Chapter 18

“You say you’re a noble, but you look accustomed to camping?”

“I’m the wizard of the red tower. When you subdue beasts and proceed with quests, camping is the basics.”

“It was my first time riding a carriage. I only moved for a few hours, and the statue did all the chores, but I feel exhausted.”

“Your stamina didn’t look very good at first. And mental power is constantly consumed by the interpretation magic.”

“That’s right, interpreting magic… After all, I can’t rely on magic to communicate forever, so I’ll have to learn a language. If it’s okay with you, can you teach me the language here?”

“I never taught anyone a language. Can I teach you well? You might be better off learning it properly from a professional tutor. If I return to the Capital, I can give you a good tutor.”

“It’s good to learn from a tutor, but I think it would be good to learn at least an outline before that. I tend to learn languages ​​quickly. I also learned Japanese and Chinese on my own, so I thought I could do it a little. With your help, I think simple communication will be possible.”

“Japanese? Chinese…?”

“Ah, I spoke a foreign language based on where I lived.”

“Hmm, maybe it’s possible to tell you about the letters and basic grammar. Instead, there are conditions.”


Jaeha’s brow furrowed slightly at his words. Her reaction also resembles a grumpy cat. Thinking that, Hisran said as he swallowed a laugh inside.

“Teach me your language.”

“Korean? Why? Even if you learn it, it is of no use here.”

“Just because. Since wizards are originally curious people.”

Jaeha’s words that it was useless were correct.

Korea was a country that existed in another dimension, and unless he could open the gates of the dimension at will, he would not be able to use it even if he learned it. Except when talking to her. Still, he wanted to learn.

He thought it would be interesting to talk to Jaeha in Korean, as if speaking passwords in front of people like Zephiroth and Zeyran.

“The word wizard is such a panacea. You can put it anywhere.”

She then nodded as she clicked her tongue.

She was someone who fell into this world while teaching the Korean language. Although the directions were slightly different, she was confident in teaching.

After eating, the two-handed each other a piece of paper on which the characters used in their respective languages ​​were written. Whereas hangeul consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels, Kainus Empire has 28 characters.

It somehow felt like English.

“It’s a pretty bizarre character.”

“What do you mean bizarre? Hangeul is a very scientific character created by making basic characters by imitating the vocal organs or the shape of their sounds, then adding strokes to them, or superimposing characters!”

When it came to gangeul, King Sejong the Great said that a wise person could understand before the morning passes, and a fool can understand it in ten days.

The fact that Hangul was an easy-to-learn character had already been proven. As a former Korean teacher, Jaeha took pride in drawing on the ground with stones and explained diligently.

Hisran was trying to explain the characters and, perhaps because of his power, he brought a few books with his summoning magic. It was a textbook used by young trainees who were orphans who came to the red tower to learn how to write for the first time.

The more data, the better, so she didn’t scold him for the use of magic.

In the end, Hisran and Jaeha lay down in a sleeping bag that had been enchanted with thermal insulation and fell asleep while memorizing new texts. They were able to sleep in peace because the statue coachman stood vigilant and even spread barrier magic.

The night passed so calmly and peacefully that it was hardly considered homeless.

The carriage ran steadily for two and a half days. Meanwhile, Hisran and Jaeha also memorized each other’s characters diligently and learned simple greetings.

Did she just study until her head fell out? No. Jaeha was a wise woman and never forgot her goals. She seduced Hisran from time to time. Usually, when Hisran made a mischievous joke, she used to stop it with a dense gesture or kiss.

However, the temptation that unfolded at the end was a little different.


A suppressed moan escaped Hisran’s mouth.

It had been a long time since there was no such thing as relaxation in the sparkling golden eyes. Desire and pleasure filled the void of the reason that was gradually disappearing.

The half-opened golden eyes stared intently at Jaeha’s head, who was kneeling in front of him.

“This, somehow, it seems to get bigger just by touching it. What do you like better, sweeping or rubbing?”

“Ha, I just like everything…”

“Look, you have to tell the difference. In that case, there is no point in researching.”

His p*nis grew in volume without shame in her small and soft hand. It was the first time she had ever acted like this, and every time her finger clumsily ran down the ferocious pillar and rubbed his glans, Hisran’s shoulders trembled, and his vision turned white.

“Ah, hu—”

Just before reaching the climax, Hisran jumped up from his seat, unable to overcome the excitement. He lifted her up and pushed her to the seat opposite him, and he bumped his lips. He almost banged his head against the ceiling.

It was a movement that felt rougher because of the added speed of the carriage. The response was more enthusiastic than expected.

Jaeha’s eyes widened in surprise. A rough kiss followed, like a hungry beast biting the throat of its prey. It was so violent, and greed was buried in every breath.


After a while, Hisran, who opened his lips, gazed at her attentively.

“I’m going crazy, really. What should I do with you?”

It was more like a message to himself rather than a question to her.

Hisran looked very urgent and anxious. It seemed as if a single ray of reason had managed to capture the body and desires that moved like a runaway locomotive.

It was true that she was surprised by his sudden and rough kiss. However, whether she has an S tendency or not, when the arrogant man in front of her gave her a thirsty expression, Jaeha felt a strange sense of satisfaction.

She asked as she stroked his cheek with her right hand, which was not caught by Hisran, in a voice that seduced him like a devil.

“If I allow it, what will you give me?”

It was a test.

Hisran gently placed his hand on her hand and answered.

“I want to please you at least as much as I feel.”

If he had said money, jewels, or anything else, she would have pushed Hisran away. It meant that he just wanted her as a man, he wanted to have fun sex with her.

In response to that response, Jaeha slightly relaxed her body. The moment he noticed the meaning and kissed her on her slender neck, he was happy and then an indifferent voice was heard.

“In about ten minutes, we will enter Viscounty Koufen.”

An awkward silence lingered between Hisran and Jaeha.

It was Jaeha who came to her senses first. When there were only the two of them, she was willing to match Hisran’s rhythm to some extent, though she never intended to do so in situations where others might find out.

So, she opened her mouth, pushing Hisran lightly.

“I’m sorry. Time’s up.”

“…The whole world is disturbing me, disturbing me.”

Hisran quietly retreated. Nonetheless, his handsome face was wrinkled like a piece of paper, and only a deep sigh poured out from his red lips than usual.

Jaeha, who was tidying up her messy hair and clothes, opened her mouth.

“…That, should I do something about it? You can’t just get off like that.”

“Is it even listening to me?”

“Do you want me to finish it with my hand?”


Hisran refused with a surprisingly firm voice.

“In that case, you and I, neither of us can get off the carriage.”

It was a voice with 100% certainty. She wasn’t senseless enough to not understand the meaning of those words. Her face turned a little red.

“Then, what are you going to do?”

Instead of answering, Hisran, with a sullen expression, pulled out a book from the subspace.

‘Huh? That’s…’

When she returned from washing up after being attacked by Hisran, it was the book he was reading.

‘That time, too?’

Did he calm that furious object while reading that book? What the hell kind of book is it?

Unfortunately, the only thing that the interpretation magic could translate was ‘sound.’ It was good to learn the letters in advance. Curious, Jaeha frowned and read the title slowly.

‘Marrelius… Oh, I don’t know the last word. Is it a very boring magic book or philosophy book?’

Perhaps, feeling her gaze, Hisran, who had been concentrating on the book, answered with a still hoarse voice.

“The Philosophy of Marrelius, a book that has cured the insomnia of many wizards. When I read it, I fall asleep without realizing it.”


She shouldn’t laugh. Jaeha hurriedly covered her mouth, but the look of a vivid pout on his face grew even more profound. The more she looked, the more cute he was.


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