The old man sighed and stopped the "fierce knight" from chasing.

"Ger, don't chase... If you chase him, it may cause a complete war between the two families."

"After all, the Peg family is far inferior to the Glenbogen family. That person is still..."

"Although I don't know why he allowed today's behavior, he will not allow others to directly provoke the Glenbogen family."

The old man sighed and stopped the "fierce knight" from chasing.

In response, Ger slammed his sword hard on the body of a dead dark guard, but he also listened to the old man's words and stopped his steps to step out of the door.

"Everyone, the promised reward will be offered by the Peg family."

"At the same time, I am deeply sorry for those friends who died, but the Peg family will also give generous compensation to their families and friends."

"It's late now. If you don't mind, you can take a rest at the Peg family."

After persuading Gel, the old man turned to the surviving people in the Peg camp and said.

"Your Excellency is too polite. People who come here basically put life and death aside, and..."

"The person lying on the ground was killed by the crazy people of the Glenbagen family. It has nothing to do with you, Your Excellency."

"If you want to blame someone, you should blame those guys who specialize in killing people."

One person responded politely.

When they heard the word "reward", the eyes of the surviving people lit up, and even the sadness of their companions' death was temporarily suppressed.

Aren't they fighting so hard just for the generous reward promised by the Peg family?

Otherwise, why would they risk offending the Glenbagen family to get involved in this matter?

After finishing this business, they can go directly to other cities and become rich.

Thinking about the good days in the future, how can the living not be happy?

The old man knew that this was just polite, so he said no more and asked the servants to arrange them to rest in the guest room and clean up the mess on the ground.

Then, everyone left this place full of blood and body parts one by one.

Except for the servants who had to work hard to move the corpses in the middle of the night...


After the old man and Denise were in a quiet room, Denise asked the old man:

"Grandpa, are we leaving Kara City?"

"We have no choice but to leave... This should be just a warning from the Glenbagen family."

"Because, although the group of secret guards was a bit unexpected, there was no elemental reaction unique to the extraordinary among them."

"If the fight begins to expand, it is difficult for us to guarantee whether the Glenbagen family will send out extraordinary people next time?"

"So, we can only give up here temporarily and return to the territory of the Peg family to make plans."

"But don't worry... As long as the Glenbagen family doesn't want the situation to escalate further, they will not attack our team when we leave."

"The most important thing is that the 'Princess Knight' is about to arrive in this city. She has a special identity and represents the attitude of the royal family."

"This is probably why the Glenbagen family chose to attack tonight?"

The old man explained to Denise in a comforting manner.

"Also, after returning to the Peg family's territory, I will arrange for you to go to the 'Magic Kingdom' for further study."

"For some reason, I always feel a little uneasy, and I have a premonition that something big is about to happen."

"I hope it's an illusion..."

"You are not young anymore. When you get there, remember to take care of yourself."

The old man continued.


Denise was anxious to say something.

"Be obedient."

The old man held Denise's hand and said softly.

Denise lowered her head and remained silent.


On the other side.

After running out of the Peg family's residence, Reens decided to return to the Glenbogen family after a certain psychological struggle.

If he had a choice, he still didn't want to take the risk of testing the upper limit of the "slave contract".

He has only been in this world for less than a year, and he wants to see more of the beauty of this world.

For example, the elf sister, the animal-eared loli, etc.

Although he has not seen those alien races so far, as long as he is alive, there will always be a chance to see them.

I just wonder if their body structure is different from that of normal humans?

If so, he would have to adjust the angle of his sword.

When Reans entered the gate of the Glenbargen family, he saw Cliff standing alone in the courtyard.

He seemed to be waiting for something...

Cliff looked up and saw Reans, who was the first to return, but he was just

He took a look and said nothing more.

When Reans saw Cliff's actions, he probably understood what he was waiting for.

So, he stood aside obediently and waited for the return of others with Cliff.

As time went by.

More and more secret guards returned to the family, until after a while, no one passed through the gate.

Reans counted and found that the number of secret guards still alive was no more than 20.

There were 80 people when they went out, and less than 20 when they came back. It was very tragic. Three-quarters of the people died.

Fortunately, Reans actually saw Jonathan among the living people.

This guy actually survived. It seems that he brought a lot of life-saving things when he went out before.

Reans waved to Jonathan and motioned him to come over to his side.

He helped him so much before, and he might have indirectly saved his life.

Isn't it a bit wrong for Jonathan not to express his opinion?

It just so happened that this conscription had already used up all the life-saving assets that Reens had saved, and now he urgently needed a big customer to replenish him.

Jonathan was the big customer that Reens had set his sights on.

Jonathan's colorful appearance before made him very envious.

Reens waved, and Jonathan walked over with a wry smile.

Except when he was on the battlefield, he really didn't want to contact a dangerous person like Reens at other times.

However, after all, he was the thigh he chose, so Jonathan could only continue to go forward to curry favor with him.

"Get it?"

After Jonathan's figure approached, Reens made a "money" gesture to him, and then whispered a hint.

Seeing this, Jonathan's face became even more bitter, but he could only nod and agree to Reens' request.

"Another big loss... It seems that I have to reduce the frequency of seeing the young lady recently."

"However, I heard that the 'Princess Knight' is coming to Kara City. Do you want to buy a model?"

"Forget it, that thing is too expensive... Let's continue to look for the young lady."

Jonathan thought to himself.


Cliff made a sound, prompting everyone to look at him.

After waiting for a while, seeing that no more secret guards returned, he finally spoke.

"This mission can be said to be a complete failure... However, the opponent is powerful, and there are knights and magicians."

"So, it's not a crime of war..."

"But it failed after all, so you still need to carry out the 'mandatory mission'."

"Tomorrow, when you arrive at the mission hall, you will receive your respective missions."

"However, the mission rewards mentioned before are still effective. The wooden signs record how many people you killed."

"You can go to the mission hall to receive the rewards later."

"As for those who didn't come back, the family will destroy their slave contracts."

After Cliff finished speaking, he turned and left the compound, leaving the secret guards to think quietly.

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