"What do we do now Deer?" ever since Deer accepted her Link, Sijm had already decided deep down to follow him, it was the first time since coming to this new world that she had actually met someone who could trust her so unconditionally.

However if these thoughts were made known to Deer, it wasn't clear whether he would squirm from embarrassment or look for a rock to crawl under, little did Sijm know how many considerations he had thought through before accepting her Link.

Still first impressions are often the most powerful. At this instant to her Deer was someone reliable.

"Instead of following the path the other party took I think it might be better for us to search this castle maybe we can find ourselves something useful we can take away later, we still have a day left before we go back."

"Hmm" with no opinion Sijm just followed his lead.

"Anyway there is still no telling if those guys will be successful or not, not to mention the problem if that would be good for us or not at this point ."

Actually unknown to Deer he wasn't far from wrong.

The duo having escaped earlier were part of the large group of players who had decided to overthrow Mordor's Castle hoping to seize it and search for any treasures to upgrade themselves.

Both Drizzt and his partner were even know trying to cause more chaos inside the castle therefore making it easier for the other group to come in. An advanced scouting party with only one goal, distract the Baron of Mordor's Castle.

Taking a different path to where the noise seemed to be getting louder and louder, Deer actually planned to go look for the kitchen. For him there was two reasons for that, who would better understand the layout of the kitchen other than those serving the food, at least he could tell where the important people where and therefore avoid more trouble.

Second, he was now unarmed, everyone knows a kitchen would definitely have knives if not food or how else could the cooks earn there keep. It was as safe a place as any right now, with both Sunder and Sijm it shouldn't be too difficult to take control surely.

Maybe he had overestimated his own abilities or fortune was just that fickle because after several minutes later not only had they not found the kitchen yet but they actually ran into guards sent as reinforcement to curb the disturbance.

Only one word came to Deer's mind right now '****'.

There was no use running, looking at the three guards in front, he knew it would be no use. Judging by what they wore, it was more likely they would be caught and end up in even dire straits. They needed to seize control of the situation right now.

"Sijm I'll stall them you run first", before the words had even been transmitted through the Link, Sijm had thrust Deer aside with one hand while wielding the whip.

In the small space of the hall, only two people could walk side to side, for the guards to draw their swords, naturally they had to come one on one to even draw it out of their scabbards.

'Fuuhssst' the smart hiss of the whip sounded in the air as it left a clear mark on the face at the guard in front just as he wanted to draw his word.

Eyes wide open Deer was confused, 'had he made friends with a secret Amazonian warrior?' Even he was amazed, what great luck was this, actually Deer had indeed been lucky here.

Sijm naturally wasn't a Amazonian warrior or practised any martial arts but back at home she had been a regional rhythmic gymnastics finalist and placed in the top five consecutive years. One year she had even narrowly missed becoming the champion placing at first place for her area.

And naturally the event she excelled in the most was rope, which was why her control of the whip was indeed quite exquisite. For a rhythmic gymnast to be successful what they needed most was balance, flexibility, coordination and strength; a strong mind to cope under pressure was equally important in a sport where you were graded immediately for each minuscule fault and the technical difficulty for execution.

"Bang bang, bang!" Strike after strike like a storm had just been released, the whip dropped down like rain drops from the sky, steadily growing stronger.

Maybe her momentum was too strong but it felt like a few moments had just passed before all three guards were on the floor.

Seizing the opportunity, Deer wrestled away a sword, slight hesitation on his face but he still resolved himself before quickly stabbing each guard in the stomach. The feeling almost drove him nauseous, the soft sensation of a blade entering meat and the strong smell of blood as it sprayed the air.

It was obvious he had made a poor job of it because all three guards were still breathing and in pain. Maybe Sunder could sense it's owner's thought but it didn't prove any problem for him as he quickly acted as his name sake and bit down on the throat of each of the guards instantly silencing them.

A dread quiet chilled the air, before Deer could even stop him Sunder had already acted, he couldn't blame him after all wasn't he trying to do the same. He was just finishing what he couldn't.

"Deer?" a tentative whisper entered his mind as he could feel Sijm's voice through the Link. She seemed to be coping a bit better than him at least she didn't look pale faced or gaunt, swallowing a deep breathe Deer calmed himself down while removing anything he thought useful from the guards body trying to ignore the blood on his hands.

He had killed someone, of course he knew this day would come ever since the start of witnessing the cruel execution of the system but the feeling of doing it himself had scared him slightly.

There was no longer any way of turning back.

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