A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 329 A good guy passed down from our ancestors

The cafeteria was noisy. Students gathered together to listen to some Gryffindor students telling what happened just now. There were exclamations from time to time.

Colin Creevey told Charles, Harry and others: "The Fat Lady's oil painting was torn out of the frame by Blake, and a big ball fell to the ground, with many scraps of canvas around it."

"The Fat Lady ran away somewhere. Peeves came out. He said that the Fat Lady was on the fifth floor. He also said that Black wanted to enter the common room. The Fat Lady didn't open the door, so Black tore off the painting."

Seamus, who still had a pair of fox ears on his head, asked in confusion: "Why did Black enter the Gryffindor common room?"

Lavender, who had a pair of rabbit ears, said worriedly: "How did he get into the castle? If not today, he might come again tomorrow."

Hannah Abbott's long hair turned into a blooming rose branch. When she came closer, everyone moved their positions to avoid being pricked by the thorns on the branch.

She said mysteriously: "I suspect that Blake turned into a mandrake and ran in."

Today at the masquerade party, everyone drew lots to eat transformed candies, and many people had turned into various monsters. It was Hermione's turn to make trouble, which made Charles very depressed.

Hermione was about to say that Hogwarts has strong defensive measures, but when she noticed that Charles looked at the tiger ears on Parvati's head, and then looked at herself with disappointment, she suddenly lost interest in explaining and just wanted to hit people. .

At this time, Dumbledore came back from negotiating with the dementors and announced that all students would sleep in the cafeteria tonight. He and the professors would thoroughly search the castle, and the prefects and the presidents of the male and female students' unions would manage order and guard each entrance.

Then Dumbledore said to Professor Delacour: "Henry, I want you to stay here and protect the students."

Professor Delacour, the new arrival, was not as familiar with the castle as the Weasley twins, and he knew this, so he agreed.

Before leaving, Dumbledore made the dining tables and chairs disappear, gave everyone a purple sleeping bag, and Professor McGonagall and the others closed all the doors.

Professor Delacour looked at the time and saw that it was still early for bedtime, so he announced that it would be ten o'clock to turn off the candles and go to bed. Now everyone can chat, but they cannot make any noise.

Next, he came to the back of the gate, took something out of his pocket, threw it out, and the wind blew up, and finally fell heavily to the ground. There was also a side door where professors usually came in and out.

"It's safe now." Professor Delacour smiled triumphantly.

Many students went over curiously and wanted to study what he released, but they were a little scared.

Charles stared blankly at the 12-pounder field gun from the Napoleonic era behind the gate, and turned to ask Professor Delacour: "Professor, where does this come from?"

Professor Delacour looked at him with a faint smile for a few seconds before replying: "Heirloom."

Charles felt something fishy from his smile.

Sure enough, Professor Delacour said with a smile, "Why don't you stand at the door and give it a try?"

Charles immediately shook his head.

Seeing that the warning was effective, Professor Delacour ignored him and said to Percy and the others: "As long as it is not the principal or professors who come in, it will fire automatically."

Although Charles didn't try his power, everyone felt relieved to see such a big guy here.

In the following time, everyone gathered together to chat. Charles told the first-grade students the story of a troll that appeared in the castle two years ago today, and then told the story of the troll he encountered during extracurricular teaching.

When bedtime came, Percy told everyone to get into their sleeping bags and start sleeping, and no talking was allowed.

But banning speech was ineffective. The magic starry sky on the ceiling of the cafeteria was so magical. It was the first time that the students seriously felt its splendor and started talking about it.

Everyone was sleepy, and after more than ten minutes, the entire cafeteria became quiet, with only the sound of gentle snoring and the footsteps of Percy and the others.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

A slight knock on the door made Professor Delacour nervous. He signaled to Percy, who came around with several sixth and seventh grade prefects.

Professors don't need to knock on the door when they come back. They just open the door. The person knocking on the door is definitely not one of them.

After a while, the door was pushed open.


The ancestral Napoleon cannon brought by Professor Delacour opened fire, firing out a ball of black stuff, followed by several magic spells, passing over Professor Flitwick's head.

Professor Flitwick was holding an owl in his arms, shivering with the owl. Behind him, a huge black net was attached to the wall.

Fortunately, he was short, and anyone else would have been stuck to the wall.

The sleeping students were awakened, but were finally calmed down and returned to their sleeping bags to sleep.

Professor Flitwick came over to see what was going on and found an owl knocking on the door with its beak.

Charles huddled in the corner and did not dare to speak. This owl came to him. Dobby sent it to him after counting the business situation today.

He thought the owl would go through the window, but this new owl only knew the door.

Professor Delacour sat next to Charles and asked: "Who wrote to you in the middle of the night?"

Charles answered truthfully: "The business situation of Wucao Restaurant today, the number of customers today is equal to the number expected for a week, and the beef is almost finished."

Just as Professor Delacour was about to say something, Charles immediately said: "It seems that business is doing well. Now I have money to buy more materials and continue doing experiments."

Reputation and popularity are extremely important in a catering business. They got off to a good start this time. As long as they don't commit suicide and operate according to the script, Dancing Grass Restaurant will become a stable source of cash.

Professor Delacour originally wanted to remind him not to neglect his studies, but when he said this, he said nothing more and asked him to rest early.

At three o'clock in the morning, most of the students were asleep, except for a few who were just lying in their sleeping bags, not feeling sleepy at all.

At this time, Dumbledore came over. After opening the door, he hid behind the door and poked his head out to take a look. Apparently, he learned about the defense measures here from Professor Flitwick.

Dumbledore was a little interested in Professor Delacour's ancestral field cannon. He built a lot of them while playing "Civilization I". He had to learn Metallurgy before he could build them.

Harry was still awake at this time, thinking about Black all the time.

He heard Dumbledore coming, and concentrated on listening to what the Headmaster, Professor Delacour, and Percy said about searching the castle.

After a while, someone came in again, this time it was Snape. He reported to Dumbledore that Black was not found in the main building, the fourth floor, the Astronomy Tower and other places.

"Very well, Severus." Dumbledore nodded, "I don't think Black will stay in the castle and not leave."

At this time, Snape asked Dumbledore: "How did he get in? Do you have any clue, Headmaster?"

Harry frowned. Judging from the tone, did Snape have any unique insights?

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