These two women, Zhou Yunxia, are calm and introverted, with cold appearance and hot heart.

Shen die is a little like a child, but if something happens, she is still obedient.

To tell the truth, Wang Chong likes these two women, but she doesn't want them to come together.

"Junior sister Xiaodie, what are you doing here?" Zhou Yunxia glanced at Shen die, who was a head shorter than her, and asked plainly.

"Elder Wei Li rebelled, and I was almost killed. It was younger martial brother ATU who saved me in distress. Now he is going away. I came to see him."

Shen die explained and asked, "elder martial sister, what are you doing here?"

Zhou Yunxia responded: "this time I came home and was seriously injured by thieves. Younger martial brother ATU came to see me regardless of the danger. This time he is going to leave, and I will also come to see him."

With that, the two girls looked at each other calmly, as if they could see each other's thoughts.

Shen die said, "elder martial sister, since you are injured, you should stay at home and leave it to me to say goodbye to younger martial brother ATU."

"My injury is much better under the meticulous care of younger martial brother ATU." Zhou Yunxia intentionally or unintentionally accentuated the words' meticulous'.

Sure enough, when Shen die heard this, she felt even worse and said, "why is he meticulous?"

In the end, it's young, and it's easy to get into Zhou Yunxia's way.

Zhou Yunxia deliberately said, "he's in my bed... Hey, forget it, you're still young, and you'd better not know something about adults."

Zhou Yunxia's words were a little proud, and Shen die was even more uncomfortable after listening to them. "It's mysterious. What's the matter?"

"Oh, that's all you know..."

Shen die: "......"

"Cough, cough, here you are."

In order to avoid the two people talking more and more, Wang Chong went out at the first time.

"Brother ATU." Shen die came over suspiciously. Although she had long found that the relationship between a Tu and Zhou Yunxia seemed unclear, she didn't expect that the relationship between them had been so good, which made her very uncomfortable.

However, she was not easy to convince, and deliberately said intimately, "younger martial brother ATU, I know you are away, and I specially showed you a pair of shoes."

A pair of brand-new shoes was handed over, which was really beautiful.

"Elder martial sister Xiaodie has a heart." Wang Zhong sighed.

"It's all right. It's what I should do if you help me like that." Shen die said, glancing at Zhou Yunxia demonstratively, a little proud.

When Zhou Yunxia saw it, she secretly hated why she didn't think of this. Seeing that Xiaodie is usually careless, she didn't expect to sew.

However, Zhou Yunxia was also prepared when she came, and took some dry food such as baked cakes out of the space ring in a leisurely manner.

"Younger martial brother, I know you are going away. These are the big cakes and some barbecue I made last night. Put them in the storage ring."

"Hey, you all have room to quit." Shen die said with envy.

Zhou Yunxia smiled and said, "yes, younger martial brother ATU gave it to me last time. Look, isn't it beautiful?"

As if offering a treasure, Zhou Yunxia held up the space ring and shook it in front of Shen die.

Shen die's eyes turned red and her delicate body trembled.

Younger martial brother ATU sent such a good thing to Zhou Yunxia, but he didn't. what does this mean?

The jealousy in her heart suddenly turned over.

Wang Zhong is really embarrassed now. Fortunately, Zhou Yunqiu and others outside came at this time.

These people all came to see Wang off because they knew he was gone.

"Brother ATU, these are some local specialties of my family. You can eat them on the way."

"This is a dress I bought at the foot of the mountain..."

"This is the hat I bought."

"Brother ATU, boys are out. Remember to take care of yourself and be careful."

"Brothers, sisters and sisters, I will never forget your kindness!"

Looking at the lovely disciples in front of him, Wang's focus was warm.

After chatting for a while at last, many disciples left.

Shen die and Zhou Yunxia didn't want to be seen as special, so they left in advance.


As soon as the second daughter left, Wang Chongcai carefully breathed a sigh of relief.

Sometimes it's really troublesome to be charming.

The next day, Wang Zhong was finally going to start.

There is only a simple package on your body, and the rest are placed in the space ring, which is very convenient.

When I left, naturally many people saw me off, and even the patriarch's wife Xiaohua came.

It's just that Xiaohua is just the demon pet of the patriarch in the eyes of outsiders.

"Goodbye, everyone."

Wang Chongzhao started and left this impressive place.

After going down the mountain, Wang Zhong left the city at the first time.

Instead of walking in the direction of the demon clan, he walked in the direction of stone village.

Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to go to the demon clan. I'll go back to stone village and have a look at my former dog mother and childhood playmate song Wanyu.

However, he didn't walk very fast, but enjoyed the scenery along the way as he walked. Sometimes when he met some bullying things, he helped by the way, which was also a kind of fun.

Now the only thing that makes him depressed is that he can't cultivate his tail. There is only one tail, which makes him confused.

"Is it because my demon fox's physical talent is too bad?"

Wang Chong shook his head, walked for so long, and finally came to the woods outside the stone village.

Over the years, great changes have taken place in Shitou village. The collapsed trees in the periphery have disappeared and replaced by patches of grass and shrubs.

To tell the truth, I'm afraid I wouldn't recognize it for a while if my memory wasn't unusual.

After entering the stone village, many houses have changed a lot. A group of children are playing happily in front of the house, and some cats and dogs lie on the door and doze bored.

Wang Zhong quickened his pace and finally saw the Song family's courtyard.

But what makes Wang Zhong frown is that the Song family's courtyard is much more deserted than before.

After thinking about it, Wang Chong still didn't choose to enter from the front door, but came to the backyard skillfully, smelled the smell inside, and after confirming that there was no one, Wang Chong jumped into the fence.

After walking for a while, a familiar fence came into view.

Around the fence, Wang Zhong was stunned.

The door of the familiar cabin is full of dust. Obviously, no one has cleaned it for a long time.

In the courtyard in front of the door, flowers and trees are growing disorderly. The big tree that I jumped on before has broken into two halves for unknown reasons, and no one is taking care of it.

"Song family, how did you become so depressed?" Wang frowned again and walked towards the kennel.

Although no one has cleaned up here for a long time, it seems that the kennel here has not been destroyed, because there is still a shabby dog basin at the door of the kennel, which contains some leftover soup.

"Mother dog." Wang Zhong tried to shout.

"Brush... Brush..."

A dark puppy slowly came out of the kennel, followed by two dogs with poor fur color.

"You are..." mother dog's muddy eyes gradually brightened up.

The mother dog looks in a bad state. Her hair is dim and lustrous. One leg is also lame. However, her muddy eyes gradually brighten up after seeing Wang Zhong.

"Ah... Ah tu." The dog's mother exclaimed.

Just after that, footsteps came from outside.

Wang Zhong thought for a moment and hid on the roof for the first time.

A woman came in with some leftovers and saw the old woman and the mother dog wagging her tail in a friendly way.

The two children of the dog mother also ran out of the kennel, wagging their tails happily, obviously familiar with the woman.

"Xiao Hei, dinner is ready." The woman bowed and walked in slowly.

After putting some leftovers on the ground, Xiao Hei looked at the woman happily, but did not eat first, but let his two children eat first.

Looking at this woman, Wang Chong's heart moved. Isn't this woman song Wanyu's mother?

When did her mother, the wife of the Song family, wear such shabby clothes?

"What happened to the Song family?" Wang frowned again, a little strange.

"Eat slowly. When Wan Yu left, I promised her to take good care of you, eh..." the woman said, touched Xiao Hei's head, and turned away.

Wang Zhong didn't follow him. At present, he didn't understand the situation of the Song family, and it was unwise to act rashly.

Although he was not afraid, it would be troublesome if his appearance hurt the mother of the dog and the mother of song Wanyu.

When song Wanyu's mother left, Wang Chong jumped down.

Xiao Hei trotted over and sniffed excitedly beside Wang Zhong, "it's you, it's the taste of a Tu, a Tu......"

Although Wang Chong's human shape has changed a lot, Xiao Hei, who has a smart nose, recognized Wang Chong at once.

Wang Zhong said, "Mom dog, you are a demon by rights. Why are your hair so dirty?"

Although the mother dog doesn't look very well, with a lame leg and dirty hair, her muddy glasses make her look like she's dying soon.

But Wang Zhong understood that as a little demon, Shouyuan didn't arrive so soon.

"Hey, Tu, I don't want to be like this. Since you left the Song family, my life in the Song family has been difficult, and the whole song family has also been difficult."

"What's the matter? And song Wanyu?"

With that, Wang Zhong took out a pill from the space ring.

"What is this?"

Mother dog sniffed the fragrance of the elixir in Wang Chong's hand, and her eyes lit up again: "elixir? This is for me?"

"Well, it can at least double your accomplishments. If you practice hard, you can become human."

"I still don't want to become human. I'm more demonic when I become human. I can't hide."

Despite this, the mother dog still bit the pill given by Wang Zhong.

"Tell me, what happened here?"

"Well, after you left, there was nothing wrong, but one day, a man suddenly came to the village..."

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