The weather was very bad, but the weather was very good.

Kara City, one of the important cities in the Hatwen Kingdom.

At night, in the outer city, on the streets and alleys.

Under the moonlight, two men who looked a little down and out walked in the alley one after the other.

They were dishevelled, and their clothes were more or less stained with black dirt.

It seemed that they had not taken care of their appearance for a while.

However, they who had become homeless probably would not care too much about these.

In the face of survival, "how to eat" is always more important than "how to maintain an image".

Given the current situation in the outer city, the only way they can get food is to go through the garbage dump.

At this time, their destination was the garbage dump in the alley.

However, the target is not the garbage tonight, but a figure lying in the garbage dump.

The owner of the figure is a thin boy. Judging from the dirty and worn clothes on his body, he is most likely a homeless person.

"Hey, he is not dead yet. Did he faint? Lying in this place, I thought he had died."

A homeless man said with a little surprise.

"Isn't this better? Slaves are much more valuable than corpses. They can keep us full for a few more days."

"After eating, maybe we can find a job."

Another homeless man replied, with some expectations for the future in his words.

"That's right."

After that, the two of them said no more, lifted the body of the young homeless man and walked towards the slave black market.

There they might get a sum of money to change their fate.

Of course, it is highly unlikely to change. As homeless people, they know better than ordinary people how difficult it is to turn over.

"So light, this kid probably doesn't have much flesh."

"It's a bit pitiful. At this age, he must have just come out of the orphanage and become a homeless."

The homeless man walking behind said with some sighs.

"You are so long-winded. Instead of pitying others, you might as well pity yourself first."

"Do you think we are better than him? We may die earlier than him one day."

"As soon as the city lord issued an order, the nobles and merchants took the opportunity to hoard goods and raise prices."

"As a result, ordinary people like us who live in the outer city and can barely make ends meet have become homeless people who are in danger of dying every day. Aren't we pitiful?"

"It's just that we, like him, are powerless to resist the greedy sickles of the nobles and merchants."

The homeless man in front said with some indignation.

The homeless man in the back was shocked by the series of words of the homeless man in front.

It's not that he couldn't understand the indignation, but he was surprised that the people in front dared to say these words.

As an ordinary person, it has become a basic rule for survival in the outer city area not to openly express any dissatisfaction with the nobles.

It has even become a law in this city and even in this country.

Any civilian who violates it will be caught and imprisoned.

Once in prison, ordinary people without connections and money will find it difficult to get out.

What's more, if you commit such a serious crime that offends the nobles, you will basically be tortured severely. I'm afraid you will die soon after entering.

"Why do you say such a thing?"

The homeless man in the back lowered his voice.

What he meant was, why did you say such a thing to me?

He didn't mean to report it to the higher authorities. First, he didn't like the nobles either, and second, even if he reported it, he wouldn't get any benefits from it.

Not to mention whether the guards would think that it was adding trouble to them and beat him up.

Even if the guards really caught him, they wouldn't give him any benefits as a homeless man.

"Want to know? After dealing with this kid, I'll take you to a place."

"What are you going to do?"

"To attend a party."

After the two finished their question and answer, they were silent. The one behind was thinking, and the one in front was waiting for his answer.


Slave black market, a slave exchange.

"Master Barton, what do you think of this? Can you give the kid a few cents?"

One of the two tramps said flatteringly to a middle-aged man in exquisite and gorgeous clothes.

His tone was very low, his body was bent, and his eyes did not look directly at the middle-aged man's face, but looked at the ground.

As if this was not a purchase

It is not a sale, but an offering.

"Why are you here?"

Barton looked at the thin boy on the ground and said impatiently.

It seems that he is not very satisfied with the goods on the ground.

"Haven't you heard about your kindness and wealth, Master Barton? That's why I dare to come here to exchange some money and property."

The tramp continued.

"You are good at talking, but the goods you sent are a little older and look average, and looking at this thin body, I'm afraid they don't have much strength."

"It's not worth much money."

Barton commented to the boy on the ground.

"Just give it as you see fit, we will be satisfied with any amount."

Of course, we are not satisfied with any amount, but the tramp can only say this.

Because this is not an equal transaction in itself.

Even when they stood here, the goods were actually not theirs.

So how much the other party can give really depends on the other party's intention.

"How about this, ten big coppers?"

Although it was a question, Barton took out ten copper coins and threw them over, not caring whether the other party was satisfied with the price.

"Thank you for your generosity and kindness, Mr. Barton."

The two tramps said with a smile and excitement, and then quickly picked up the copper coins on the ground.

As for whether they were really satisfied with the price, and whether they really felt that Barton was kind, it was unknown.

At least they knew that they could not express their dissatisfaction here, otherwise they might become another commodity.

In the illegal area of ​​the slave black market.

The so-called law of "not being able to directly capture people as slaves" is like waste paper, and no one wants it even if it is used to wipe their butts.

Barton waved his hand at them, indicating that he didn't want to listen to their nonsense, and signaled them to get out quickly.

The two tramps understood what Barton wanted to express, so they respectfully withdrew from the hall and quickly left the slave exchange.

After the two tramps left, another strong man came into the hall.

He walked to the side of the boy on the ground and respectfully asked Barton whether he should carry the goods away.

"Wait a minute, let me test the quality of the goods first."

After saying this, Master Barton took out a talent measuring instrument that looked like a crystal ball from his pocket.

Barton placed the crystal ball on the boy, and soon, the crystal ball emitted a faint white light.

"He doesn't carry elemental talents, but his mental power is higher than that of ordinary people. He can barely be considered a high-value cargo."

"Give him more food, don't let him starve."

After Barton instructed his men, he signaled them to move the goods on the ground to a suitable place and not leave them in the hall to affect business.

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