Since the ingredients needed for the housewarming banquet were all delivered in the form of freight, Chen Ziyun did not need to go out, so he took Erinai around the house, unlike her palatial residence, Chen Ziyun’s new residence really made her feel indescribable, not to mention the ordinary decoration, and the inside was empty to this extent.

After taking a deep breath, Erinai sighed softly: “Senior Chen, you are also too frugal…”

“What kind of frugality, it’s just that I don’t have time to choose furniture, and you know, the reason why I chose to move is because the original residence is too small to be an assistant with more work, and I don’t want to end up crowded.”

“Even so, there is no need to choose such a house…” For the environment here, she still does not think much.

“I don’t have so much money at my disposal…” Chen Ziyun smiled, neither affirming her point of view nor denying her point of view, but changing the topic without a trace, “What troubles me the most now is these empty places, what kind of furniture is suitable!” ”

“Eh…” Erina’s mouth opened, she kind of wanted to say, is this something to worry about?

However, seeing that Chen Ziyun showed a look of great interest in her new life, she finally chose to be silent.

After walking around the mansion, the two returned to the living room, and after offering her a cup of tea, they sat down separately, “Miss Xue Che, how have you been doing lately?” ”

“Hmm…” she nodded with a smile, and then sighed depressedly, “However, the work is not going well…”

“Not big… Did it go well? Chen Ziyun was stunned, “What happened?” ”

“No matter what country it is, the importance of food is too low…” Speaking of this, she was depressed for a while, but Chen Ziyun understood what she meant, but he couldn’t provide her with any advice on this matter.

Thinking of this, he comforted: “After all, a bad job is just a temporary thing, and a good life is a good thing, isn’t it?” ”

“You’re right…” she nodded with a look of approval, as a proud person, she is still very confident in her “God Tongue”, in her opinion, the concept of “food first” will be promoted by her sooner or later, just early, but the things of life are indeed very important, “Speaking of this, I have to thank you well, Senior Chen, if it weren’t for your reminder, I probably didn’t realize that Crimson was so important to me until now.” ”

Chen Ziyun smiled and said, “That’s really good…”

“Compared to me, how is Senior Chen, how is it doing recently?”

“Compared with before, this recent situation is not very good, but to say that it is very uncomfortable, it is not quite, that is, the workload is large, and there is a mind that wants to be lazy.”

“Is it something from Huaxia?” Nai’s words made him stunned, “How do you know? ”

“Grandpa has been watching you all the time…”

Chen Ziyun suddenly said, “So that’s the case, I don’t think of the Demon Eater King so much. ”

“I already know the details of the matter, Senior Chen…” Speaking of this, she showed an expression of wanting to say nothing, seeing this, he said with a smile: “You just say it.” ”

Even though he had said so, she struggled for a moment, “… Aren’t your steps a little too big? ”

Indeed, on the surface, he has indeed taken a big step, but he knows his own affairs, and he is now living the white-collar life of his previous life again, although there is some resistance in his heart, but as he said, it is not completely unbearable, and this kind of hard work is only a temporary thing.

“It’s already big…” Erinai smiled bitterly, if he had changed to someone else, he really had endured so much work, I am afraid that he would have fallen a long time ago, but he even had the leisure to invite friends to his housewarming banquet… Of course, this is not to say that there is anything bad, and she does not want him to fall, but it really shocked her, to be honest, since birth, she has never seen someone as versatile as him, gentle and modest… To be honest, excluding the fact that his appearance is not particularly handsome, he is simply like a hero who came out of a girl’s comic.

“Thank you for caring about me…” Chen Ziyun seemed to understand something, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, “I somewhat understand why you came to help me prepare the housewarming banquet…”

“Eh…” Erina’s cheeks couldn’t help but blush, almost subconsciously, she explained it out loud, but the look that wanted to cover up could not be covered up in any way, “I, I just don’t want to see Inuyasha stop serializing…”

“Just as you said…” Chen Ziyun glanced at her with a smile, but also gave up his plan to take advantage of the victory to pursue, he knew that the eldest lady in front of him was very thin-skinned, but he still pointed to her thoughtfully, “Miss Xue Che, I’m not too stupid and nothing, but when dealing with some people with a somewhat clumsy personality, it’s better for you to be frank!” ”

“Uh-huh…” She nodded awkwardly, feeling more grateful to him.

“Okay, let’s stop here for small talk, although it’s still a little early, but it’s time to prepare for dinner.”

“It’s a little early, isn’t it…” Seeing that it was still bright outside the window, Erinai was startled, “And, for dinner, I…”

However, before she finished speaking, Chen Ziyun shook his head and interrupted: “This is not okay, no matter how you are also a guest, I am the host, how can I let the guest start?” Speaking of this, he smiled slightly: “However, after all, I am not a chef, if I don’t do it well, I have to ask you to do more Haihan.” ”

“Well, it’s really up to me…” Erina’s couldn’t sit still… How to say, she really didn’t want to say bad things about Chen Ziyun, although his talent was extremely outstanding, but after all, he was a monk who took the wild road, if he made a mistake… Well, she really didn’t want to imagine the consequences, anyway, she didn’t want to taste those dishes with a lot of defective taste.

“Trust me a little…” Chen Ziyun pressed her shoulders and let her sit back in her seat.

“But…” Although she still wanted to say something, Chen Ziyun had already turned and left, “Then, see you later, if you are bored, you can watch TV or use my computer!” ”

“Eh…” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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