In the morning, the rising sun warmed the earth.

In the dormitory, Reens practiced his invented fitness swordsmanship over and over again.

The battle in the dungeon last night was really exciting for Reens, and he could feel that he had become stronger again.

Although, because of the intervention of others, he still failed to kill Gel in the end.

But from Gel, Reens really learned a lot, especially the "wind track".

Drawing the sword along the wind can save effort while increasing the speed and destructive power of the sword.

When others destroy the wind, the "wind" will also give its friends a reminder.

Go with the flow, so take advantage of the momentum.

"Ben... do you feel that Reans' movements seem to be more natural?"

"It doesn't feel as deliberate as before."

"Has he found a pattern, or has practice made perfect?"

Harriman asked Ben in a puzzled voice.

"Well, it does look more natural, with a kind of coordinated beauty."

"Before, Reans seemed to be completing one movement at a time, but now he is completing a set of movements, just like basic swordsmanship."

Ben nodded and replied.

"It's just that I have some insights... Ben, Harriman, since everyone is awake, let's go to breakfast."

"Wait, we still need to complete our respective tasks."

Reans stopped his body movements and did not explain too much. Instead, he reminded the other two that it was time to go to breakfast.

Now Reans gets up by himself and no longer needs others to wake him up.

One is to adapt to the lonely days in the future in advance, and the other is to get up early to exercise.

Now his "Fitness Swordsmanship" has been updated to a new version, which is already the "third set of fitness swordsmanship".

This version mainly adds Reens's perception of the wind, and the coordination between man and nature that he perceives from the wind.

Let the sword and the body blend into the surrounding environment, thus forming momentum.

"Then let's go quickly... We don't know what the mandatory mission is?"

"Since the family said it's this morning, it's better for Reens to go to the mission hall as soon as possible to see the situation."

"Lest you be punished more severely by the family for being late."

Ben nodded in agreement.

Then, after washing and packing up, the three of them went to the cafeteria together.


After arriving at the mission hall, Reens separated from Ben and Harriman.

Reens looked at the task list he got from the counter lady and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

It's not that the task above is difficult, but this task is a bit strange.

Reens doesn't know what the person who issued this task is thinking?

How could someone let a "killer" be a spy, and a spy in the army?

Yes... The mandatory mission that Reens received was to join the army as a spy.

The location was the military castle in the outer city.

However, the place was infiltrated by the Grunbagen family and slipped through the net.

He remembered that when he was performing the "novice mission", he could almost be regarded as swaggering in and out.

Is it necessary for the family to insert more people in this situation?

If you want to know something, can't you just ask the generals there?

However, after seeing his specific work content and requirements, Reens probably understood the reason why this mission appeared.

[Task content: pass the military selection assessment and join the Kara City garrison. ]

[Task requirements: Collect intelligence in the military castle, and focus on collecting information on the "Princess Knight"; if something happens, send back the message immediately. ]

[Task time: no time limit. ]

Reens had learned from the black market before that the current "Princess Knight" is a real royal princess.

And that person has obviously arrived, or is about to arrive in Kara City.

The family may be worried that the person who joined the garrison of Kara City may affect the control of the Grunbagen family over the army.

That's why they decided to arrange some secret guards to join the army to keep an eye on the changes in the army.

Yes, this mission is still a cooperative mission. I wonder which unlucky people will be assigned to this mission with him?

That's right, the people who received this mission are basically unlucky.

Why do you say that?

The family does not allow one person to take two missions at the same time, and the mission time is marked as "unlimited".

So, no one knows this.

How long does this task take?

Before completing this task, all those who receive this task will no longer be able to obtain contribution points from the family.

Especially this is a mandatory task, that is, they have been working for the family for nothing for an unknown period of time.

It's hard...

However, this task still has its advantages at present, that is, it is not dangerous on the surface.

Moreover, in the process of executing this task, there is no need to complete the family's monthly "performance requirements".

This is the information obtained by Reens after asking the lady at the counter.

When performing special tasks or tasks with longer tasks, there is no need to complete the monthly requirement of 10 tasks.


Reens followed the instructions of the task list and came to a secret place in the family.

There, he met his three colleagues and the temporary boss of this task.

Among these three people, Reens was not familiar with anyone, but he had seen them all.

They were all dark guards who survived the "recruitment mission" last night.

"You should have already learned something about the mission from the mission list."

"But I still want to reiterate that after you get there, you must not reveal that you are a secret guard."

"If anything special happens over there, immediately send the information over using the 'transmission paper'."

The temporary boss reminded.

Then he pointed to a stack of papers on the table and continued:

"The above is the 'transfer paper'. You just need to write the information on it and then tear it off. The family will receive it soon."

"This thing is a disposable consumable. It is very precious. Don't waste it casually."

"But as long as it is special information, it must be sent back in time."

"As for whether it is important? The family will make a judgment, you don't have to worry about it."

"In short, don't waste it, but don't be too stingy. It will be reissued after it is used up."

"If you really transfer some important information back, the family will reward you, so don't slack off just because it is a mandatory task."

"Now, change your black clothes, put on ordinary clothes, put on the 'illusion mask', and take the 'transfer paper'."

"Finally, follow me to leave the family residence from the small path, leave the inner city, and completely disguise yourself as an ordinary outer city resident."

After seeing that Reens and others quickly completed the disguise and completely changed their appearance, the temporary boss nodded with satisfaction.

Then he took Reans and the other three and left the Glenbagen family through a secret passage.

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