These people all look young. Needless to say, they must all be good at reading and writing.

But the problem is that the foreign affairs department wants to expand foreign trade. Wang Chong doesn't want trade to be managed by a nerd.

"Well, listen to me. You took a boat to a strange country and unexpectedly found that the people in this country were naked, especially the women, who were all more beautiful and gentle than us. Excuse me, what should you do?"

Wang Zhong looked at the first man, "come on."

This man is relatively fat. It seems that he has eaten a lot since he was a child, and his living conditions are very good. He said with an obscene smile: "emperor, they are all naked. They must be a barbarian country. The grass people feel that they can consider abducting their women to fill the population of our country, and they can also open Ji courts and be servant girls. It is simply a good business without cost and profit."

If it weren't for his identity, Wang Chong really wanted to slap him and scold, "get out of here!"

He can also think of such an answer, which is... Idiot!

Ignore this person and look at the second: "what would you do?"

This person is quite delicate, with a dignified face: "the emperor, the sage said: gentlemen, don't look at or say anything impolite. People in other countries don't wear clothes. How can we, as a civilized country, peek at others? So I think we shouldn't contact them, so as not to lose our tongue and say that we are hooligans."

Wang Chong listened more speechless.

With this person is the legendary 'gentleman' who is a beautiful girl who is naked and unmoved in front of you!

I'm afraid this is a standard nerd, just like the epic records, the ancient nerds led troops to war, saying that we are a big country, how can we do sneak attacks on such rats? Since we want to fight, we have to face up, so as to reflect the national prestige of our great country.

I feel sick after listening to it.

Such people have to stay away from him, lest they seem to hurt themselves by thunder.

So Wang Chong ignored him at all and looked at the third person.

The man, with a heavy back, respectfully said, "emperor, the grass people think that this group of people without clothes are inferior to barbarians. They can kill them all and occupy the territory. In this way, our Dayan Dynasty must be stronger and make the enemy afraid."

"What if I can't fight?" Wang Zhong asked.

"I can't fight......"

The man was stunned: "how can we fail to fight? We have a large army and weapons. We can't fail to fight."

Look at this man, it's just a reckless man.

Wang Chong immediately lost interest in him, but he can consider becoming a soldier in the future. As long as he can survive, he will be a strong general.

"What about you?" Wang Chong looked at the fourth man.

"The grass-roots people thought that they could catch these people as slaves and use them to work for our country."

Wang Zhong denied again in his heart.

Although this method is similar to slavery, the premise is that he should have sufficient institutional advantages in order to stabilize the great Yan Dynasty.

Otherwise, what's the use of internal instability just by finding slaves?

"And you?"

Wang Zhong looked at the fifth man.

The man, who looked very regular, frowned and said, "the grass people think that if the other party is not dressed, it is completely a wilderness, which is useless to us. Whatever they do."

"OK, your ideas don't agree with me. Go down."

Wang Zhong waved his hand impatiently.

Several people were a little embarrassed, and then retired.

"Lord, the old slave is stupid. I think one of the ways is still good. For example, let those people who have no clothes do slavery. I don't know why the Lord doesn't use him?" He Taigao asked puzzled.

"Mate, I said, foreign trade, foreign trade, what I want to do is trade, earn money, pull people over to be slaves, cause hatred there, what can I get? Only hatred!"

"Er... The emperor means..."

"It's very simple to do trade. If the people there have no clothes, we will sell them clothes, so that they can provide us with food and raw materials there. We can process the finished clothes to them. We don't need to enslave them, but we can also get the resources we need there. At the same time, because we make clothes, everyone has something to do, and we can also get the gratitude of the people there. Do we kill three birds with one stone?"

In fact, what Wang Zhong said is easy to understand. In modern society, people who can do business understand this truth.

Because if you want to enslave people in a place, you have to pay countless manpower to start a war. Starting a war means resource consumption, which will not only lead to hostility, but also may not succeed.

But by selling goods to others in exchange for resources, you get what you own in another way.

For example, in modern Germany, there is a joke that Germany launched World War II and did not lay down all the resources in Europe. It did not expect to get the resources it needed through trade after peace.

In fact, he Taigao's brain is still a little inflexible. He can't figure out how to make the other party obedient by selling clothes to others?

But soon he stopped thinking and laughed secretly in his heart. As long as we serve the emperor well, why do we want to do so much?

Since there is no suitable candidate, Wang Zhong can only put aside the candidates for the foreign affairs department for the time being and deal with this winter's affairs wholeheartedly.

Shen Yu's father came to the palace to see Wang Zhong within a few days and said something about Haiyan city.

According to Shen Yu's father, Xu LVYE, the Lord of Haiyan City, is already the local overlord there. He supports his troops and respects himself. Even the garrison generals there listen to him.

So it is difficult for Wang Zhong to order Xu LVYE.

Moreover, Wang rechecked the tax records of haiyancheng in recent years, which have been declining year after year.

But you know, Haiyan city is close to the sea. There is not only developed agriculture and good weather, but also rich food for the people. They can eat a lot of seafood, and there is no hunger.

There are many merchants and developed trade, but the tax revenue is not as good as the city in the mountains.

This shows that Xu LVYE privately withheld a lot of taxes.

Although he knew that Xu LVYE was disobedient and could turn against himself at any time, Wang Chong could not do anything to him. It was very simple. Although his troops could suppress him, it was too far along the way.

A large number of troops is not enough. They also need food, grass, transportation capacity and so on.

At present, there is a shortage of food and grass, which is obviously not suitable for launching a campaign.

After that, Wang Chong asked Shen Yu's father to stay in the palace for a few days. He arranged several newcomers from the East Hall, dressed as businessmen, and went to Haiyan city to spy on various news.

Wang Chong put this matter on hold for the time being.

This winter, although it is said that Wang Chong launched relief, and the disaster situation in the capital was stabilized, it was not long before there were refugee riots in two cities.

In one of the cities, there were signs of rebels who killed the whole family of the local mayor.

After Wang Zhong knew the news, he immediately sent a senior general to suppress it in advance.

The rebels were solved, and Wang Zhong took the opportunity to confer a new title of city Lord there, which was regarded as regaining control of the place.

In an instant, the new year is coming.

The arrival of the new year means that warm weather is coming, which is the only place for Wang to breathe again.

In fact, he knew that many people must have died in other areas this winter. Unfortunately, he was not a God and could not take care of the people in each area. He had to take his time later.


On New Year's day, Wang Zhong asked his concubines to gather together and cook a large pot of hot pot for dinner.

Since Wang Chong reformed the harem, the atmosphere of the harem is much better now. Many concubines are matched by sisters and respect each other like guests. Wang Chong is very pleased to see it.

Now there are three favorite ones.

It goes without saying that the queen Zhao Luan has the temperament of a mother in the world. Wang Chong admires her character and mind very much.

Then there are Feng Chengcheng and Shen Yu.

Feng Chengcheng's ability to manage the clothing factory is good. As for Shen Yu, because of her mother's family, she has also been valued by Wang Zhong.

However, these three have not been pregnant with dragon seed for the time being, because Wang Chong doesn't want to be distracted by other things, so he is not ready to have it for the time being.

"Emperor, I propose a toast to you. Under your leadership, our Dayan Dynasty will be prosperous."

A concubine summoned up her courage, raised her glass and said.

"Emperor, I also respect you. I didn't know you were so hard before. Now I understand your difficulties. I think I was really stupid before."

During this period, Wang Zhong also tried to let the concubines know about the internal and external troubles of his country, so the effect was very good and was understood by the concubines.

"Let's work together." Wang Chong also raised his glass.

After drinking and eating, suddenly, Wang Chong took his concubines out for a walk.

Suddenly, a meteor glided across the sky.

This meteor is very bright. It doesn't look like an ordinary meteor. When it slides across the sky, it also illuminates the other seven stars in the sky.

The seven stars form a row, forming a seven star bead.

"Meteor!" He Taigao's eyes coagulated. After seeing the seven stars, his face looked ugly.

"Seven stars in a row of meteors..."

Zhao Luan seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly changed.

Wang Zhong looked at her expression in his eyes and asked curiously, "did the queen think of anything? Why did she suddenly turn pale?"

"No... nothing."

Zhao Luan squeezed out an ugly smile, "maybe... Maybe it's cold."

He Taigao stagnated for a moment, suddenly quietly wiped his tears, and was even sad.

This confused Wang Zhong again, and asked, "partner, why are you suddenly sad?"


He Taigao suddenly knelt down: "my Lord, my lord... I'm not sad. I'm very happy. How can I be sad?"

"Isn't that right?"

"It's true, old slave... Old slave is cold."

"I'll let you say it. If you don't say it again, I'll cut off your head."

He Taigao kowtowed and said, "Lord, I really have nothing to say. Even if the Lord wants to cut off my head, i... I have nothing to say."


Wang Zhong looks at he Taigao and guesses what he Taigao and the queen are hiding from him.

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