The old man was very happy.

"Thank you, Jonathan, for waking me up."

Rians stood up and thanked Jonathan.

"Haha... You're welcome. This is what I should do. Otherwise, I'd be sorry for your calling me brother."

Jonathan laughed awkwardly.

After a few simple polite remarks, Rians once again focused his attention on the crowd in front of him.

Rians roughly counted and found that 70 to 80 people had gathered on the open space.

This was almost one-third of the total number of the family's secret guards.

But with so many people crowded in this not-so-spacious open space, there was no noisy sound.

Very quiet...

It seemed as if everyone had merged into the night, and a sense of silence and mystery arose spontaneously.

If it weren't for the different hair colors, these black-clad secret guards standing here would look like stones piled up in an open space.


It was soon 7:30 in the evening. How did Reans know?

Because a man dressed completely unlike a secret guard came in.

Reans was familiar with that man.

He was one of the people in Reans' "little grudge notebook", the man who led the review team during Reans's training camp graduation assessment.

Reans didn't expect to see him here.

The Glenbargen family's base was too large, and Reans's key search location was a special area, which resulted in him never meeting those five guys.

Now he actually met one of them, and he was the leader.

It seems that fate is really hard to cut off... It seems that God was afraid that Reans would forget, so he came to remind him.

"Everyone, from low to high, line up in four rows."

The man walked up the steps and ordered all the secret guards on the open space.

As the order was issued, everyone present moved instantly, and after a period of commotion, they quickly lined up.

The man counted the number of people in the team, then nodded with satisfaction: "Well, 80 people are just right, it seems that no one is absent."

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Cliff Grunbagen, and I will lead you to carry out the conscription mission this time."

"Those who have experience should know what conscription is. Those who don't know will know it after experiencing it once. I am too lazy to explain it more."

"Now let's start announcing the content and rewards of this conscription."

Cliff continued.

"What you need to do this time is to kill all the members of the Peg family."

"No matter if they are men or women, old or young, nobles or servants, as long as they are alive in that mansion, kill them all."

"One head, one hundred contribution points, all members of the Peg family, will be doubled by 20 times."

"In addition, if the mission is successful, each person will receive an extra 1,000 contribution points; if the mission fails, a mandatory mission will be performed."

Cliff read out with a cold face and murderous intent.

Cliff did not say what the Peg family is, but Reens learned in the copy before that the Peg family is a viscount family, and a more powerful viscount.

It is considered the top nobles in the huge city of Kara.

It can even be said that in addition to the city lord and the Glenbogen family in Kara, the Peg family is basically the largest.

There is no doubt that this kind of family must have extraordinary people.

So, if only their 80 secret guards were to kill others.

Reans felt a bit overwhelmed...

Jonathan, who was standing aside, also had an ugly expression after a brief thought.

As a member who was well-informed, he also knew about the Peg family.

He knew the status of the Peg family, so he understood the difficulty of this mission even more.

"It seems that this mission is troublesome, don't you think, brother Jonathan?"

Reans saw Jonathan's expression and understood that he probably saw through the main purpose of this mission, so he said in a low voice.

"It is troublesome... I wonder how many people the family wants to die before the mission ends?"

Jonathan frowned and smiled bitterly.

"As long as it's not all, we still have hope of coming back alive, right?"

Reans said calmly.

But his eyes were full of seriousness and seriousness...

If it doesn't work, he will kill Cliff, and then run to a far place to gamble whether he can isolate the constraints of the "slave contract"?

"That's all. If you have no questions, let's go now."

Cliff waited for everyone to receive the information.

He spoke.

After he finished speaking, he took a step towards the exit without waiting for everyone to reply.

All the secret guards present were speechless and followed Cliff's footsteps silently.

The noisy footsteps, like rocks rolling into a lake, disturbed the tranquility that should have been in the night.


Taking advantage of the night, eighty secret guards, together with Cliff, who put on black clothes, came to a mansion with a wide and tall gate.

There is a curfew in the outer city, but not in the inner city.

But along the way, they did not see any signs of business in a single store.

The streets that should have been brightly lit and crowded with people now only had a few passers-by and moonlight to greet them.

And even when they arrived at the destination, they did not see the figures of other powerful people from the Glenbagen family.

Don't say there is none, when Reans explored the Glenbagen family in the dungeon, he was not the only one who was besieged and killed.

Sometimes, Reans would also meet the extraordinary knights and magicians of the family.

Unfortunately, their spawning locations are quite random, so most of the time, Reens can only find Adonis with fixed spawning points to practice swordplay.

Seeing this, Reens is more certain of his guess.

Whether it is the anomalies along the way or the fact that they are walking on the road in a swagger, it indicates that this mission is not actually secret.

On the contrary, anyone with a little background and information channels may know about the Glenbagen family's action.

They don't seem to be carrying out a special mission to wipe out the family, but more like holding a performance.

"Alas... Be careful later, kid, don't rush too far forward."

"Although the reward is tempting, only those who are alive can get it."

Jonathan sighed.

The anomalies along the way also completely extinguished his last bit of luck.

This action is probably just a warning from the family to the Peg family, a warning completed with the lives of their secret guards.

Of course, the family may also have the idea of ​​directly destroying the Peg family.

Otherwise, they would not directly call nearly one-third of the secret guards.

If they could rely on these secret guards to wipe out the Peg family, everyone would be happy; but even if they failed, it wouldn't be a big loss.

Just cleaned up a group of guys who didn't work seriously.

Cliff patted the shoulder of a secret guard beside him, gestured to him, and pushed the door open.

The secret guard hesitated for a moment, but he didn't dare to resist Cliff. He walked hesitantly to the door of the mansion and pushed it open.

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