Continuous disaster relief puts great pressure on Wang Zhong.

The grain purchased this year is rapidly consumed.

Fortunately, a lot of grain has been brought in from overseas, which solves the urgent need.

However, some areas are not very good.

For example, haiyancheng is managed by Xu LVYE, who supports the army and respects himself.

Xu LVYE sent urgent letters several times, asking the court to support food. Wang chonggen didn't respond to these requests.

On the one hand, even if the rescue is over, I'm afraid the big head will be taken away by Xu LVYE. After all, Xu LVYE needs food to feed his private soldiers.

On the other hand, even if the rescue is over, Xu LVYE will not read his good words, otherwise Xu LVYE will not support the soldiers and respect themselves.

Anyway, this person will turn against himself sooner or later, so Wang Chong simply ignored.

Seeing the court's delay in giving support, Xu LVYE was so angry that he patted the table: "this emperor's child is too disrespectful. I really don't pay attention to Xu LVYE."

In the Lord's mansion.

Even if there were many court officials sitting in front of him, Xu LVYE still angrily scolded Wang Zhong in full view of the public.

It's not that he scolded deliberately, but that he used to scold like this.

In the area of haiyancheng, Xu LVYE is the king.

Nominally, this is the jurisdiction of the Dayan Dynasty. In fact, everyone who knows it knows that this place has been controlled by Xu Luye.

Therefore, Xu LV Ye dared to scold Wang Zhong in full view without any psychological burden.

"Please calm down, Lord. According to the information, the emperor has continuously supported several other provinces, but missed us here. I think the emperor did it on purpose." An officer guessed.

"Don't think so. The dog emperor must have doubted me."

Xu lyye sneered: "originally, I didn't want to turn over so early, but the Emperor didn't give me a way to survive. It can be concluded that once the winter is over, once the Dayan Dynasty stabilizes, I'm afraid the emperor will attack me. At that time, you guys, I'm afraid you can't escape the relationship. Don't forget how he dealt with those officials who opposed him, skinning and filling feces, men as slaves, and women as prostitutes......"

A group of officials looked awe inspiring.

Several of them were Xu LV Ye's confidants who hurriedly got up.

"Lord, if you have anything, just tell me. I'm at your disposal."

"Me too."

"The Lord of the city is deeply loved by the people here. If the dog emperor doesn't give us a way to live, then we'll just... Turn it upside down!"

As soon as he said this, the whole audience looked trembling.

All along, no one has pierced this layer of window paper.

But now, the words have been made very clear, and it's no longer interesting to hide.

Xu lyye nodded with satisfaction, "well, from today on, I will be the king, and the country's name is Haiyan country. I will command the eight cities around Haiyan country. Everyone, who has any opinion?"

Everyone was originally a grasshopper on a rope. Who would have an opinion at this time?

Xu LV Ye smiled with satisfaction. He had long thought about the idea of becoming a king.

Now, he has completely controlled nine cities around Haiyan city.

This place is backed by the sea and in front of it are mountains. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is too difficult for Dayan Dynasty to kill it.

And he can take the opportunity to go out with his soldiers to fight for territory, and it is best to stir up chaos in the world. At that time, the Dayan Dynasty will be in chaos. With his current strength, he may be able to unify the Dayan Dynasty and become the monarch of the Dayan Dynasty.


The news of the founding of Haiyan state instantly attracted the attention of all forces again.

Knowing the news, several neighboring countries harassed the border more unscrupulously, causing refugees to flee and run, and their families to run towards Dayan towards the endoscope.

The garrison on the border was not an opponent at all, and repeatedly asked Wang Zhong for support.

Wang Zhong's answer is only one, stick to it! Rescue is on the way.

In fact, Wang chonggen didn't want to save it at all.

These garrisons are soldiers who have been at the border for a long time. They steal money and benefits. They run the fastest. When they encounter a war, they are like soft footed shrimp, seconds counselled.

But you can't directly disband such soldiers like dealing with landlords and corrupt officials.

Otherwise, the mutiny of so many soldiers is also a great force.

Such soldiers do nothing to deal with foreign enemies, but once they oppose the Lord, they will have great power.

So Wang Zhong didn't touch them at the beginning.

Now that the enemy is fighting, it is just right that they can be dispersed with the help of the enemy's troops. When the time comes, they can regroup and fight back in full force.

In addition to the harassment of several neighboring countries, several warlords like Xu LVYE also poured out of the country.

One of them attracted Wang Zhong's attention.

Gao Yan, only 23 years old.

This man founded the Dayan Dynasty. As soon as he made a move, he was known to support 100000 soldiers. Although he owned only one city at the beginning, he annexed five surrounding cities in just one month. It is said that now he has supported 200000 soldiers, which is the second overlord under Xu LVYE.

Nowadays, Wang Zhong is naturally the most powerful, with half the original land area of the Dayan Dynasty and more than 400000 soldiers.

Although it seems that there are many troops, there are too many enemies, coupled with the large territory, so many soldiers are actually scattered and easy to be defeated by each.

"If the order goes down, I will fight in person!"

This morning, Wang Chong personally ordered.

He was so disappointed by a group of ministers at the bottom. Just now he asked who was willing to fight, but he didn't dare to fight any of them.

I dare not. I want you to follow me.

"Now that I'm on the expedition, you all follow me."

"I... comply."

No one dares to say no.

The news of the emperor's personal expedition soon spread, and everyone was saying which side the emperor would deal with.

Some people speculate that it is to deal with Gao Yan of Dayan Dynasty.

Because Gao Yan is young, young people are young and energetic. They are the easiest to make mistakes and easy to deal with, so it is better to deal with Da Yan Chao.

There are also some people who say that it is easy to deal with the Haiyan Empire because its troops are scattered.

To the surprise of the world, these two kings did not deal with each other. Instead, they came to the border and incorporated all the scattered defenders that had been beaten, and then broke up and reorganized the army.

Half a month later, Wang Zhong led 10000 troops to march into neighboring countries.

"What, the emperor of Dayan Dynasty brought 10000 troops and killed them? Hahaha......"

The enemy general was overjoyed at the news.

Although the troops of these nomads are small, only about 30000, the rest of their troops need to stay in the base camp.

But Rao is so. It's enough to deal with Wang Chong's 10000 troops!

Immediately, the enemy general led his troops to attack.


Wang Chong's side, the commander of the musket battalion shouted, and 3000 Musketeers lined up.

This time, it seems that there are only 10000 troops, but in fact, Wang Chong brought 6000 Musketeers.

The remaining 4000 are cavalry in case of accidents.

With so little deliberately, Wang Chong also wants to lead the other party to attack actively.


The enemy, with a total of 10000 cavalry and 20000 infantry, attacked quickly.


At the command of the battalion commander, the musket was fired.

"Bang Bang..."


No one expected that stones were shot out of the hands of soldiers standing quietly in a row.

No one knows what this is, but the soldiers and horses on his side fell down one after another.



"I'm dead..."

Screams continued.

But the enemy's offensive has been launched, and it is impossible to retreat at this time. These people are still killing.

Wang Zhong's side, the Musketeers in the second row took over the Musketeers in the first row and stood out.


"Bang Bang..."



"I'm dead..."

There was another howl of ghosts and wolves.

Wang Zhong sat on the horse and looked at the army in the distance with a single telescope.

Looking at the other side's army in rout, he smiled.

He knew that the battle was a certainty.

This battle gained prestige and momentum.

"Doo Doo............."

Soon, the bugle of the enemy came.

Then he saw the enemy troops retreat quickly.

"Emperor, the end will be willing to pursue." A young man dismounted and knelt down and said.

"Don't chase a poor enemy."

Wang Chong waved his hand indifferently. This battle has been won, and there is no need to fight vigorously.

In his view, in the future, Dayan Dynasty will have strong troops and strong economy. Sooner or later, some small countries on the edge will be flat, and there is no need to show off this moment.

Hearing Wang Zhong's words, several generals who wanted to pursue sighed and had to obey orders.

These people are all new people promoted by Wang Zhong, so they are very loyal to Wang Zhong, and no one dares to say anything.

"Return to the city!"

"Dong Dong Dong............."

The war drums sounded, and the mighty team returned to the city.

The war ended quickly and it was inexplicable to fight.

Many people don't know how to win this battle.

You know, Wang Chong has only 10000 troops.

As for how to win, Wang Chong naturally ordered his men to keep it strictly confidential. Few people knew about the news of the musket camp, except that there was an army of thousands under Wang Chong's hand, which was his personal leader.

About this battle, Wang Chong finally released the news that the enemy army was vulnerable. Seeing that their team was strong, he was the first to lose his armor and run away.

After the war, the border was suddenly peaceful.

In order not to turn the border garrison into a weapon, Wang Zhong adopted the plan of rotation defense.

Each general took 50000 soldiers to defend for three years, and then changed teams after three years.

In this way, the general has avoided colluding with the enemy country for a long time, and the emergence of mercenaries has also been avoided.

You know, in the past, the reason why many dynasties had harassment from neighboring countries was actually collusion with the city guarding generals, robbing things and making money together.


"The emperor's son didn't expect to have a few more hands, but he won."

When the news came back to Haiyan enemy country, Xu LVYE was very unhappy.

"Your Majesty, it must be the soldiers of the barbarian country who are vulnerable, so they will be easily solved by Luo Zhao." A minister said.

"Well, it must be so. Anyway, we don't have to worry. These days, Gao Yan of Dayan Dynasty sent someone to us and said he would form an alliance with us. Wei Chen thought he could consider it."

"Wei Chen also thought that it could be considered. Although Dayan Dynasty is running out of gas, after all, there are many soldiers and there are many generals. We have some difficulties in dealing with it. If there is the combination of Dayan Dynasty and Gao Yan, we will be able to divide Dayan Dynasty completely."

"Hum, isn't it that the king wants to carve up the world with the villain Gao Yan?"

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