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“Hey, hey, hey… Is it Kato, good night. ”

“Good night…” Xu Yi’s tone was so normal that Megumi Kato on the other end of the phone was a little biased by him, “No, now is not the time to say hello leisurely, you shouldn’t be hurt, right?” ”

“You know everything?” Chen Ziyun was stunned, and then asked such a question, he wanted to confirm how widely this matter had spread.

“Isn’t this nonsense, except for some people who don’t have much contact with the Internet, this matter is almost known to everyone, and Sawamura-san and they also know it!” Perhaps because of her resentment, her tone ~ rarely stern.

Now it can be determined, the bigger this matter is, the more merits the old fox can get from it, and if you don’t start first, the dead person is me.

“Are you really all right?” Seeing that he was silent for a long time, Megumi Kato was a little worried.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine…” Chen Ziyun quickly shook off the messy thoughts, “Thank you, Kato.” ”

“Thank me for no reason…” Kato Megumi complained a little unpleasantly, I don’t know if it was an illusion, she always had a bad premonition, thinking of this, she tentatively asked: “Is something troublesome?” ”

What a terrible intuition…

Chen Ziyun secretly sighed, but he didn’t plan to tell her about the killing, firstly, he was afraid that she would not be able to accept it, and secondly, he didn’t want her to worry.

“Stop thinking about it, what can I do!”

Chen Ziyun’s tone was still as normal as ever, but unfortunately, Kato Megumi did not eat his set, “Your ability to deceive people is much more powerful than I thought!” ”

“Cough, cough…” Chen Ziyun couldn’t help coughing, although he wanted to refute it, but this matter, he really couldn’t refute it, he was indeed very good at deceiving people.

Seeing that the other party’s heart was weak, Megumi Kato suggested, “I’ll go find you later!” ”

“Wait…” Chen Ziyun was a little calm, she came over now, his action was finished, “I’m really fine!” ”

“Then tell me what happened?”

Chen Ziyun has nothing to say, Megumi Kato is really a terrible girl!

“I want to participate in the suppression of gangsters.” After being silent for a while, he finally revealed some news, as for the old fox’s conspiracy, he would definitely not say, as for whether she would guess anything afterwards, he couldn’t help it.

“Huh!?” Megumi Kato on the other end of the phone was immediately stunned, and after reacting, she asked with some disbelief: “This is the job of the police, right!?” ”

Everyone including this troublemaker will be suppressed, but the question is, what does suppressing the gang have to do with him?

“Oh, that police chief seems to want to suppress that gangster as soon as possible, so well, I was targeted by him with outstanding force, considering that refusing may be worn by him, so I agreed.”

Megumi Kato was speechless, this reason was too real, she didn’t know how to stop it.

“Be careful, when things are done, give me a call, I’ll look for it.”

Chen Ziyun was stunned, but finally agreed.

After hanging up, leaving him speechless, his phone rang again.

Looking at the name and surname above, he showed a helpless smile and connected the phone, “Hey, hey… Oh yes, Mayu! ”

“It’s not a night!!! okay”

Of course, his statement was spit on again, but he was not angry, but smiled and pulled her up, “Why is the anger so big, is the big aunt here?” ”

“Great aunt?” Of course, Xiangle was really confused.

“It’s the menstrual period!” Saying that, he took away the mobile phone very decisively, and then, enough to call a deafening roar, came from the other end of the phone, “Pervert!!! ”

“Just kidding…” When she finished yelling, he put the phone back to his ear, “You know everything?” ”

“What do you say?” Sagaku’s tone was still a little unpleasant, but it also eased up a lot, “For no reason, how could such a thing happen?” ”

“All kinds of reasons…” As he spoke, he recounted the cause and effect of the incident, and of course, Xiangle was really speechless.

“Your luck is also too bad, this kind of thing can also collide…” After a while, she replied, no way, although the development of this matter was unexpected, it did not seem to be particularly incomprehensible.

“Haha… There is no way, in short, the work this evening can only be suspended. ”

“Don’t care, there’s no way around it…” Hearing this, Sagaku Shinyu comforted him instead, “However, you should be careful yourself!” ”

········ Ask for flowers…

“Good, good, good…”


When Chen Ziyun returned home, he had already answered several phone calls, of course, all of them were greetings from friends, and he was moved and firmed up his ideas.

I can’t let a guy like you ruin my life!”

Chen Ziyun did not rest, as soon as he returned home, he began to transform Mistertin, although it was just a simple modification of the clothes he wore after the transformation, but this amount of work is not small, if he does not deal with it as soon as possible, he is afraid that he will really become a women’s clothing boss.

The renovation process went smoothly, and after a few hours, he finally stopped what he was doing.


In terms of appearance, Mistertin has not changed much … Well, the essence has not changed much, that is, the costume worn after the transformation has changed, although he is not unable to transform this weapon to the point that it is enough to match the demon weapon _ Lin Huo Meow, but that kind of transformation, it takes a long time, moreover, the process is quite cumbersome… Of course, this is not the point, the point is that he does not intend to use the chainsaw as his main weapon, even if the chainsaw is indeed full of courage, but not interested is not interested.

However, what specific weapon to transform into is the right direction for the time being.

By the way, isn’t there still a random martial arts card, let’s see what it will be!

Thinking of this, he decisively used this card.

Acquire skills – Tang Dao is proficient in Lv9;

“I wipe!” After seeing this Lv9 skill, he almost didn’t go blind, Lv9, this is a skill level that he can’t liver out no matter what.

However, shock was shocked, but soon, he grinned, “Tang Dao is Tang Dao, this weapon is still quite cool!” ”

PS: This plot will soon pass… The general plot is still based on entrepreneurship, as for some people suggesting to join some non-routine, this is still on the way to consider for the time being, although I have thought about whether to join Conan, but well, really can’t make a decision at will, therefore, this book will not change much for the time being, there are good suggestions welcome to put forward in the comments, as for swearing, just disperse by yourself! _

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