Chapter 27

A woman who looked pretty no matter what she did… Now, a woman who made his heart race just by gazing at her. He had no choice but to admit that he loved her.

Maybe, it was love at first sight with her. However, his first encounter with her was so unique that it was difficult to tell if it was a simple lust or a special feeling. Then, as he spent a few days with her, his heart grew deeper and deeper, and he couldn’t not know, even if he wanted to.

“Why are you sleeping there uncomfortably?”

A smile slowly spread across Hisran’s lips as he grumbled. Was she worried and watched him as he fell? The more he looked, the cuter she was.

What to do? She was so lovely he didn’t know what to do.

Hisran carefully embraced her and laid her down on the bed. It was from his heart that he wanted her to sleep comfortably even for a few hours. As he was about to cover her with the blanket, a trembling voice came out of her mouth.

“I don’t like it… Don’t come close! Help!”

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…Was she having a terrible nightmare?

His heart throbbed at Jaeha’s voice mixed with a frown on her forehead and anguish.

“Hey, I’m here.”

Hisran said while clasping her small hand.

If he could, he wanted to go into her dreams and burn the tormenting existence without a trace. It is said that there are types of mental magic that could enter into other people’s dreams, though unfortunately, Hisran was not good at using that type of magic. It was because he was not in good shape.

“I will protect you. Don’t be afraid.”

When he whispered that, Jaeha opened her eyes. As if she was half awake, she saw Hisran and screamed in surprise.


“Hey, it’s me, it’s me. Hisran. Calm down.”

Reassuring her, he stepped back a couple of footsteps to signal that he wasn’t going to do anything. After a while, Jaeha calmed down and he cautiously approached her.

“Hey, are you okay…?”

“That’s what I have to ask you. I was surprised to see you staring at me.”

“Sorry. I watched you because it felt like you were having a nightmare.”

“…It’s okay, it’s nothing.”

After she almost got assaulted by the head of the academy, the memories of that time often come back as nightmares. But, Jaeha didn’t want to tell Hisran about it. For some reason, it seemed that it would be terribly miserable if he sympathized with her after hearing the story.

Hisran also noticed that she saved her words, so he didn’t question anymore and just looked at her with a tender gaze.

Jaeha opened her mouth as if she was trying to change her mood.

“When did you wake up?”

“A while ago.”

“Good morning. Even so, there were a lot of things I wanted to ask.”


Jaeha sat on the bed and Hisran sat on the chair, and the question and answer close to an interrogation unfolded.

“Didn’t you say you’ll get it done right away? You went out confidently, and there was no news afterward.”

“I cleaned up the surroundings quickly, but I found others and burned them…”

“That’s right. Though why did you collapse on your way back? You’re unconscious. Do you know how hard it was for other people to ask me why you went crazy?”

“That’s because I used a lot of magic power to burn the Chinese Zombies…”

“You said you’re an archwizard?”

“I don’t mean to brag, but ordinary wizards can’t even show half of my magic.”

“Oh, is it…? So, how do I explain why you went crazy? Do you know how embarrassing it was!”

“Who dared to question you? I’ll beat, no, I’ll cast the silence spell.”

“If everyone is curious, you’re going to silence all of them?”

“That’s nothing, it’s a piece of cake.”

“Don’t do anything useless. I’ll make one request. It seems that other wizards are misunderstanding me and you to be in a romantic relationship. When we go back to the Red Tower later, I don’t want to get bothered like that.”

Everything else was fine, but the word in the end caught Hisran’s heart a little. He replied in a cautious voice.

“They might misunderstand, huh? Young man and woman hanging out together.”

“I don’t like misunderstandings or anything. You’re a man, so it might not hurt you much, although as a woman, I get quite bothered because of those kinds of words, all right?”

There was a thorn in Jaeha’s voice saying that.

He could see dark brown eyes whose wounds didn’t go away. Had she ever been in trouble with such a thing before he met her? He had no choice but to answer meekly.

“Okay, I’ll be careful.”

But, perhaps because he felt sad, his lips spit out useless words.

“Then, you shouldn’t have come here either. What if people misunderstand what they see?”

“What, what? I just came here for a brief moment with a pure heart of concern for my company…!”

“Yes, of course.”

“You have to be more careful in the future!”

‘Huh? This isn’t it.’

Hisran exclaimed with an urgent expression.

“I’m sorry, my mouth is the problem. Distorting the pure heart of others.”

“Well, you pointed it out so well.”

“Because I was wrong. I’m sorry.”

As Jaeha made a stern expression on his face, a polite apology that he had never done to anyone other than his parents came out of the mouth of the proud Hisran.

“Do you think that’s the only thing you did wrong? It’s good to burn it to death, but why the fire? They don’t get stabbed to death by the Chinese Zombie’s nails, but they get burned to death? Do you know how hard it was for the other wizards to put out the fire yesterday?”

“Anyway, I killed almost all of the Chinese Zombies, so they have to be good at putting out the fire… No, it’s because I can’t control the firepower. I’ll be more careful next time.”

The winner of this conversation was obviously Jaeha.

On the other hand, the wizards who were attached like mosquitoes to Hisran and Jaeha’s bedroom door by using various magics all gave an amazing expression.

The five wizards, who came nervously because they heard a scream from the bedroom where Hisran was lying, wondering if a fellow warlock might have attacked them, unintentionally overheard their conversation.

“Didn’t you say you’ll get it done right away? You went out confidently, and there was no news afterward.”

“I cleaned up the surroundings quickly, but I found others and burned them…”

This took a different turn…? It was unlike their Tower Master to answer like this. Isn’t his normal response to tease people by saying that no news was good news?

“That’s right. Though why did you collapse on your way back?”

If the magician of the Red Tower had asked this, he would have poured out fireballs, saying that they should tell him why he fell.

“You said you’re an archwizard?”

The answer to this was also the same.

“I’m sorry. My mouth is the problem. Distorting the pure heart of others.”

“Well, you pointed it out so well.”

“Because I was wrong. I’m sorry.”

Huh…? Who was that person apologizing now? The faces of the five wizards, including Zephiroth, were startled.

Who was Hisran Ephesion? Wasn’t he a character whose arrogance and pride was skyrocketing because he had everything he should have, including his appearance, background, and abilities?

At least, he seemed to have a little patience when he was a trainee in Red Tower, though after he defeated the former Tower Master who insulted him and became the new Red Tower Master, he acted like a free spirit who did not bow down to anyone.

If Hisran had provided others with only half of the conscience and courtesy shown in front of Jaeha, the notorious ‘human disaster’ and ‘tyrant of fire’ would not have been attached to him.

‘And, maybe I could have taken less stomach ache pills!’

Zephiroth smiled and sharpened his teeth.

When he found out that his boss, who he thought was a tyrant to everyone, showed a humble attitude toward others, how did he feel as a subordinate?

“Do you think that’s the only thing you did wrong? It’s good to burn it to death, but why the fire? They don’t get stabbed to death by the Chinese Zombie’s nails, but they get burned to death? Do you know how hard it was for the other wizards to put out the fire yesterday?”

When Jaeha was arguing, the wizards shed tears of emotion inside. They wanted to say it, too, but it was difficult to spit it out because the only life that everyone has is precious.

“Anyway, I killed almost all of the Chinese Zombies, so they have to be good at putting out the fire… No, it’s because I can’t control the firepower. I’ll be more careful next time.”


The sound of a leash being put on the lion’s neck sounded like an auditory hallucination.

“Are you going to be careful? Pay attention to it, attention! I don’t want to burn to death!”

“It will never happen. You can rest assured.”

Afterward, the wizards who quietly escaped from the place, afraid of being caught by Hisran gathered in a corner of the Viscounty’s garden and said with wretched faces.

“Now that this is the case, let’s make our misunderstanding a reality! Normally he’s just okay, but he turns crazy sometimes. Isn’t it a great opportunity to hang a leash around the Tower Master’s neck who runs wild like a fire demon? We absolutely have to support and push the relationship between the two of them.”

“That’s right! Agree, Agree!”

“What should I do to catch Jaeha?”

“There is no one among us who was rude to Miss Jaeha yesterday, right?”

Zephiroth let out a deep sigh as he looked at his colleagues who were having a hard time conversing.


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