously, as if he was saying, “This is not the end of it.”

In this regard, Chen Ziyun is speechless or speechless, the person who has been looking for stubble is obviously you, do you allow you to find my stubble, and I am not allowed to rectify you?

“Kogiso-san, what about you?”

“Ah…” Kokiso Xina was stunned, and after being silent for a while, she slowly spoke: “I don’t know very well, although I have tried my best to imitate you, but the actual effect, I am not sure…”

“Then try to perform and see how…”

“Now, now?” After all, Xiao Muzen Xuna is not a professional, and after hearing his words, she was a little embarrassed.

“That’s right, it’s now, let go a little, there’s nothing to be shy about, it’s just a performance…” Seeing that she was a little nervous, Chen Ziyun was relieved to her.

“You really won’t laugh at me?” Saying that, Kokiso Yukina scanned the surroundings.

Yubihama smiled and said with relief, “You won’t do that kind of thing, come on, Kokiso-san.” ”

“Then, then I’ll give it a try…” Kogiso Xina finally agreed, and she also wanted to know if her performance could satisfy Chen Ziyun.

After taking a deep breath, Kokiso Xina spoke, her face did not change much, but the voice she made made the three of them light up, “I saw the notice that I am recruiting high-level professional adventurers, is that you?” ”

“Megumi my own! The profession is an Archmage, who uses the strongest attack magic, burst magic…! ”

This thick sense of middle and two… Talents, all talents, counting Nanami Aoyama, who voiced Dakhnes, this plan has become!

“That’s probably it…” Kokiso Yukina’s performance didn’t last long, and soon she stopped and asked his opinion, “Classmate Chen, what do you think?” ”

“Very good…” Chen Ziyun praised with a smile, “It seems that my Chen Ziyun’s luck is still good…”

“Really?” Kokiso Yukina couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Well, if you don’t believe it, you can ask the two of them…”

Yubihama Yui applauded and praised, “It’s really good, Kogiso-san, you’re really versatile!” ”

“What…” she smiled a little embarrassed, “I’m not as good as classmate Chen.” ”

“You don’t have to be modest, your performance, there really is nothing to pick out…” Yukishita Yukino still looked cold to her, but that sincerity could not be concealed.

“Thank you…” Kokiso Yukina smiled happily, she felt more and more glad that she had joined this society, although Yukinoshita Yukino looked a little cold, but she knew that it was just the appearance, there was no doubt that the members of this club were quite good people!

“I always think it’s great to be part of this club.”

Kokiso Yukina sighed from the bottom of her heart, Yukino Yukishita and Yubihama Yui were a little speechless for a while, you are too meaty!

Of course, a similar feeling is also true by Yui Hihama.

“Student Chen, how about you join as well?”

“Ha…” Seeing that Xiaomuzeng Xuecai suddenly made such a proposal, Chen Ziyun’s whole person was stunned, are you serious, let me join the service department? Don’t you just want to calm down this community?

“I think you’re a good fit.”

Chen Ziyun rolled his eyes and complained: “This is your illusion, moreover, someone will not let me join if he wants to come!” ”

“You are very self-aware…” Yukishita Xueno sneered, she really didn’t like Chen Ziyun’s attitude, but she didn’t really resist him joining the service department, I’m afraid even she didn’t know very well.

“Isn’t this nonsense, what kind of person you are, I still can’t tell, I offended you so many times, hit you in the face so many times, it’s strange if you don’t remember hating me.”

“Who was slapped in the face by you…” Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to retort, but after thinking about it, she found that she had fought him so many times that she had not gained the upper hand once.

She was very upset, she wanted to ask God, was this man sent by you to anger me?

“If you say no, it’s not…” Chen Ziyun smiled disapprovingly, he really didn’t take this child’s bickering to heart, in the end, such a bickering was just his pastime.

However, what he didn’t know was that his uncaring look made Yukino even more unhappy, do you guy look down on me?

ps: There will be two more later, and the listing may be Monday, and it will be pulled out by friends at night….

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