How to describe that figure?

She has a good figure, the best figure among the women that Reens has seen so far.

Light golden hair, tied in a single ponytail, green eyes, and a faint smile on her face.

Her facial features are delicate, and she looks a bit cold at first glance, but a closer look reveals a sense of charm.

Of course, it may also be the feeling caused by her proud curves.

She is wearing armor with a white base and gold edges, but this kind of armor is more like a decoration that highlights the figure than a defense.

The design of the armor that highlights the figure and the white inner shirt are also the reasons why Reens felt that it was so big when he first saw it.

In addition to this, one thing to mention is her height.

According to Reens' careful observation, she was about 1.7 meters tall, very tall, and maybe a little taller than Reens now.

However, the most important thing was that Reens felt threatened by her.

This was an intuition, an empirical judgment of the enemy and ourselves that Reens had developed after continuous killing and death.

Especially after understanding "Jane", Reens' intuition became more accurate.

Although it was not possible to intuitively judge how strong the enemy was, it at least allowed him to draw a line for everyone he met.

For example, Gars was almost not a threat to Reens.

Therefore, Reens was even too lazy to spend time testing him in the dungeon.

And with Reens' current strength, the one who could make him feel threatened was at least a transcendent.

Therefore, the person in front of him, who he had always thought of as a "vase", turned out to be a strong man.

This had to be said to have once again exceeded Reens' expectations.

Could it be that the so-called "Princess Knight" was not actually a "vase", but a knight who could truly lead the army?

Did he misunderstand because of stereotypes?

The doubts in his heart made Reans look seriously at the "Princess Knight" standing in front of many soldiers.


Reans quickly turned his eyes to look at Gars beside him, and patted him with an excited look on his face.

"It's that princess. The princess is really as beautiful as the album... No, the real person is more beautiful than the album."

Reans said to Gars in an excited tone.

"Too sharp, you can find the difference in my eyes among many soldiers."

"Strong, this is definitely a strong... Maybe stronger than the knight of the Peg family."

"Is this the so-called genius? He looks only in his early twenties, but his strength is already on par with that knight in his thirties or forties."

Reans thought to himself while talking to Gars.

He didn't expect that just by looking a little more serious, he could make the "Princess Knight" suddenly turn his eyes to this side.

Even Reans himself was ashamed of his keen senses.

He himself had experienced countless deaths, but he still couldn't detect the difference between individual cases from many eyes.

"It seems that I need to practice more."

Reans thought secretly.

"Yes, Her Highness Lucretia is so beautiful, especially that place... Tsk tsk, I envy those guys standing in front."

"Wait, Her Highness Lucretia seems to be looking over here, is she looking at me?"

"Okay... she turned back again."

Gars kept his eyes on the graceful figure in front of him and responded to Reans without turning his head.

Every time he changed a sentence, his expression would change.

He started to be intoxicated, then excited, and finally lost, like changing his face, which was very exciting.

Seeing Gars' performance, Reans suddenly felt that his acting skills might need further training.

At least he didn't act like a fanatic fan like Gars just now.


"Everyone, I am Lucretia Hartwin, the current 'Princess Knight'."

"Next, I will take on the responsibility of the 'Princess Knight', help everyone train, and boost everyone's morale."

"Let's work together to protect our families, Kara, and our country."

Lucretia said lightly.

Some passionate words in the calmness reached everyone's ears.

For a moment, a faint excitement rose in Reans' heart.

It seemed that he really agreed with the speech of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

And if Reans was like this, what about others?

"Pa pa


"Good, great, what the princess knight said is great."

Gars immediately clapped and shouted.

Then, the training ground began to applaud and cheer.

To be honest, Reens didn't think there was anything good about this short speech, but seeing that everyone else was applauding, he couldn't do anything different.

He also clapped and cheered.

However, not everyone was like this.

"Princess knight, it's not that I look down on you, but do you think you have any ability to help us? "

A general in his thirties or forties suddenly shouted.

Amid the cheers, his questioning words seemed even more abrupt.

And seeing that it was their leader who spoke, the soldiers who had been excited for some reason calmed down.

On one side was the future beautiful leader, and on the other side was the current leader.

When the two clashed, the soldiers who didn't want to be caught by the current leader would of course choose to remain silent.

Riens grabbed Gars, who was still thinking about continuing to support his idol, and reminded him to recognize the situation.

Lest he be kicked out as soon as he joined the army.

"I think my swordsmanship is good, and I should be able to help everyone improve their swordsmanship."

"At the same time, I also know a little about military strategy, deployment of troops and other military knowledge."

Lucretia answered modestly.

"Let's not talk about military knowledge first. Princess Knight, since you think you have a good swordsmanship."

"Then, can you show it to everyone present? "

"However, simply demonstrating swordplay is not enough."

"It just so happens that I also think my swordplay is pretty good. Do you want to practice with me?"

The general continued.

"Of course."

Lucretia nodded in agreement.

After getting the affirmation, the general began to disperse the soldiers and leave a space for sword fighting.

"Who do you think will win?"

"I hope Lady Lucretia wins..."

"But after all, she is a general, and her strength is still quite strong. Even I may not be able to defeat her. "

Gars asked and answered himself excitedly.

He seemed to be talking to Reans, but in fact his eyes never left the open space in the middle.

Reans naturally didn't bother to pay attention to Gars's self-questioning and self-answering.

Reans looked at the general. He felt that the man was either a shill or sent by the Glenbogen family to disrupt the situation.

If it was a shill...

Then his behavior of sacrificing himself to elevate the "Princess Knight" was very reasonable.

But if it was someone from the Glenbogen family...

Then it can only be said that they underestimated the strength of the "Princess Knight" in front of them.

At least Reans didn't feel threatened by the general.

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