"Why is this?"

Huge red question marks flickered on the TV station.

Although the ratings of this TV station, which is not ranked in the list, are very poor, since the broadcast of this clip, the ratings have risen steadily.

Many people even broadcast live on the Internet.

With the passage 'why' appearing, the picture turns again, and another subtitle appears.

The answer is: there is something wrong with these warships. Someone deliberately sent these warships to die in order to cover up the quality problem of the warships.

I didn't expect that under the heroic leadership of officer Tang Bai, China won a great victory.

Our hero should not be suppressed. He is a hero and a real soldier!

Once the video was broadcast, it instantly detonated the entire Wantai Federation.

Countless people came to the street with a sign saying "release the hero, officer Tang Bai, and return the world to peace".

There was also a vote on the Internet, asking the president to explain why, and we must thoroughly investigate this incident.

Even many soldiers secretly resent Wang Zhong's experience.

After all, Wang Zhong has become the idol of many people over the years. Everyone is very angry when these people see their idols killed and framed like this.

This time, as the initiator, the pressure of general Gusteau can be imagined.

Many people in the army criticized Gusteau in order to get rid of the relationship.

Even many political allies were eager to get rid of Gusteau. Many people who were at the helm ran to prison and threatened that Wang Chong was persecuted and must make decisions for him.

Later, in order to calm the public anger, the president had to demote Gusteau to the Deputy position, on the grounds that the Japanese Empire's troops had gathered at the border, and at this time, the general would be directly removed, which would disturb the morale of the army.

The result of this treatment was expected by Wang Zhong.

It's very simple. Gusteau's position is too important. He has been in this position for many years, but he has real power in his hands. He really drives others to hurry. Maybe Gusteau will directly rebel.

This time, it seems that Gusteau will be demoted to the Deputy position, but people with a clear eye can see that the army of Gusteau faction is still in the hands of Gusteau.

Wang Zhong was blessed by misfortune this time. Not only did he get rid of prison, but also because of his meritorious service in the war, he was upgraded to major general, commanding a low-level warship army, with a total number of 15000.

Not long after he was released from prison, sure enough, friction broke out again on the border between the Japanese Empire and the Wantai Federation, and both sides suffered losses.

Gusteau may be trying to restore his image in the eyes of the people. He led his troops to support.

Wang Chong was also ordered by the president to go to the flank for support.

Of course, Wang Zhong knew that he was weak and easy to be eaten by others, so he took to guard the satellite fortress and defend the position.


On the other side, instructor Lin Wuyi and his robot army have established a base on an unknown Death Star.

Warships painted black began to lift off.

If you look carefully, these warships are all advanced warships.

"There is war ahead, and my student Tang Bai has led the army to fight against the enemy. Although there are only a few thousand high-level warships at present, these warships have the strength equivalent to nearly 10000 low-level warships."


Lin Wuyi saluted, "I order you to go to the Tang Bai war zone."


Robots inside advanced battleships saluted together.

At this time, Wang Zhong naturally knew that Lvyang had prepared a batch of warships for him, and he was stunned.

"These advanced warships are for me?"

"Well, I also upgraded it for this reason. The filling time of the main gun is shorter and the speed is two quarters faster."

"Elder sister, you can still do this. Why are you so awesome..."

"My database stores the research data of various engineers. I just need to integrate the best research data inside, and I can upgrade it."

Lvyang feels this is very simple.

But if human beings operate it, we can imagine how difficult it is.

The first is the issue of intellectual property rights. No one will come up with their own research results without interests.

The second is the problem of information circulation.

All this, only as a big database like Lvyang, it is possible to integrate all technologies.

"By the way, I have good news for you. Recently, in addition to studying advanced warships, I have also developed a new type of warship

Wang Zhong shook his head and said with a smile, "elder sister, so many advanced warships are already very good."

"These warships are stronger than advanced warships, don't you?"

"Yes, of course, but now the war situation is tight, and these warships are too late to produce?"

"It seems so." Lvyang pondered humanized and suddenly laughed, "by the way, speaking of these weapons, I think you can use some remote planets."

"What do you say?"

"For example, your green mercury can completely let people there produce warships, and even let people learn to operate warships. After all, your army can't be controlled by robots in the future. In the final analysis, people in this world still don't trust robots."

Wang Keyuan said, "well, this can be considered

A huge plan was formed in Wang Zhong's heart.

Now with the addition of these 1000 high-level warships, the situation on Wang Chong's side has been eased.

However, he did not let these high-level warships immediately enter the battle, but pretended to contact the enemy. When entering the white heat, these high-level warships suddenly jumped into the space, and the secondary artillery strafed, and the main artillery filled up, taking an enemy by surprise!

"What happened? Why did Tang Bai suddenly have so many advanced warships?"

The enemy leader shouted angrily as he ordered his men to retreat.

Also shocked was general Gusteau, who was also stunned and ordered his men to investigate immediately how Wang Chong's warship came.

Soon, he was extremely shocked by the news.

It is said that these advanced warships are the private guards of a large consortium.

This consortium has not been established for a long time, but in a short time, it has invested in various stock funds and unicorn companies. In a few years, it has become one of the largest consortiums in the universe.

In this universe, due to its large size, many large consortiums are extremely rich, so there are not a few consortiums that set up their own guard.

However, few large consortia can send so many high-level warships to the military headquarters.

Gusteau immediately realized that Wang Chong's back was probably not simple.

"Let me find out which faction Tang Bai is."

Just at this time, Gusteau's spacecraft suddenly launched a violent explosion at the tail.

"What's going on?"

"No, general, our warship suddenly suffered an explosion, the engine failed, and the power cabin was destroyed

Before the correspondent could finish speaking, a bigger explosion came.

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