The old man was very happy.

"By the way, Gars...are you a newcomer or a veteran?"

Rians asked Gars.

Rians knew Gars was a newcomer, after all, the recruitment of the Kara City garrison was only two days away.

And Gars was still, as he said, a famous adventurer half a month ago.

Rians asked knowingly just to pave the way for the next topic.

"Like you, I am also a newcomer, but I came a day earlier than you."

"I have already cleaned the dormitory, you just need to tidy up your bed."

Gars said with a smile.

"Thank you for your hard work... Can I ask you something? Of course, if you don't want to answer, just tell me you don't want to say it."

Rians said to Gars casually while tidying up his bed.

"We will be roommates in the future. As long as it is not a private question, you can ask it."

Gars responded readily.

"Okay... Gars, what did you do before? Why did you choose to join the army?"

"I'm just a little curious. I want to know if everyone joins the army for the same reason as me?"

"I hope this question doesn't offend you."

After getting Gars' permission, Reans asked.

"What's offensive about this? My story is not a secret, or a story of deep hatred."

"I was an adventurer before. Well, I think I should be a good type among adventurers."

"As for why you want to join the army? First, an incident about half a month ago made me start to feel that the profession of adventurer may be a bit dangerous."

"So I want to change to a more stable job."

"Second,... well, you should have heard that the 'Princess Knight' is going to join the garrison of Kara City, right?"

As Gars spoke, a "all men understand" expression appeared on his face.

"I understand, I understand... I came here for this too. I also bought the album of that person."

Riens clapped his hands and said with a smile.

Of course, Riens had never bought it, but this would leave Gars with an impression of an LS.

In this way, when he inquired about the information of the "Princess Knight" later, he would not arouse any suspicion.

"It seems that we are all fans of that person, so I won't hide it."

"In fact, I started paying attention to her when Her Highness Lucretia just became a "Princess Knight."

"As soon as I heard that she was going to work in Kara City, I immediately made up my mind to join the army."

"When I thought that I would soon meet Her Highness, I was filled with joy and excitement in my heart."

Gars said excitedly.

"Yes, too."

Listening to him, Reens also nodded in agreement.

Although he didn't quite understand Gars's psychology, he just had to agree with Gars now.

But it didn't take long for Reens to understand Gars's idea...

I'm afraid his fan is not a "football fan"?


After packing up, Gars, as an "old man" who came a day earlier, led Reens, who had just become his "good friend", to introduce the layout of the castle.

First is the dormitory area, which is mainly prepared for single soldiers. Generally, married soldiers live outside the castle.

Next is the training ground, which is the place where soldiers train every day, and there are all kinds of training equipment.

Then there are the rooms of generals and commanders. According to Gars, newcomers basically have to do patrol and guard work for several months.

So after the recruitment is over, they should be arranged to patrol or guard for generals.

Finally, there are canteens, bathhouses, warehouses and other places.

"What is that?"

Riens pointed to a large monument and asked Gars.

"This is a monument that records the names of the "Princess Knights" of all generations."

"Because the "Princess Knights" have changed so quickly, there are many names on it."

"I heard that the last "Princess Knight" was only 27 years old when he retired."

Gars looked in the direction that Riens pointed, and then explained.

Riens nodded, indicating that he understood.

The army does not have a list of merits or a list of generals, but instead has a vase-like monument called "Princess Knight".

It seems that the "Princess Knight" policy has really made a great contribution to the country and the army.

Offer it.

From Gars's introduction of the appearance of the "Princess Knights" of all generations, Reens could roughly see the effect of this policy.

But how loyal would the army be to the country under this policy?

If everyone followed the "Princess Knights" to join the army...

Then when the mutiny happened, would the soldiers listen to the general's orders or the "Princess Knights"?

Reens didn't know...

But the following conversation made him understand why the Glenbargen family arranged these spies.

"Hale, do you know the general? Is that our current general?"

After returning to the dormitory, Gars asked in a low voice.

"General? Well... I only know that he is a nobleman of the Glenbargen family."

Reens responded with a thoughtful look.

"Everyone knows this, but what I really want to talk about is the nickname of that general."

"Does 'Incompetent General' know this? I got this from the 'old men' in the castle."

"I heard that the general has very poor ability and reputation."

"Even, he paid adventurers to replace himself for daily training instructions, so he is not well received by the soldiers."

"It is precisely because of his leadership that the morale of the Kara City defenders is so poor."

"Even the responsibility of going out of the city to clear out the monsters outside the city and protect the safety of the city residents has never been fulfilled."

Gars continued to speak in a low voice.

"By the way, I'm telling you these things because we're friends. Don't talk about them outside."

"That general looks down on ordinary soldiers. If this kind of talk gets to his ears, you and I are done."

"I heard that more than half a month ago, someone offended that general and was killed by his family's secret guards."

"Do you know about secret guards?"

"It's the kind of organization that kills people like crazy. Everyone of them wears black clothes and is very powerful."

"I met three secret guards in the forest before. Fortunately, I'm strong, otherwise I would have been killed."

"Speaking of which, your voice is quite similar to one of the secret guards I met."

"No wonder I felt familiar with it before."

Gars warned Reens.

When he talked about surviving from the three secret guards, he looked proud, as if waiting for Reens' praise.

But Reens just looked at him strangely and didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Gars looked disappointed, thinking that Reens didn't understand the power and cruelty of the secret guards, so he could maintain such a calm expression.

He originally wanted to describe to Reens in detail how he bravely fought against the three evil secret guards.

But seeing Reens's expression, he lost interest in bragging.

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