"I also heard some servants occasionally talk about it. The white fox didn't know why. He was found in the city, then chased and killed, and fled to the woods

After Xiao Hei's narration, Wang Zhong knew the general situation of his mother.

The course of the matter is similar to what he knew before.

"A Tu, although your evil spirit seems to be covered up, you can't take it lightly. After all, there are many powerful powers in this world. They can do everything from heaven to earth. If they find something wrong with you, I'm afraid it's troublesome."

Wang nodded emphatically, keeping Xiaohei's reminder in mind.

But in my mind, I also relaxed a lot.

The evil spirit on my body is hidden, which means that I can practice at will!

"Lala, Lala, I'm going to practice..."

At this time, song Wanyu came out of the house with a sword in her hand. When she passed here, she was ready to roll a few as before.

But when she came to see it, she was surprised, "why is ATU missing?"

"Wuwuwuwu..." Xiao Hei shouted a few times.

"Zhi Zhi!" Wang Chong wagged his tail on the tree to remind song Wanyu.

Hearing the sound, song Wanyu raised her head and froze in situ.

"Dog... Dog can climb trees!"

Wang Chong also realized that as a dog, he could climb trees. Not to mention ancient times, even modern times, I'm afraid it will also be broadcast as big news. Maybe it will be hot search.

So he hurriedly climbed down, walked to song Wanyu's feet and rubbed her trouser legs, which meant that she should not make a fuss.

"You are too good." Song Wanyu picked up Wang Chong. "I thought you were the thinnest and the easiest to be bullied. You turned out to be so powerful. Climb more trees in the future, and I'll give you something delicious."

Putting down Wang Chong, song Wanyu ran away, shouting, "Lala, Lala, I'm going to practice."

What a lively little girl.

Wang Chong looked at Song Wanyu's back, and his heart moved.

These days, he also knows that song Wanyu usually goes to the Song family martial arts training ground to practice at this time. She has a special yard to practice.

After thinking for a while, Wang Chong followed.

Xiao Hei's face changed greatly, and he hurried to let Wang Chong come back, but it was a pity that Wang Chong had left: "this child, how did you run!"

Wang Chong ran out and followed song Wanyu closely.

Song Wanyu looked very happy, singing the world's children's songs while running.

This house covers a large area. Their area is the backyard. There are some flowers and plants on both sides of the path. Wang Chong walks in these flowers and plants. If he meets a servant passing by, he can also hide in the grass well, which is not easy to be found.

Finally, song Wanyu turned a corner and entered a courtyard opposite the martial arts training ground.

The door was not closed, and Wang Chong slipped in.

"Wan Yu, why did you come?" I saw a middle-aged woman with her hands on her back, looking like a worldly expert, calmly asked.

"Gao Changlao, just now I was watching a little dog..."

Before Song Wanyu finished speaking, Gao Chang scolded, "didn't I tell you that you have a good talent for cultivation, so you should focus on Cultivation and tease a few puppies every day? What is this?"

"Er... Sorry elder Gao, I just met something strange."

"What is it?"

Song Wanyu said wrongfully, "it's a little dog I raised. Unexpectedly... It can climb trees."

"Can dogs climb trees?"

"Well, so it's strange."

"Hybrid dog, it's just an animal, don't worry about it. Today we start a new course. You are now in the critical period of the Qi refining realm. Although you have Reiki in your body, you are not very proficient in using it, so you should practice more!"

While elder Gao was talking, Wang Chong entered the yard, lay down behind a tree by the door, and looked quietly.

In the following days, as long as song Wanyu comes out to study, Wang Chong will quietly follow. Sometimes song Wanyu hides in the room to practice, and Wang Chong will also lie down in the crack of the door to peep.

Although song Wanyu learned all human skills, and Wang Chong could not practice them, because he had practiced strong Qi before, he also practiced evil spirit according to these skills.

Let alone, Wang Zhong really found some ways.

Because Wang Chong often practiced with song Wanyu, song Wanyu also found it over time.

"How does this dog like to follow me?"

In the early morning of this day, song Wanyu felt that Wang Chong followed him, and frowned.

These days, in fact, she has long found that as long as she practices Kung Fu, this dog named ATU follows her.

Sometimes when I open the door, I see it sitting at the door, as if watching her, making her speechless.

"Go back to your mother, dog." Song Wanyu shook her hand. He was nine years old. Although she had always liked small animals, as she grew older, she knew she had to practice hard, otherwise she would be bullied.

Wang Chong sobbed a few words, showing a pathetic appearance, saying that he would not disturb her.

After thinking for a while, in order to impress song Wanyu, Wang Chong reluctantly shook his tail.


Song Wanyu sighed a few times, but her heart softened, so she said, "just follow, don't make trouble."

"Sobbing." Wang Zhong nodded hurriedly.

"Your little dog is really human, as if he could understand me."

Song Wanyu said, and continued walking. Finally, she came to the courtyard in front of the martial arts practice field and began to practice martial arts against a wooden man.

Wang Zhong was lying on one side as before.

Now he came to observe song Wanyu's cultivation during the day and at night. The progress of his cultivation was very good. He thought that if he was against song Wanyu, his claws could easily solve song Wanyu.

While observing, Wang Zhong suddenly noticed a strange place.

The place where song Wanyu practiced was beside a fence. At the moment, the fence actually felt wobbly.

This place is old and in disrepair. A few days ago, there was a heavy rainstorm here, and several big trees in the yard were blown upside down. Therefore, this fence also looks a little shaky.

"Something's wrong, it's going to fall!"

Wang Chong's face changed and hurriedly ran towards song Wanyu.

"Eight Jin fist!"

At this time, song Wanyu punched the wooden man.

"Pa pa pa..."

Four soft sounds came.

"Hey, I can only play five Jin."

Song Wanyu was disappointed.


At this time, song Wanyu suddenly felt a pain in her feet, looked down, and immediately her lungs burst.

A Tu, a dog he has always loved, bit himself.

"ATU, what are you doing? Let go!"

Because of anger, a force came out.


Wang Chong snorted stiffly and was thrown out.

Of course, all this is Wang Zhong's deliberate weakness. Otherwise, with the strength he has cultivated these days, song Wanyu's strength is no threat to him at all.


Wang Chong landed heavily, and song Wanyu ran over angrily: "in vain, I have been giving you delicious and delicious food, but you actually bit me

Song Wanyu has decided to teach this disobedient dog a lesson.

With that, song Wanyu rushed over to catch Wang Zhong.

Wang Chong shook his tail and jumped up and down, hiding while secretly scolding in his heart, "I just took a bite gently. Do you need to be so excited?"

"Wan Yu, what's the matter?" At this time, Gao Changlao came out and scolded, "why do you beat a dog if you don't study hard?"

"Elder, the dog bit me."

"Then throw it away."

Gao Changlao didn't know that the ancestors of the Song family had calculated a divination for song Wanyu, so he raised his hand and prepared to slap Wang to death.

Wang Chong's hair exploded and he stared warily at the wall behind elder Gao.

It's over, it's about to fall. Just stick to it for a while.


Just then, the wall fell down. For a time, the dust was flying and the chaos was flying, which startled the frightening people and servants who were cleaning outside.

"What's going on?"

Gao Changlao's eyes coagulated, and he was also surprised.

He knew that song Wanyu usually practiced under that wall. If song Wanyu was still practicing under that wall now, wouldn't it be if the wall collapsed

At the thought of this, Gao Changlao felt a chill.

"What happened here?"

The thick voice came from Song Wanyu's father Song Chong, who was followed by some family elders.

"Dad! This wall suddenly fell down." Song Wanyu just reacted from the shock at this moment.

"I'm fine." Song chongdao.

"Patriarch, I'm afraid the rainstorm a few days ago washed away the foundation of this wall, so it left a hidden danger."

A middle-aged man checked the collapsed wall and walked over to say.

"Song clan leader." Elder Gao came over and pointed to Wang Chong, who was wagging his tail on the side with a frightened face. "Fortunately, Wan Yu was chasing this beast at that time, otherwise Wan Yu would suffer."


Song Chong's eyes coagulated and looked at Wang again.

Song Chong was very impressed with this dog, because it looked the strangest and didn't look like other dogs at all.

In terms of body shape, Wang Zhong's body shape is smaller and his hair is longer, especially the hair on his tail, which is longer.

"Dad, it's strange to say that when I was practicing there, the dog suddenly rushed to bite me, you see..."

Song Wanyu opened her trouser legs, and there was indeed a row of tooth marks, but there was no broken skin.

"When I was angry, I chased the dog. I didn't expect that the wall fell down in a moment." Song Wanyu said with lingering fear, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "shouldn't it be? The dog saw that I was in danger and deliberately pulled me?"

Song Chong's eyes were also bright. He thought of the divination that his ancestors had calculated for song Wanyu. Song Wanyu had many disasters in his life, especially that their song family would suffer a great disaster.

And all this will be resolved by a demon.

Is this hybrid dog the monster?

Song Chong looked at Wang Chong with a cute face. However, he didn't look like a powerful monster. Finally, he shook his head and said, "it seems that this dog really saved you."

Wang Chong proudly walked to song Wanyu, and then raised his head to show his closeness.

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