The sword was so strong that it was almost impossible to resist.


The long sword and the great sword collided.

"Can't you, the Grunbagen family, hold back?"

Ger said coldly, then waved his sword and pushed away Reens in front of him.

Facing the huge power gap, Reens had almost no power to resist and was pushed back several steps by the great sword.

"This kid really doesn't listen to advice... Alas."

Jonathan sighed and said to himself when he saw that the figure who rushed out first was Reens.

With Reens' demonstration, the other dark guards naturally no longer hesitated, and after adding buffs to themselves one after another, they also rushed up.

Faced with this situation, the old man did not say anything more, and directly released magic to bombard the dark guards in front.

At the same time, he used magic to add a buff to his side, and prepared to go forward to fight the enemy after the magic bombardment ended.

The situation in the courtyard also changed from confrontation to war.

The screams of grief will never stop from this moment.

As for Reens, facing Gel's questioning, he did not reply, but directly responded with the long sword in his hand.


Reens stepped forward again and sprinted towards Gel's position, raised the long sword and stabbed Gel's part that was not covered by armor like lightning.


Gel used the wide blade to block Reens's straight stab with the horizontal sword, and then quickly swung the sword at Reens.

Intended to split the "thin" guy in front of him in half.

At this time, Gel did not care about the dark guard in front of him who had no elemental reaction.

After all, if even a weakling who is not a superhuman needs to be taken seriously, then shouldn't Gel have to be cautious every day?

He didn't think that the "eager for quick success" guy in front of him could block his sword.

Facing this fierce sword, Reans naturally couldn't block it, but he didn't need to block it.

Reans turned sideways and dodged the sword by a centimeter. The whistling sword wind even roared in Reans' ears.

The reason why Reans dodged the sword in such a thrilling way was that he was sure he could do it, and secondly, he didn't want to distance himself from Gel.

Whether it was height, arm length, or sword length, Reans was shorter than Gel.

This resulted in his attack range being much smaller than Gel.

Therefore, Reans couldn't retreat to avoid the attack, otherwise he might be suppressed by Gel with the advantage of attack distance.

After dodging the attack of the sword in an extremely thrilling way, Reans drew his sword again.

With the power of his right hand, the long sword slashed towards the joint of Gel's right hand holding the sword as fast as the wind. That position was not protected and was extremely critical.

Gel frowned. He could not retract the sword in time, so he moved his arm and blocked the attack with his gauntlet.


The solid steel gauntlet was cut by the sharp slash of Reans.

Reans did not care about the damage of "cutting iron" to the long sword. The refined long sword bought at a high price was still quite durable.

This behavior may cause some wear and tear on the long sword and reduce its sharpness, but it is still not so easy to break in a short time.

Reans took advantage of the victory and directly launched the "three-continuous stab", stabbing towards Gel's heart at a speed that was almost imperceptible to the naked eye.

With the hardness of the armor, if it were not for the "three-continuous stab", it would be difficult for Reans to penetrate the defense of the armor and attack Gel's body.

Seeing this, Gel's face changed slightly, and his body quickly leaned back, while retracting the sword to block it in front of his chest.


The afterimage of the long sword fell on Gel's greatsword, making a series of harsh sounds.

This time, Gel reacted in time, so Reens' attack did not achieve the desired result.

Gel swung his sword and swept, and Reens had to quickly retreat away from the attack range of the greatsword.

While retreating, Reens took out the "physical potion" from his special pocket with his left hand, crushed the bottle mouth, and then poured the red potion into his mouth.

The tiny glass fragments entered Reens' mouth along with the potion, cutting the flesh of his mouth.

For a moment, who knew how much of the red liquid that Reens swallowed was his own blood?


Reens stepped forward again and sprinted quickly to Gel's position.

From previous observations, Gel's sword skills should be of the type of big opening and closing.

This is very suitable for the greatsword and his tall body.

But this kind of swordsmanship is somewhat disadvantaged in the face of close-range attacks.

Seeing Reans rushing over again, Gel naturally knew what this guy was up to, but he would not allow the situation to happen again.

Gel slashed at Reans with a serious expression, and after Reans dodged, he quickly connected with a sweep.

The greatsword was still opening and closing, but it always kept Reans at a certain distance, making him unable to get close or far away.

Gel's attack was like a tornado, tearing everything outside the eye of the wind.

And Reans was a flying bird caught in the storm, and could only keep dodging the attacks from the storm.

"Strong! It's really a strong man!"

Reans shouted excitedly in his heart.

This is another extraordinary knight who has comprehended the "sword style".

This is a strong man who can be on par with the instructor, and may even surpass the instructor.

For Reans, it is really lucky to be able to fight to the death with such a strong man.

They were like treasures. Every battle could increase Reens's understanding of swordsmanship and improve the perfection of "Jane".

Reens' expression became more serious, and his cold eyes burst into unprecedented enthusiasm.

He wanted to see through the swordsmanship of the tall knight in front of him, even if he had to risk his life to try.

The wind-like sword blade kept tearing Reens' body, blood and flesh kept leaving, and a pool of blood had formed under him.

Although Reens had tried his best to dodge and resist, the swordsmanship that had formed a perfect encirclement was not a safe zone for him to leave safely.

The bloody mess was the price he paid now.


Reens used his long sword to block the attack of the greatsword again, but this time, it could no longer hold on after enduring multiple collisions.

It broke.

The broken sword blade fell to the ground like a falling apple.

"Ding-dong, ding-dong..."

But Reens still ignored it, waving the broken sword and attacking Gel.

Although the sword in his hand was broken and his body was broken, the will in his heart, the sword in his heart, still told Reens...

He could continue to swing the sword.


The sword pierced Reens' body and then pulled it out.

Facing such a respectable opponent, Gel chose to leave Reens with a whole body.

The huge wound made the body, which had already lost a lot of blood, spurt out a lot of blood again.

As the blood flowed, Reens' body could no longer support it.

He fell to the ground and his consciousness began to blur.

In Reens' blurred vision, he saw Gel, whose armor was full of sword marks, walking in front of him.

"Next time, I will do better."

Reens thought in his heart, and then his consciousness completely fell into darkness.

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