With the passage of time, the incident that happened in Yuanyue was gradually forgotten by the students, and now, although there are still occasional students who mention this incident, they still treat it more as after-school talk… At least, the “pomp and circumstance” that everyone was curious about before will never appear again anyway.

Having said that, lately, he really doesn’t have that kind of spare time to enjoy life.

As for the reason, it is simple, the project of “Blessings for a Beautiful World” animation has been officially launched… Of course, if it is just that, there is actually nothing, but the problem is that Hongsaka Zhuyin has too much power to come for him, so much that he has some headaches.

Character design and script construction aside, in order to support him, Red Saka Juyin even gave him the job of making animation storyboards, even music and voice actors, he can put forward his opinions at any time, thanks to this, he is now so busy that he almost vomits blood.

It’s better to say that the character and the script are, after all, he has ready-made animation at hand, such a job, it is not difficult for him, but this animation storyboard … Well, it’s actually not difficult, it’s just that it will consume his few leisure time, as for music and voice actors, the former he has decided to let Fuyuma and Sha help, as for the latter, you can take your time, after all, the voice actors of the four protagonists have already decided, and the remaining roles, slow or handed over to Fangwensha to choose.

The design of the characters and the construction of the script were the first work completed by Chen Ziyun.

Although, after the anime character was completed, Mayu Sagaku still quarreled with him over this matter, but in the end, she still understood his painstaking intentions… Or rather, she believed his vision.

As for the storyboard of the animation, it was definitely the most tiring thing, but under his divine speed of “rushing work”, it was finally completed before the summer vacation arrived.

Of course, all this fell into the hands of Zhuyin Hongsaka.

“This is the answer handed over by Chen Ziyun, what do you think?”

Zhuyin Hongsaka’s smile was so strange that Iori Hajima, who was sitting in front of her, was quickly aroused by curiosity, and he wondered what Chen Ziyun had come up with to make the person in front of him show such a smile.

The first thing he looked at was the script… Well, on the surface, it is very decent, but the grasp of the rhythm is indeed very good, at least, the cancer club of Fangwen Society will not come up with such a script in any case!

However, when he saw the character, he was almost not shocked to drop his jaw, what kind of ghost character is this, and the illustration is too far away, right!?

“It’s quite unexpected…” The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Chen Ziyun’s answer really shocked him, according to the theory, he shouldn’t be the kind of person who trampled on his works so lightly!?

“It’s really unexpected, when you finish reading it, it is estimated that your thoughts will change again…” Red Saka Zhuyin sighed softly, “The deeds of geniuses, this is not the first time I have heard of them, let’s not talk about them from afar, let’s pick the closer, Hajima Izukai, Kashiwagi Eiri, Sagano Fumio and that extraordinary Shiina Mahaku are all first-class geniuses in the world, but compared to Chen Ziyun, they seem a little dwarfed…” Speaking of this, she glanced at him deeply,” One talent is particularly outstanding, that is genius, two talents are particularly outstanding, that is the genius of geniuses… But if there is a person whose talents are extremely outstanding, what kind of person is that, you say? ”

According to Huaxia, such a person can only be a “demon”! Iori Hajima smiled bitterly, to be honest, he was quite confident in his vision and ability, but Chen Ziyun was so terrifying that he couldn’t even have the courage to compare with him.

“However, there is no so-called demon in this world…” Hongsaka Zhuyin also smiled, “You know, his existence makes me think of a person!” ”


“Zhuge Liang!” (As for why it is Zhuge I don’t need to explain more, the Three Kingdoms are very famous over there.) )

Iori Pojima was stunned at first, but after thinking about it, he couldn’t admit that Chen Ziyun’s talent was probably only comparable to that historical celebrity.

“You continue to read first, I believe you will soon understand why I have such feelings…”

“Well…” Iori Hajima did not refuse, but looked at the storyboard in front of him with full attention… No, it should be said that this storyboard in front of him has become an animated picture, and after combining with the voice he has heard, his face can’t help but change drastically, “This guy can actually come up with such a method!?” ”

“That guy is indeed terrible…” Hongsaka Zhuyin sighed rarely, “The answer he gave took into account not only the narrative problem, but even the funding problem… Moreover, considering the speed at which he completed these tasks, this “answer” had long been formed in the head of that guy. ”

“That’s true, otherwise, this storyboard draft wouldn’t have been completed so quickly…” Iori Hajima nodded a little helplessly, “That guy, it’s really terrible, but it’s not a good thing for you, Miss Zhuyin, right?” ”

“It’s really not a good thing…” Before that, Hongsaka Zhuyin did not think about tying him up with benefits, but now, she felt that even if she was willing to help him work, he might not be willing to become a creator.

“However, now is not the time to think about that kind of thing, let’s finish this project now…” Saying that, Honsaka Juin handed the manuscript in hand to Iori Hajima, “Working with him is also a good experience for you!” ”

“That’s what I said,” Iori Hajima laughed a little lonely, “It’s really time to find something to divert attention…”

“Do you really care, that strange feeling?”

“Well, it’s as if there’s a big hole in my heart…” Iori Hajima sighed, “However, work is work, and I will not let my personal feelings affect my work, please rest assured, Miss Juyin!” ”

“Well, don’t let me down, Iori!”

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