Since the royal doctor Huang Qiren prepared traditional Chinese medicine for Wang Chong and told Wang Chong to take medicine on time, LV Zhongbo and Huang Qiren were waiting for the news.

"Don't worry, Lu Xiang. Today is the fourth day. After tomorrow, the snake I prepared myself is especially poisonous, and it will definitely make the emperor

Speaking of this, Huang Qiren stopped talking, and everyone understood the meaning.

"Hahaha, that's good, but logically, the news that the emperor is critically ill should have come out......"

Lu Zhongbo frowned. Although Huang Qiren said a hundred reassurances to him these days, the more Huang Qiren said so, the more worried he was.

Quite simply, several of his internal traitors in the palace have recently lost contact, which makes him very uneasy.

Now there is no news about everything in the palace. Instead, it is reported that the emperor is transforming the rear palace, as if he is building something called a garment factory.

This project seems to be quite large. It is said that thousands of people in the harem gathered in the cold palace and began to work.

After that, there was no news. He estimated that his own spies had gone to the cold palace.

"Doctor Huang, please, these are my small gifts."

Lu Zhongbo waved his hand. The next moment, two masters suddenly rushed out of the darkness.

Holding long swords, the two instantly wiped Huang Qiren's neck.


Huang Qiren covered his bleeding neck with an incredible face.

He never thought that Lu Xiang would kill him.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and he thought.

Yes, once the emperor dies, the imperial palace will definitely conduct a thorough investigation. If he is found on his head at that time, what will he do if he confesses Lu Zhongbo?

So Lu Zhongbo wanted to kill him.

For a moment, Huang Qiren regretted that he had been blinded by the two boxes of gold.

"Doctor Huang, it's hard for you, your family, and I will guarantee to take good care of you......"


Huang Qiren fell to the ground.

This night, Huang Qiren didn't go back.

Even the housekeeper and servants who followed Huang Qiren disappeared.

No one knows where they went.

But the next day, news came from the palace that Huang Qiren had poisoned the emperor.

The emperor's health is getting worse and worse these days, so he invited famous doctors in the palace to treat him. He accidentally found that the medicine given by Huang Qiren to the emperor contained poison, so at the first time, the army in the palace surrounded Huang Yuyi's family up and down.

"Bring them back to our family!"

He Taigao rode on the horse and waved his hand. All the members of Huang Qiren's family were arrested, and the property was naturally confiscated.

After this wave, Wang Chongxiao made hundreds of thousands. It seems that those who become imperial doctors are not as rich as the Minister of justice of the Ministry of justice.

But it's also pretty good. Take your time. These corrupt officials have to steal their homes one by one!

Unfortunately for Wang Chong, Huang Qiren had disappeared the night before yesterday.

"It seems that he was killed."

After learning the news, Wang Chongyi was happy.

"Hey, emperor, there must be a mastermind behind Huang Qiren. Once he dies, the mastermind will not be found. Are you happy, emperor?" He Taigao looked at it and was very puzzled.

"Hahaha... Mate, you don't know."

"Huang Qiren is the mastermind behind him. You don't need to check me to know, but even so, I can't move that guy, but I can move others!"

"Emperor, do you mean

"Have you forgotten how I dealt with the Empress Dowager before?"

"Something out of nothing?"

"Yes, it's out of thin air. When Huang Qiren died, I announced that I had arrested him, and he gave up his accomplices and partners. Let's analyze who else should be removed around LV Zhongbo!"

After listening to Wang Zhong's explanation, he Taigao was full of admiration.

Emperor, this is to play out of nothing to the extreme.

After thinking for a while, he Taigao said, "emperor, if you want me to say that there is too much corruption of the national treasury in the interior government, it's not very troublesome there. It's better to start from the interior government."

Wang Chongyi thought it was the same. The internal affairs government manages the national treasury. In the future, it will copy a lot of corrupt officials' homes. It's not safe to give the money to the internal affairs government for management.

"I remember that the house of internal affairs is managed by Wang Shilang, right? Immediately order the arrest of Wang Shilang's family!"

"The old slave will go at once."


The plan went smoothly, thanks to Wang Zhong's leading in every step.

At the same time, he cleared the unstable factors around him by means of thunder, so that it was impossible for the enemy to know his next plan.

In addition, fortunately, he has a group of imperial guards in the palace.

It is precisely because of these troops that the Lu party dare not act rashly.

But looking back, if there were no imperial guards, the previous emperors would have given way to LV Zhongbo.

Now, Wang Shilang's family has also been arrested, and Wang Chong from top to bottom of the house of internal affairs has carried out a bloody clean-up. For a time, people's complaints were boiling.

Of course, the people's resentment was boiling because of the families of several senior officials who had been raided before. In addition, Lu Dang people realized that something was wrong and asked to see the emperor one after another.

Wang Zhong knew that his actions during this period had provoked the anger of the LV party, and he might be forced to the palace.

Forcing the palace is different from rebellion. Rebellion can be suppressed directly by the army, but forcing the palace is not enough.

Forcing the palace means that the ministers are dissatisfied with your policy, which is similar to the meaning of strike.

If your emperor doesn't change the policy, so many of us will quit. It depends on how your whole country operates.

At this time, the emperor can't kill people, otherwise more and more people will turn against him.

Although Wang Chong has a royal army in his hand, if there is a fight, the country will be really in chaos, which is not what Wang Chong hopes to see.

At the beginning, Wang Zhong was ready to delay time and not go to the early court. One of these ministers, Lu Dang, disappeared.

But before long, a dozen ministers jointly asked for an audience, otherwise they could not kneel outside.

"OK, just kneel down and cool them for a few days."

Wang Chong didn't care. Then he calculated the time. The queen asked him to save Meng ti. It was almost time to mention the punishment.


"Mate, Lu Yingping, the official Yin, is going to try a corruption case called Meng Ti recently. Go to the prison quickly and save Meng ti."

That night, Wang Zhong arranged he Taigao to go out on business.

"The old slave will go at once."

He Taigao didn't dare to neglect and hurried out.

Looking at he Taigao's back, Wang Chong lamented that there were still too few people in his hands who could use it.

These days, he Taigao is busy, and his white hair is obviously much more.

At this time, he thought of Dongchang.

Dongchang, formerly a spy agency founded by the emperor.

At that time, the first emperor had just founded the Dayan Dynasty. In order to prevent another plot, he raised a large number of people in the East Hall. These people were the ears and eyes of the emperor and were used to explore information outside.

At the beginning, it was these east hall people who knew which officials were corrupt and perverted the law, which officials communicated with foreign enemies, and even the husband and wife spoke ill of the emperor behind his back, so as to inform the emperor.

Once found out, it will never be spared.

Unfortunately, once the first emperor died, the latter group of emperors were all evil.

Seeing that the ministers flattered themselves, they thought it was true. A group of civil servants said that East Hall had harmed countless people, and there was great folk resentment. In order to protect the emperor's reputation, East Hall must be removed.

Therefore, after several emperors' brain damage operations, the scale of the East Hall became smaller and smaller. From thousands of people at the beginning, it gradually became a small organization with hundreds of people.

Even, I haven't heard from Dongchang for several years.

In addition, the civil servants have been persecuted by the East Hall. Seeing that the East Hall lost power, they all tried their best to suppress it. Now the East Hall is completely surviving without any threat.


"The servant sends greetings to the emperor." He Xi, the apprentice of he Taigao, came in.

"Let Xie Jin enter the palace."

"The slave obeys..."

Xie Jin, the supervisor of East Hall, used to be very powerful. Now he is angry everywhere, and he lingers with a group of eunuchs in East Hall, which is completely different from the previous scenery.

In his memory, Wang Chong remembered that when the former Lord Luo Zhao just ascended the throne, Xie Jin met Luo Zhao once in the palace and said that East Hall was very important to the emperor and could share his worries for the emperor.

However, Luo Zhao was a fool at that time and didn't pay attention to Xie Jin at all.

Soon, Xie Jin was led in by the little eunuch.

Xie Jin looks thinner, and seems to be in a hurry. His face is full of excitement.

For so many years, the emperor let him enter the palace for the first time. It is likely that there is something important for him to do.

During this period, Xie Jin's East factory seemed decadent, but he didn't do anything. There were still some rumors.

Wang Zhong recently reformed the harem and set up an inexplicable clothing factory in the harem.

After that, an Deli, Shen An, Huang Yuyi and others were arrested and brought to justice one by one. People with a clear eye can see why this series of actions?

Why on earth is that? Don't ask, asking is a big move.

Xie Jin is not a person without ambition.

As a eunuch who used to be very powerful in the East Hall, he likes nothing more than silver and power after he is not a man.

And these two things cannot be owned by ministers. It is difficult for eunuchs and ministers to cooperate. Only the emperor can do it.

He also considered meeting the emperor again recently to serve the emperor. Unexpectedly, the emperor found it himself, which made him very excited.

"The old slave Xie Jin, kowtow to the emperor, the emperor ten thousand blessings Jin'an."

Xie Jin knelt down excitedly. He hadn't seen the emperor for a long time. He was a martial artist. At a glance, the emperor who appeared was different from before.

In the past, the emperor indulged in excessive lust on women, and his spirit was depressed. Even if he wore a Dragon Robe, he was like a steamed bun.

But now, the emperor is full of energy, with his temples bulging and his frontal bones rising, which is a sign of practicing martial arts.

The emperor began to practice martial arts!

Sure enough, his guess was right, and the emperor really changed.

"Get up, Grandpa Xie." Wang Zhong said faintly.

"Thank you, Lord."

Although Xie Jin got up, he didn't dare to stand up straight in front of Wang Chong, and he still bent over.

"Grandpa Xie, do you know what happened in the court recently?"

"My Lord, I heard something about it."

"Then you say, did I do it right?" Wang Zhong stared at Xie Jin. He wanted to know whether Xie Jin was really loyal.

Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to fatten up a Dongchang without any reason.

"Er... Lord, the old slave is stupid. I don't know what the Lord refers to?"

"I mean everything you know." Wang Zhong's tone was flat, and he continued, "I don't like stupid people, you know?"

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