A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 390 Frame-up

"Are you ready?"

"Have you checked everything?"

"Potter, check if the box is sturdy?"

On the last day of the competition, Joyce was more nervous than ever.

Ten potions were prepared at midnight the day before, and she sat next to the potion box all night, fearing that someone would come to destroy it.

Now she was in a state of high tension, a little excited, and she didn't feel tired at all after staying up all night.

The others were similar, and everyone started to pack up tools and herbs, as there was another playoff game later.

"Be careful!" Percy grabbed Ron, "Don't be reckless, the bugs inside are still alive and poisonous!"

Ron shivered. Although he had eaten a lot of spider legs, he was still afraid, and he was also afraid of other bugs, not to mention the poisonous ones.

He gave up the idea of ​​​​holding the wooden box under his armpit to save a trip, and honestly took it and gently put it in the bag beside him.

After the seven boxes were packed, he pointed to the bottles next to him and asked Percy, "What about these?"

Percy said, "These are non-toxic, and one bottle is honey, don't eat them secretly."

Ron pouted and said, "I'm not a child anymore."

Hermione asked Percy curiously, "Did Ron eat honey before?"

Percy replied, "When he was five years old..."

"Shut up!" Ron gritted his teeth and glared at Percy, "Be careful that I and Clearwater say something weird!"

Percy shut up immediately.

Outside the wooden house, Neville began to put away the Whomping Willows around. In the past few days, many small animals were slapped into the lake by them.

Charles and Seamus prepared their last meal here. The oven was full of cheese and fish pies. The fish was fried by Seamus in the lake next to them.

Charles was putting the baked pies on the tray, and Seamus said to him, "It's finally over safely."

"I've been so nervous these days, worried that something would fall from the sky and smash the house."

Charles said, "I have to thank Percy for easing the conflicts between the teams, otherwise we would have to spend a lot of energy outside the crucible."

"But we can't let our guard down yet, who knows what conspiracy others will have."

Seamus smiled and said, "After you revealed that you went to eavesdrop on their conversation that day, they didn't dare to plot against us anymore."

"How did you eavesdrop on their conversation at the magic house that night? You didn't leave?"

Charles just smiled and said nothing. He took out all the pies in the oven and threw the remaining firewood in. Soon, a raging fire started.

Seamus took the pies to the cabin, and when he came back, he found that many palm-sized wooden animals ran out of the woods in the distance, and there were paper cranes flying in the sky.

These wooden animals and paper cranes first flew in front of Charles, and then threw themselves into the fire.

These were all made by Charles when he had free time. Some of them became secret sentries around, and the other part sneaked into the cabins of other teams, eavesdropped and came back to report.

Now they are no longer needed, so they are naturally thrown into the fire and destroyed.

Seamus said to Charles: "If you make more puppets like this in the future, you don't have to do your homework."

Charles shook his head and said: "It's too troublesome. It's more convenient to ask Harry for this kind of thing."

Seamus thought it made sense.

Finally, Charles drew a cordon outside to prohibit passing, and put up a sign. Visitors just need to shout.

At 9:30 in the morning, everything was packed up and everyone gathered in the cabin to eat.

Joyce said: "Now everything is ready, we will go back to submit the potion at 10:30 to avoid any accidents if we wait for a long time."

No one objected, so it's better to leave early to avoid more trouble.

"Plop!" ×2

There were two sounds of falling into the water on the lake outside the house.

Charles narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a cold voice: "An unwelcome guest has arrived."

There are many door keys inside the cordon. Step on them and you will be directly transported to the lake next to you.

If they are guests with good intentions, they will at least shout outside the cordon. If they break in without saying hello, then go to the lake to sober up.

Joyce immediately said anxiously: "Then let's leave now!"

Charles said: "No hurry, let's talk after eating."

Percy said to him: "Charles, use the magic you used to negotiate that day. I'm worried that they will set up an anti-apparition spell around."

Charles thought about it, nodded, took out his wand and started to cast a spell.

To outsiders, the wooden house of the Hogwarts team disappeared all of a sudden. It should be some kind of invisibility spell.

The actual situation is that the whole wooden house entered the mirror space, and then many legs grew out of the house and ran towards the exit of the competition venue.

Other people in the house felt that the house was moving, thinking that it was just running after being invisible, and didn't care.

In the audience, the screen that was originally showing the Hogwarts cabin was interrupted, and it was all white and nothing could be seen.

Everyone thought that Charles was using the magic that blocked the sun again, so they didn't pay attention.

Outside the original site of the cabin, several students in magic school uniforms were carefully breaking the defensive spells behind the cordon.

Charles only left some door keys, but the uninvited guests didn't believe that there were only these, and they concentrated on looking for the non-existent spells on the ground.

After half an hour, the uninvited guests finally confirmed that there were no other spells on the ground, and then they boldly walked towards the place where the cabin was.

At the same time, Charles returned here and found the owl used as a camera on the branch of a birch tree.

The owl's head was covered by a cloud of white smoke, and it stood still on the branch, motionless.

Charles didn't know what spell it was hit by, but with a "end of all spells", all spells were invalid.

The audience in the auditorium watched a good show on the big screen with other members of the Hogwarts team.


A group of students from the magic school rushed over from behind, raised their wands and attacked the people in front.

Several students took out a stack of paper from their pockets and threw it into the air. These pieces of paper suddenly turned into jackals, tigers, muscular men, and octopus tentacles, and swarmed up.

The group of people in front were caught off guard. Some were hit by the spell and lay on the ground wailing with cramps all over their bodies. Some were pressed to the ground and beaten by a group of big men. Some were tightly entangled by a one-story-high octopus and their school uniforms were stripped, revealing their black skin.

In the audience, Takashima Tadao said with a sullen face: "This method is really too despicable."

Nikita also said: "This is not what a gentleman does."

Karkaroff and Madame Maxime and other principals of other magic schools who came to visit all expressed disdain for this method of framing.

Aginbad's forehead was full of cold sweat, and he hurriedly said: "This is not the official attitude of Vagado, it is the students themselves, I will deal with them seriously!"

Rita Skeeter turned to Joyce and asked: "What is the situation?"

Joyce replied: "At first, two people fell into the water. Charles heard that their shouts were not Japanese used by students of the magic school, so he went to notify the magic school team."

Percy continued: "The next potion championship will be held in the magic school. If these people can pretend to be students of the magic school to cause trouble for us, it will inevitably provoke conflicts."

"This is a very low-class dirty method of sowing discord."

Dumbledore, who was sitting in front of them, nodded slightly and said "um", approving Percy's statement.

Dumbledore remained silent, not because he wanted to protect Vagado, but because the biggest victim of this incident was the Institute of Magic, so he didn't need to spend too much energy, just add fuel to the fire.

"Rita," he said to a Western reporter in a voice that no one else could hear, "You know a friend in a Japanese newspaper, right?"

Skeeter immediately said, "I met someone when I was interviewing a fraudster two years ago."

Dumbledore just nodded, and Skeeter understood what he meant.

For Rita Skeeter, there was no challenge in making trouble in the UK, and she felt a sense of accomplishment when she could make trouble in a foreign country.

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