"Lord, the spy sent by the old slave today noticed one thing. Many people outside spread the news of the Lord, which was very bad."

Xie Jin bowed his head and said respectfully.

"Talk as you walk."

Wang Zhong doesn't care. The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Are you afraid of several ministers who don't have much military power?

Later, Xie Jin said something about the people scolding the emperor.

Wang Chong was secretly surprised when he heard this: "what, it is rumored that those ministers are in prison because of tax reduction? I built the harem to enjoy it? Hahaha... Hahaha... Yes, my uncle is really unusual, so I can think of such a way."

"Lord, don't take it lightly. If these news gets out, it will cause trouble in case of public anger."

He Taigao worried.

"Don't worry, mate. I already have a way about reputation."

Wang Zhong didn't say much. He took two eunuchs, he Taigao and Xie Jin, as well as a team of imperial guards and bodyguards out of the palace.

On this day, Lu Pingying, the official Yin, finally waited for Wang Chong to come.

Today's sun is very strong, and a huge contingent of emperors are walking on the road.

This is the first time for Wang Chong to come to the bustling streets outside the palace for so long. It can be seen that the people here in the capital are doing well, and they wear clothes and eat from rich families.

The more you go out, the smaller the house is, and the more poor there are.

Wang Zhong sighed endlessly. It seems that there is a long way to go to make Dayan Dynasty stronger. Not only should the court's treacherous ministers be dealt with, but also ways to improve people's income.

It was windy outside and the weather was a little cold. Wang Zhong also noticed that some children were wearing thin clothes and staring at him curiously with big eyes.

"Son, don't look."

When the mother pressed her son's head, she didn't dare to look at Wang Chong.

This is the majesty of the emperor.

"The national strength is still too weak."

Wang Zhong sighed slightly. These days, he also studied the map of Dayan Dynasty.

Dayan Dynasty has a wide area and looks extremely powerful, but it is surrounded by strong enemies.

His Dayan Dynasty is now like a fragrant bun. If the strong enemies around him bite, they can hit Dayan Dynasty hard.

According to his understanding, the border Garrison has been disbanded since Zhao Luan's father died, and he has no strong army available.

Obviously, there are hundreds of thousands of troops on his border, but I don't know how many they can use.

Because he had already found a very realistic thing, the original owner Luo Zhao did not know how to command the border garrison.

In other words, if the garrison rebelled, he now has nothing to check and balance.

It's OK to rely on 20000 imperial guards to prevent disorderly officials and thieves. It's not enough to quell the rebellion.

It takes a lot of money to rebuild the army.

Silver silver!

Wang Zhong feels more and more headache.

Soon, the mighty team came to the door of Fuyin Yamen and stopped.

He Xigong came to the door and shouted at the door, "the emperor is coming!!!"

This He Xi is worthy of being a little eunuch who is regarded by he Taigao. With this shout, we can see the strength of his internal skill.

Immediately, a group of people rushed out of the Yamen.

Including the people around, everyone knelt down and shouted in unison, "long live the emperor, long live the emperor!"

To be honest, Wang Zhong is not a person with strong vanity, but seeing this scene still made him feel thousands of emotions.

No wonder everyone wants to be emperor. It really tastes different.

Immediately, he shouted with dignity, "flat."

"Thank you, Emperor."

Everyone got up, and Lu Pingying, who was at the gate of the yamen, came nervously. Maybe it was because he was guilty. He didn't dare to look up at Wang Chong.

"Emperor, Wei Chen has prepared some evidence about the fierce mention of sinners, and I look forward to the emperor's check." Lu Pingying said cautiously.


Wang nodded emphatically and shouted at Lu Pingying, "I'm ready to open a public trial. I'll take everything to the city wall square. I want my people to have a look. In the future, the prince will also commit the same crime as the common people if he breaks the law!"

Now is it not that it is spread outside that he tortured Zhongliang? The so-called rumor depends on one mouth, and refuting it will break one's leg.

It is useless to refute these rumors. What Wang important did was to try the case in full view of the public.

Only by letting the people see is the truth, can they know that he is Ming Jun.

Of course, this is the first way. The world is too big for him to run one by one.

The second way is to follow the US emperor and learn from the powerful public opinion propaganda of the US emperor.

He will set up the first Dayan Dynasty newspaper to spread the news about how he governs the country and how he sympathizes with the people.

The US emperor relied on the powerful media to make the people of other countries trust him.

However, the problem now is that the ancient papermaking technology is not developed, and paper is too expensive for ordinary people.

So Wang Zhong is preparing to improve his papermaking technology in the later stage, so that everyone can afford paper. At that moment, it will be the time when he will develop the media in the great flame Dynasty.

The prince breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people!

As soon as the words came out, the people around whispered.

What everyone shows is unbelievable, how is this possible

Wang Chong smiled and said nothing more. As for Lu Pingying, led by he Taigao, he went down to work.

After working hard for more than an hour, Wang Zhong has come to the huge square under the city wall.

In the scorching sun, Wang Zhong sat on the wall, and the people under him looked curiously.

He was not in a hurry, but he Taigao and Xie Jin were in a hurry.

There are too many people around. What if there are assassins?

Two people tried to persuade Wang Zhong before, but Wang Zhong refused.

"Bring it up." Wang Zhong shouted.

Meng Ti was still guilty and was escorted by bracelets and anklets.

However, his mental state is much better than that in prison before.

After Meng Ti saluted, Lu Pingying came over, stood in front of Wang Chong, and respectfully handed in the evidence that Meng Ti was said to have committed a crime.

"Emperor, this is the crime of the sinner Meng ti. When Meng Ti was the left forward general, he deducted hundreds of soldiers' pay. For more than five years, hundreds of thousands of Liang were lost."

"Here are the confessions of those soldiers who have been detained. Please check them."

Wang Zhong glanced at it casually, but he was not interested. He said faintly, "these contents are just ordinary artificial drafting evidence. It's better to invite anyone who writes a novel to come over than this."


Lu Pingying's eyes flashed. As expected, it was the same as his guess. The emperor said this to protect Lu Pingying.

"Emperor, these are the evidences collected by Wei Chen when he visited many of Meng ti's former subordinates. He will never make mistakes." Lu Pingying patiently explained.

"Really!" Wang Zhong looked at Lu Pingying and said, "in fact, I asked general Meng Ti to take these silver. It's just because it's an important military matter, and people can't know it, so it's misunderstood."

"Emperor, you......"

Lu Pingying was stunned.

Originally, he thought that Wang Zhong might have various ways to help Meng Ti get rid of the crime, and he prepared a lot of evidence of Meng ti's corruption and perversion of the law.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong prevaricated with this excuse, which made him feel powerless.

"Lu Fuyin, I didn't expect you to check these. It seems that you are really wronged." Wang Zhong sighed.

"Emperor, Meng Ti also committed.................."

At this time, Lu Pingying's son suddenly stood up and spoke.

But before he finished, Wang Zhong stared at him coldly and said, "who are you? Did I let you speak?"

Lu Pingying hurriedly said, "emperor, this is Wei Chen's son, Lu Liang."

Lu Liang hurriedly knelt down: "the emperor, who was disturbed by Cao min Lu Liang, deserved to die. Please forgive me."

"Hum, I hate unruly people most. I should have executed you, but since you are the son of Lu Fuyin, I will let you go!"

Lu Pingying breathed a sigh of relief, but Wang Chong's next sentence made his heart prick.

"However, the death penalty is excusable, and the living crime is unavoidable. Let's fight the twenty big board, father-in-law Xie!"

"The old slave is here!" Xie Jin came over.

"Lu Liang, the son of Lu Fu Yin, dares to contradict me. He will be punished by 20 big boards and executed immediately!"

It has been decided to fix Lu Pingying. Wang Chong doesn't want to be polite to him anymore.


Xie Jin turned and looked at Lu Liang. With a wave of his hand, the two bodyguards subdued Xie Jin.


Xie Jin gave an order, and the two bodyguards began to fight.

"Ah, ah, ah......"

Lu Liang kept screaming when he was beaten.

You know, this kind of big board doesn't hurt people in general. Ten big boards can crack the skin, not to mention twenty big boards.

"The emperor, spare your life, spare your life......"

Lu Liang cried and shouted, but Wang Chong didn't answer at all.

Lu Pingying's face was ugly and he didn't dare to say anything, but he hated Wang Chong in his heart.

"Lu Fuyin, the matter mentioned today is done. Let's talk about you. I accidentally learned that your Lu family actually has 20 shops in this town, two restaurants and two brothels respectively. There are more than 30 beautiful wives and concubines. Lu Fuyin, you beautiful wife and concubine, but there are more than me..."


Lu Pingying knelt on the ground: "emperor, this... These are my business income."

"If you earn money from doing business, I won't embarrass you, but someone shouted at me that you had forcibly occupied someone else's shop!"

With that, a middle-aged man was brought up.

"Cao Min Wang Deming, see the emperor."

"Wang Deming, tell me something about you."


Wang Deming pointed to lupingying and began to tell.

Naturally, Wang Deming was also found out by the East Hall and bullied by Lu Pingying.

But he used to be good. His family had some money in business. After his son provoked Lu Pingying, Lu Pingying found an excuse to occupy his shop.

Where Wang Deming dares to make trouble, he will suffer the loss.

This matter was noisy at the beginning, and Xie Jin just knew it, so he took people to find Wang Deming and asked him to identify Lu Pingying.

The emperor has found it, and Wang Deming naturally has a hundred wishes, so there is this scene today.

"The facts have been found out that Lu Pingying, the governor, is in a high position and holds an important position. He does not care about the hardships of the people, but also competes with the people for profits, is insatiable, and bullies the civilians. It is really a heinous crime. The East Hall is trying its best to trace the property income of Lu Pingying and his family..."

Wang Chong didn't finish speaking, but he didn't expect Lu Pingying to suddenly take out a long sword and kill Wang Chong: "emperor dog, I killed you......"

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