"Ask you something, what are you laughing at?" Ah Lei frowned.

Wang Zhong said, "I'm thinking, if only I could be as powerful as brother Zeng."

"Oh, when I get the crystal this time, I will cover you. If I can, I will improve your strength."

Wang Zhong was overjoyed at the speech: "thank you, brother Lei!"

"Hahaha... Let's go!"

The couple cleverly winked at each other, thinking that when they got the crystal, they would kill the two children.

After all, they got so many crystals this time. In order not to let people know, of course, it is to solve these two children.

"Right ahead."

Finally, the four people came to the prescription that Wang Chong had taken before.

Wang Zhong pointed to the other side and continued, "we went to get the medicine that day. There were many zombies in it."

"All right, go." Lei nodded and couldn't wait.

At the same time, he nodded to his wife.

After living together for so long, a Lei's wife naturally knows a Lei's mind, that is, after using these two people, she solves them.

Seeing the pharmacy, Ni Xiaoqin felt a move in her heart, and she probably knew Wang Zhong's method.

She thought for a moment, and in order to cooperate with Wang Zhong, she deliberately said, "there are many zombies there, and I'm afraid."

"Haha, don't worry!"

A Lei smiled, and his heart became more proud.

"Hey, why is there a dark thing at the door." At this time, a Lei's wife noticed the black worm.

After Wang Chong and Ni Xiaoqin left here last time, the crack here was damaged, but it only temporarily prevented the insects from coming out. Later, with the recovery of the crack, the insects came out again.

Look at this scale, it's much larger than before.

Wang Zhong looked at the couple's expression carefully and felt relieved.

Looking at their curiosity, it seems that they don't know the horror of those insects.

This was expected by Wang Zhong.

He has been on this street these days and has never seen anyone go here at all, so when he brought it up, he guessed in his heart that these two people did not know the horror of these insects.

"Those are big maggots. They are really disgusting and terrible!" Wang Zhong suddenly said.

"Terror? What kind of terror law?" A Lei's eyes coagulated. The experience of the end of this period of time made everyone alert.

"Can eat people." Wang Zhong said, "those insects have open mouths and sharp teeth. Look at the corpse over there, it's eaten by the insects."

The two of them stared and saw Doctor Chen's body as expected.

After Dr. Chen was corroded and fell down that day, Wang Zhong found that the insects would climb on his body and eat it.

In a sense, insects do eat meat.

"You didn't say there were bugs when you came." Ah Lei's face was not good-looking. He suspected there was fraud in it.

"Rest assured, although these insects eat people, they are very slow." Wang Zhong said.

"Really?" A Lei nodded and said to Wang Chong, "come on, go in, you're in front."

Wang Chong's face changed instantly.

This person is really hard to fool. Let them go ahead. Once the bug explodes, neither he nor Ni Xiaoqin can live.

For a moment, Wang's focus turned sharply.

What to do, what to do?

This is the only way.

Wang nodded emphatically, "OK, let's go ahead."

Walking along the car, four people came to the door of the pharmacy.

Wang Zhong pointed to the small room in the pharmacy and said, "that's it."

"Nothing seems to be happening!" The woman frowned.

"The zombie didn't meet anyone, of course nothing happened." Wang chongdao.

"That's right. Let's go."

"Wait a minute." Wang Zhong looked back at the couple and said, "there are too many insects at the door. Let's go first and lead them out."

"Yes, lead it out."

Wang Chong turned to Ni Xiaoqin and said, "you are a woman who runs slowly. Just stay here and observe the side by the way. There are monsters to remind."

Ni Xiaoqin was moved. She understood that Wang Zhong was helping her.

This time, a Lei didn't think much, nodded and said, "OK."

So the three walked towards the door.

The man and woman stood on their right side, staring nervously at the pile of insects.

At this moment, they are only about two meters away from the insect heap.

Wang Zhong noticed that several of the insects had been alert to them, and their bodies gradually began to expand.

This is a harbinger of explosion.


Just then, Wang Zhong picked up a pile of stones on the ground and said, "I'll throw stones and lead them over."

Before a Lei answered, Wang Chong threw the stone in his hand.

These stones seemed to provoke the hornet's nest. In an instant, a large group of insects began to expand.

Among them, several insects are extraordinarily large. According to previous experience, Wang Zhong knows that these insects explode at a distance of ten meters.

"Hey, why are these worms' stomachs open?" The woman found something wrong.

"This is the sign that they want to eat."

As Wang Chong spoke, he silently recited the speed of these insects' explosion.

"One, two............."


"Bang bang............."

Without warning, the insect bodies in front of him exploded one after another.

At the same time, Wang Chong hurriedly hid behind the two men.

Wang Zhong thought about it when he came.

These two people don't know that these insects can explode. As long as they hide behind these two people at the moment of explosion, the concentrated sulfuric acid won't splash on themselves.

This method is dangerous, but it is absolutely feasible!

"Ah... What is this, what is this?"

The woman's face was splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid, and she immediately covered her face in pain.

The man also had a hard time. The concentrated sulfuric acid was splashed into his eyes, and he immediately fell to the ground and rolled in pain.

Blocked by the first wave of concentrated sulfuric acid, Wang Zhong left and retreated, hiding behind a car.

Only the screams of the couple could be heard.

Suddenly, Wang Zhong, who hid behind the car, felt only a pain in his hair and hurriedly looked into the rearview mirror of the car.

"Ah, your hair is stained with sulfuric acid."

At this time, Ni Xiaoqin exclaimed.

Wang Zhong also saw his scalp in the rearview mirror.

There was too much sulfuric acid explosion just now, and a lot of it was sprinkled in the sky. He was inevitably sprinkled a little.

"Water, water!" Wang Zhong said hurriedly.

Fortunately, they came out with food and water.

Ni Xiaoqin immediately took out a bottle of farmer's spring mineral water from her bag and poured it on Wang Chong's head.

Fortunately, there is not much sulfuric acid on the hair, just a few drops, so it is easy to be washed away.

But at this moment, his scalp is ruined, and I'm afraid he'll have a hot head in the future.

Looking from the window, the corroded skulls of a Lei and his wife came out, and the two had long been motionless.

"Go back."

Wang Zhong looked around. Nothing happened. He hurried to leave with Ni Xiaoqin.

It's too dangerous outside. For today's sake, you'd better hide.

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