Chapter 9

It was exciting to feel the bitterness and pleasure rushing at the same time, but when the pleasure mixed with the refreshing feeling, she also felt a strange sense of immorality.

His fingers, which had entered her opening, moved slowly as if familiarizing themselves with the shape of her inner wall, rubbing the sensitive areas for her reaction.

It was just a finger. It seemed that in her head, something was going to happen. In addition, the sight of a handsome man who possesses good looks and can even use magic, lying in front of her and greedy for her petals, gave her a sense of upliftment.

“Ah, uhhk—I, I’m c*ming!”

Jaeha cried and screamed.

Tears of pleasure were dangling from the corners of her eyes.

As if letting her c*m, Hisran patted Jaeha’s bunt as her shoulders and legs trembled. A slightly cloudy liquid, resembling a man’s s*men, gushed out. After Hisran licked and drank all the liquid, he removed her face from her v*gina and took a step back from Jaeha.

Thanks to his healing magic, the soreness in her lower lips and muscle aches in the lower body were gone. Jaeha, unable to escape from her climax, lay still, panting for her breath.

Meanwhile, Hisran, who roughly wiped her face with the towel that had been summoned by magic, came up to her and asked.

“Did you like the treatment? Flame magic is my specialty, but I’m also good at healing magic. Healing people with burns.”

In this case, was he using the term to give people sickness and medicine?

She glanced at him with flounder-like eyes. Then, her gaze touched his slightly swollen lower back. A little while ago, while caressing her petals, he also seemed excited and his manhood was erect.

‘But, he wasn’t really thinking we’re going to have a relationship, was he?’

This sly man was unlucky b*stard, but he seemed to be the type to try to keep what he said to some extent.


In her mind, Jaeha upgraded Hisran by one notch from ‘an unlucky sly man’ to ‘a man who was unlucky but has a bit of wit.’ She then questioned, ignoring his swollen underside, pretending not to see it.

“All right, I want to wash up. Excuse me, can I use the bathroom?”

“Of course. Hang on.”

Moments later, something toddled in front of them.

Jaeha’s eyes widened. This was because the three-headed pink rabbit doll walked like a living creature.

[ “Did you call me, Master?” ]

“What is that?”

Oh, my gosh. It was amazing to see a giant doll walking around, and it even talked! The doll’s voice was so lively.

“It’s a magic doll made with my magic power, optimized for helping with household chores. They are convenient in many ways, but most wizards don’t have enough magical power to use them for long. It doesn’t matter to me.”

She listened to Hisran’s pride with one ear and spilled it with the other, and kept only the necessary contents in her mind. Anyway, as a doll to help with housework, it didn’t seem like a dangerous existence.

It was then that the appearance of the cute and lovely doll caught her eye. He stared at Jaeha’s soft smile and said to the doll.

“Guide her to the bathroom.”

[ “Understood. Miss Jaeha, let me take you.” ]

Jaeha slowly pulled out the blanket, wrapped it around her body, and got up from the bed.

He had seen everything anyway, she was reminded of it. The blanket made her step wobbly like a duck. The figure of the running doll and Jaeha following it seemed to not match well, so Hisran laughed softly.

“By the way, what to do about this?”

When Jaeha’s appearance completely disappeared, Hisran made a moaning sound and looked down at his lower back. This thing was really arbitrary…

Until yesterday afternoon, he couldn’t get an erection no matter what he tried, and it drove him crazy, and now he had an erection without even trying.

“…Is there no middle ground?”

He bowed his head and muttered.

When he had a clumsy erection, he felt like a dog who was struggling. It was good that he used his healing magic on Jaeha while making fun of her with his usual mischievous playfulness. However, as he caressed her, he didn’t know he would be so excited.

It wasn’t that Jaeha touched his genitals or he rubbed his genitals on her body, but just touching her breasts and sucking her lower lips made blood rush to his lower back as if he was in heat.

‘Oh, she’s like a real succubus…’

Anyway, this made it clear. Last night the reason he got an erection wasn’t because he was exhausted from consuming magic. It wasn’t because he was sexually stimulated, nor it wasn’t because he was exposed to the scent…

It was just because of Jaeha.

He had to touch her fragrant and sweet body, so that he could serve his manly role like any other man.

She was probably the only being in this world who can provoke him.

Because he couldn’t have an erection until he met Jaeha, Hisran didn’t feel the sexual desire that much. Still, it was his pride and his ego that made him so obsessed with the study of his erection.

Ordinary people can use their p*nis well and feel pleasure well, though the fact that he couldn’t do that was so absurd and unfair.

Nevertheless, after meeting Jaeha, the situation changed a bit. The pleasure of having proper s*x was incomparable to anything else. If he had not known, he would have given up on erection research after a few more years. Now that he knew how enjoyable it was to mix bodies with an attractive person, Hisran could never give up the pleasure.

“First of all, I have to keep her by my side by all means.”

Whether he seduced her with his handsome face and his body to get her into a relationship, or to find out why he’s only reacting to her.

It was all possible only with her by his side.

“She said she had a job teaching others in that world? She’s a smart girl, so she won’t fall for the clumsy sweet nothings. She is not of this world, so the name of Ephesion is useless. She doesn’t seem as enchanted on my face as other women do.”

A good-looking appearance, a strong background of Marquisate Ephesion, and the title of the youngest archmage…

The values ​​that he and the people of this continent have evaluated as great until now, strangely, seemed to be insignificant in front of a woman named Yoon Jaeha.

“It’s not conclusive information, but I think she’s a little weak for pleasure.”

Should he attack with his body?

“Let’s be calm. There is a saying that the more urgent you are, the calmer you should be.”

Surely, there must be a way to keep her by his side without getting backlash.

Hisran, who had postponed the resolution of his anguish to his future self, sighed again and glanced down at his lower back. This was an issue that could not be postponed for the future. He had to deal with it somehow before Jaeha returned.

With that thought, he lowered his pants slightly and grabbed his half-erect p*nis with his hand.


Recalling the pleasures he had experienced last night, Hisran gently swept down the pillar and gently stroked the glans, but nothing came. He was only suffering from unresolved desires.

“Oh, damn it!”

The cursing erupted out of nowhere.

This thing also didn’t seem to want to raise its head unless he made contact with her. If it belonged to someone else, he would have done a few things. He couldn’t do this or that because it was his.

In the end, Hisran only frowned like a person who ate a bitter persimmon.

If he couldn’t reach his climax, there was only one way left—to calm the furious genitals as quickly as possible.

With a dark expression on his face, Hisran pulled out one of the thick books from his personal subspace. It was the 『 Marrelius Philosophy 』, which was considered the most boring book by the Red Tower trainees for ten years in a row.


* * *

The bathroom that the rabbit doll guided Jaeha to was a luxurious place that left her mouth wide open. There was a bathtub the size of a small swimming pool in the center, and there was an extra bed and a sofa to lie down on.

Also, as it was not the world Jaeha lived in, there was no shower, but there were devices and faucets that looked like sprinklers and were embedded in the ceiling, and they all shone brilliantly in golden color as if they were all coated with gold.

Eventually, Jaeha made up her mind that she would go into the bath after washing her body*, which had been stained with sweat and love liquid.

She asked as the doll picked up the blanket that was wrapped around Jaeha’s body.

[ “Do you have a preferred water temperature?” ]

“I think it would be nice if it was a little warm.”

[ “For now, I will set it to 39 degrees. If it’s too hot or cold, please tell me right away.” ]

Because it was a wizard’s bathroom, it seemed that you had to know how to use magic to use it properly.

When the rabbit doll injected magical energy into what was supposed to be a switch, water at the appropriate temperature poured out of a device that looked like a sprinkler.

Jaeha, who received the soap from the rabbit doll, asked the doll to stay away until she finished showering. Even though it was a doll, the gaze was burdensome because it was a being who spoke and moved like a human.

The water soap had a fragrant rosemary scent.

She hated the harassment, but thanks to Hisran’s treatment, there was no pain or aches even if water got into her v*gina. So, Jaeha was able to finish the shower comfortably.

While she showered, the doll filled her bath with warm water. As she immersed her cleansed body there, her muscles and nerves were relaxed.

For Jaeha, who only had a local public bath to experience bathing, this was the first luxury she enjoyed.

“Oh, good. I think I’m melting.”

[ “Is there any drink you would like to have?” ]

“Oh, do you also serve drinks? What can you do?”

[“All teas, fruit juices, and coffees available on the Latio Continent are available.”]

“Then what about strawberry juice with ice?”

[ “Please wait a moment. I will prepare it right away.” ]

The doll, which disappeared while jumping, soon came back with a glass of strawberry juice on a tray.

Moments later, the juice made from finely ground fresh strawberries and decorated with bright red flesh was very refreshing and delicious.

“…Wow, this is so delicious!”

[ “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” ]

Great service and perfect response. Jaeha felt like she was being served by a cutting-edge artificial intelligence robot.



*) I don’t know if this is relevant or not, or if this is Korean culture or not. Well, in Japan, you can only enter the bath (whether it’s a public onsen or just the tub in your home) after washing. So, you enter perfectly clean. It’s a big no-no to get into the bathroom directly. That’s why you can reuse the bathwater (since the tub has a temperature control).

I think that’s why Jaeha thought she would soak in the bath after washing her body. Other than the fact that she got *stuff* on her.


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