"Deal, just wait for my good news."

Wang Zhong said, and he picked up five throwing knives.

"I'll fulfill my promise first. My move is called Xiaoye Throwing Knife. Look at it..."

Then, Wang Chong began to demonstrate.

Xiao Mei didn't expect that Wang Chong would really teach her, so she quickly looked at it seriously.

The more she looked, the more frightened she became.

The skill of throwing knives is really perfect. Five knives are fired at once, killing people invisibly.

"In this move, we pay attention to the use of force and internal skill. The internal skill sends five sabres and shoots them at the same time. The only thing you have to do is judge the position of each sabre. You have to judge the position of the shot." Wang Zhong said seriously.

"I see." Xiao Mei nodded.

"That's all we need to teach. The rest is for you to practice more. As for kneeling down and calling dad, this agreement is not necessary." Wang Chong smiled.

Knowing that Wang Chong was deliberately teasing her, Xiao Mei stared at Wang Chong and said, "hum, don't blame me for turning my face again."

"I'm kidding. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can come and ask me. This is our agreement. I hope you remember it." Wang chongdao.

"Well, I understand."

Wang Zhong stared at her and then left.

Looking at Wang Chong's back, Xiao Mei frowned. This ugly, different from other students, looked very scheming, but gave people a feeling of trust.

"Bah bah... Men are not good things. I actually trust an ugly." Feeling her own thoughts, Xiao Mei quickly roast: "this agreement is just that we take what we need. Yes, we take what we need. It's ugly. I hope you can solve Qin Hu sooner!"


On this side, the five people who are preparing for the game today have assembled.

Tanaka, Wang Zhong, pan Dahu and other five people stood in a row.

"You all know the rules. The five of you will fight randomly next. Whoever can stand last will be the first!" The tiger looked at the crowd and said, "do you understand?"

"I see." Wang Chong and others shouted with their hands behind them.

"OK! Now!"

With an order, the five people formed a circle and looked at each other warily.

Because it's just a game, weapons are not allowed to be used.

Pan Dahu was the tallest. He looked at the crowd and was the first to face Wang Chong.

Obviously, what he did was to give everyone a hint to deal with Wang Zhong first.

Unfortunately, these people all think Wang Zhong is easy to deal with, but pan Dahu is more difficult to deal with.

So the only woman here, Lisa, instantly kicked pan Dahu with a long leg.

Pan Dahu didn't seem to want to waste time on Lisa. He took a fight, took a sudden step back, and dodged Lisa's attack.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

At the same time, Tanaka kicked out his right leg.

Pan Dahu snorted coldly, "are you ready to deal with me, dead!"

With his fists in front of him, he didn't dodge and blasted at Tanaka's legs.

"Bang Bang..."

Both of them retreated together. Tanaka retreated more and made way for a big step at once.

"Tanaka, I didn't expect you to hide deeply." Pan Dahu shouted. With that, he looked at Wang Chong.

The person he is most afraid of here is Wang Chong, but from beginning to end, Wang Chong has not made a move.

At this time, another man named Fang Ping started.

His goal turned out to be Wang Zhong.

Suddenly he waved his fist, and Wang Chong immediately put his hands in front of him to resist.

This person's strength is not strong, which Wang Zhong felt from contact.

But this man attacked again, kicked his legs, waved his fists, and bombarded Wang repeatedly.

Wang Chong's eyes were grim and he pretended to be close to him.

Fang Ping's speed began to speed up, and at this time, pan Dahu unexpectedly gave up Tanaka and Lisa and attacked Wang Chong.

Wang Chong looked around and drank softly in his heart, "tiger shaped fist!"

The internal skill flows through the fist, and one punch blows out.

He is waiting for this moment. It is much easier for Pan Dahu to kill the rest of these people in one blow.

Pan Dahu's face changed greatly. No matter how stupid he was, he didn't understand that Wang Chong was waiting for him.

Thinking of this, he snorted coldly. He had been letting Wang Chong, on the one hand, he didn't know Wang Chong's real strength, on the other hand, he also hid his strength.

But just after watching the competition between Wang Zhong and Fang Ping, pan Dahu was happy. I dare to say that his strength was like this.

Thanks to Wang Zhong's previous efforts, it seems that he is too steady at ordinary times.

"Wolf fist!"

Pan Dahu drank softly in his heart, and his fist collided with Wang Chong's tiger shaped fist.

At the same time, Fang Ping unexpectedly attacked Wang Chong behind him.

Obviously, these two people are standing on the United Front. They agreed before Wang reassessed it.

But for Wang chonglai, he didn't worry about anything. At the moment, his internal skill broke out to a full four levels.

No matter how strong Wang Zhong is, he is worried about being seen by Hu ye, Fan Si and he Li, so it's better to keep a low profile.

But even if it was on the fourth floor, the power was much stronger than pan Dahu. In an instant, pan Dahu was attacked by a tiger like fist.

"Bang bang............."

The tiger's fist seemed to bite pan Dahu's fist. Pan Dahu only felt that his fist was bitten, and hurriedly broke away. Finally, the whole person flew out and fell to the ground.

How strong!

Pan Dahu's face was cold and his right hand trembled.

Just this blow, his hand has muscle damage, and he can't continue to fight.


At this time, Wang Chong kicked away Fang Ping, who was ready to attack him secretly. Fang Ping suddenly vomited blood. How miserable it looked.

Wang Chong, expressionless, walked towards pan Dahu.

He wants to pursue the victory and solve pan Dahu at one stroke.

"Wait, I... I surrender!"

Pan Dahu's hand trembled. He was a smart man. He knew that his hand had been injured and he was unable to continue to fight.

If you continue to fight, you will not die. I'm afraid you will also be disabled.

And once they lose their fighting power, they will certainly be regarded as useless by the organization. Once they have no use value here, they will undoubtedly die.

So the smart way is to surrender.

Although it's humiliating, I can't be the first, but at least I can be the second?

This is definitely a smart choice.

Wang paused for a moment. Pan Dahu had surrendered. He could not continue to kill. Besides, there was not much hatred between them. There was no need to risk a foul to kill pan Dahu.

As pan Dahu surrendered, Fang Ping also rolled his eyes and fainted.

Tanaka simply said, "I surrender."

Lisa is also very self-aware. After all, they all saw Wang Chong and pan Dahu's move just now. She will never be their opponent.

"I surrender, too." Lisa said.

So far, only Wang Chong is left on the court.

"I won."

Wang Chong looked at the court and looked at Xiao Mei.

He Li noticed this scene, frowned and whispered, "Xiao Mei, you seem to be quite familiar with this ugly?"

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