Jack mareo was stunned. He didn't expect to be saved so soon. He immediately looked happy: "who are you?"

"Hello, I'm your father's subordinate, senior patrol ship commander Tang Bai. I was playing with my friends. When I went to the bathroom, I found something wrong here, so I came to have a look. Unexpectedly, are you all right?"

"Are you blind? Didn't you see that my hand was injured? Send me to the hospital immediately. If my hand is useless, I'll ask you."

"Oh, yeah."

Wang Zhong sneered in his heart. He was worthy of being a arrogant young master. This attitude was not pleasing to save him by himself.

But Wang Zhong didn't really intend to save him.

After taking Jack mareo out, he went to the corner where there was no one and threw him directly on the ground.

"Bastard, how did you carry it and want to kill me?" Jack mareo cursed.

He was really angry. At the same time, he was not worried that Wang Chong would not save himself.

His father is a general. Is this boy tired of living if he dare not save himself?

However, he was stunned soon.

Because he found that the person who was just ready to save himself was looking at himself with a strange look at him at the moment.

He is very familiar with this look. Every time he kills, it seems to be this kind of look.

Did this guy kill him?

Immediately, Jack mareo was angry, and one of his father's men even looked at him with such eyes.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Jack mareo shouted.

"What do you say if I blow you up here?" Wang Zhong laughed.

Jack mareo said coldly, "send me out, and I will spare your life, or I will kill your family."

"I'm really strange now. How did you live to this day?"

Wang Zhong shook his head and sighed lightly. This man is too retarded. I'm afraid it's his father's credit that he can live to this day.


Wang Chong slapped and shook it.

Jack mareo was instantly angry: "you dare to hit me!"

"It's you!"

Wang Chong kicked it and slapped it in the face.

Until Jack mareo was beaten into a pig's head, Jack mareo was really afraid and begged for mercy and shouted, "uncle, brother, don't... don't fight, I won't retaliate against you... I'll let my father promote you, let me go."

In fact, what Jack mareo thinks is how to treat this guy in the future.

Find a crime, arrest him first, and then get his family to vent their hatred.

Looking up, he suddenly found that Wang Chong had left.

It was strange. After a while, he saw Wang Chong dragging a body and throwing it beside him. Wang Chong turned around and left.

"Hey, where are you going?" Cried Jack mareo.

Wang paused heavily, looked back and said with a smile, "by the way, I forgot to tell you to go down and don't hate me, because you asked for it."

"What do you mean?"


Words fall.

Jack mareo saw a time bomb on the chest of the body on the ground.

He immediately panicked. Just as he wanted to escape, Wang Zhong had pressed the bomb switch.


He himself was blown out, and Jack mareo was blown in two.

His upper body struggled hard, very uncomfortable, and his heart was very regretful. He couldn't figure out why Wang Chong would treat him like this. You know, he was the son of the general.

He still has a lot of glory and wealth to enjoy, and he still has a lot of girls to enjoy. How can he die

Wang Zhong, who fell to the ground, smeared some blood on his face. Then he picked up his mobile phone and called the group of brothers who were still playing: "Cao, I have a big deal

Half an hour later, the police and the army arrived at almost the same time.

However, people with a clear eye can see that the power of the police force is weaker than that of the army.

Because after coming here, it was quickly taken over by the army, and the police force was only responsible for surrounding it to prevent people from approaching.

"So, you had saved young master Leo. Unexpectedly, when you retreated, you suddenly encountered an attack?" An officer like man stood in front of Wang Zhong lying on the hospital bed and asked questions.

"Yes, those people are so hateful. The target this time is obviously young master Leo. I recognized young master Leo at that time, so I wanted to save him. At first, I was lucky. Under my sneak attack, I solved the two bandits. Unexpectedly, there was another one. He had self detonating explosives on his body, rushed over and detonated the bomb....... Poor young master Leo, it was my incompetence, it was my carelessness......"

"Hey, don't blame yourself. There's nothing you can do."

The officer comforted Wang Zhong a few words: "this time, we have made it clear that the two people killed by you are members of the star pirate dragon Corps. It is obvious that the other party is prepared. This is a long planned revenge."

"Well, general Gusteau's son is dead now. He must be very sad?" Wang Zhong asked.

"It's natural. The general has decided to send tenthousand warships and start sweeping away all the flying dragon legions. I think it won't take long to get results."

"Sir, can I join?"


"Well, what I learned is military lessons about leading warships. I think I am qualified for these positions."

In Wang Zhong's view, although he didn't save young master Leo this time, he stopped the enemy anyway. According to reason, even if he didn't promote himself severely, should he be able to meet his little requirements?

Sure enough, the officer looked at Wang Zhong with a smile and finally nodded, "I know what you mean. I feel bored on the patrol ship and want to participate in the war for promotion."

"Every soldier wants to be promoted." Wang chongsi said without any concealment.

"Well, I can still do this. I order you to be the captain of the senior missile ship team and concurrently the captain. Each team manages five missile ships. I hope you won't let me down."

Wang Zhong stood up excitedly and gave a military salute: "thank you, sir, I won't let you down."

"You have a good rest. Go and register tomorrow. As for the team members, what do you say?"

"If you can, I want my current team members to come together."

The crew members of each spacecraft have a tacit understanding with each other for a long time, so it is best not to change them without changing people.

"Well, that's it."


The news of the death of general Gusteau's son was soon on TV, but the bizarre thing was that the TV station only said that the place was an ordinary tea room. General Gusteau's son used to just want to have tea with his friends and cultivate his sentiment.

As for the staff there, although many people didn't die, they just said how cruel the star pirates were, and didn't say anything about what the son of Gusteau did in it.

At the same time, Wang Chong's Avatar was also broadcast by we media for the first time.

"The mysterious lieutenant was playing in the tea room. He met the star pirates who kidnapped jackmareo and saved Master Leo..."

At first, we didn't mention much about Wang Chong's rescue, but later, more and more evidence proved that it was Wang Chong who solved those star pirates that night.

The reason why we know these things is that the reporter did not know what channel to find a friend who played with Wang Chong that day, so Wang Chong's story was well known.

Of course, all this was not spread out for no reason, but Wang Zhong secretly contacted some we media.

In the end, even the military headquarters found that there seemed to be more and more public opinion, and there were things about Wang Zhong on the news from time to time, all praising him.

In addition to Wang Chong becoming a rising star in the army, Gusteau officially announced that he would send 10000 warships to wipe out the flying dragon legion, an interstellar pirate.

Wang Chong successfully led his teammates into the advanced missile ship. Now Wang Chong leads five ordinary missile ships and has become the commander of the advanced missile ship.

Because Wang Zhong is now a rising star in the army, his superiors attach great importance to him, and several small-scale battles have been handed over to Wang Zhong intentionally or unintentionally.

In the first war, there was a planet called serpentine. According to the information, there were interstellar pirates hiding on it. There were not many enemies, but only a low-level warship with insufficient energy.

Wang Zhong was ordered to lead his team.

Although the enemy was weak according to the information, Wang Zhong did not take it lightly.

Six missile ships were suspended in the outer atmosphere of snake star. Wang Zhong sent two aircraft to land and went to snake star to investigate the situation.

Sure enough, something was wrong.

Although there was indeed only one low-level warship there, it seemed that the warship had long known that they would come and had already filled the main muzzle.

In addition, there was an anti warship gun around.

The anti warship gun is powerful. One gun can attack warships in the universe, which is a great threat to warships.

But the disadvantage is that the energy required is too large. Under normal circumstances, this kind of place where birds don't shit won't have energy to supply anti warship guns at all.

After the news came, Wang Zhong ordered, "there are actually four anti warship guns. Fortunately, we didn't rush down, otherwise we fragile missile ships may be in trouble. Since there are four anti warship guns below, it means that there must be energy supply. Find out the source of energy supply."


Two fighters sent short messages, and the soldiers investigated the place where the anti warship guns were supplied with energy in two ways.

Not long after, a fighter plane sent a message that there was a volcano three kilometers southeast.

There seems to be huge energy hidden inside the volcano, which provides energy for anti warship guns.

"Blow up here." Wang Zhong issued the order without hesitation.


Two neutron bombs were thrown at the crater.

A few seconds later, a huge explosion resounded through the snake star.

The only creature on snake star, snakes scattered and fled.

With the explosion of the crater, there was another violent sound under the ground.

The anti warship gun emitting weak light went out.

Seeing the scene displayed on the radar, Wang Chong waved and shouted, "the whole army will attack, the main guns will be filled, and aim at the low-level warship!"


In this battle, the enemy didn't find the incoming enemy, so they were all buried in the sea of fire and became the food for the snakes on the snake star.

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