The time passed quietly for a few days.

The almost daily, uninterrupted training made Reens ignore the passage of time.

Others basically have time to rest, but Reens has done it all day every day.

Basically, when it comes to rest time, he will go to the dungeon to practice sword, never stopping.

As for the matter of the escaped team, as long as it does not affect himself, Reens is too lazy to spend time to pay attention to it all the time.

Compared with paying attention to the development of the situation all the time, he thinks it is better to interrogate the progress in the dungeon every once in a while.

However, in recent days, Reens has not heard of anyone escaping successfully or being caught by the guards.

It seems that the team is more cautious in doing things, and they didn't directly gather the number of people to rush to the gate.

There has been no change in the training these days. The number of people who failed to complete the training indicators and were whipped has also increased or decreased, but the basic fluctuations are in a very small range.

However, no one died in the training these days. It seems that everyone's body can still hold on.

As for Reans himself, he felt that he was getting easier and easier to deal with the cruel training.

Of course, this does not mean that he can already complete various training projects as easily as the five people standing at the top of the training camp.

But compared to the first day, Reans can clearly feel his progress.

When running, he is no longer the last one to run; when moving wood, he can go back and forth one more time than the day before; when lifting weights, he can lift heavier objects...

Sufficient food, sufficient and even overloaded training, and good rest have made Reans' body stronger at a fast speed.

Reans feels that even in a normal one-on-one now, he can easily defeat Wu Li.

After all, he is making progress, and Wu Li is not regressing.

Because they were roommates, even if Wu Li distanced himself from him and even gave him a cold face.

But Reens still saw that he was getting more and more tired and his expression was getting more and more numb.

Reens was a little worried that Wu Li would soon collapse during training, and then he would have to find a new interrogator.


In the afternoon, in the square, sword training.

The instructor stood in front of everyone as usual, but this time he did not start to demonstrate basic swordsmanship to everyone directly.

"Seven days have passed, and I believe you are familiar enough with basic swordsmanship. I will not demonstrate it in the future."

"Now find a good position and start training."

After the instructor finished speaking, he asked everyone to start sword training.

Reens came to the position where he had been practicing for the past few days, and followed everyone to follow the basic swordsmanship routine, moving his body and waving the wooden sword in his hand.

As time passed, Reens immersed himself in the force-generating techniques shown to him by the "basic swordsmanship", and continued to deepen his understanding of the body.


A word "stop" sounded, this was the instructor's voice.

Hearing the command, everyone stopped practicing one after another, and Reens also stopped moving his body.

Reens had some doubts in his heart.

It was too early... The instructor's appointment appeared earlier than usual.

Although Reens did not seriously calculate how much time had passed, from the degree of the sun's setting in the sky and his own fatigue.

He could still guess that they did not practice swords for too long, and might not even be half the usual time.

I don't know if he saw the trainers' doubts or was going to say it, the instructor explained:

"In the future, in the afternoon swordsmanship training, in addition to the necessary basic exercises, you will also need to do other training."

Hearing this, many people's faces began to change slightly.

Although the time for practicing basic swordsmanship has become shorter, for those with poor physical fitness, they no longer have to worry about being killed by the instructor because of insufficient physical fitness and interrupting swordsmanship practice.

This is a good change for many people. After all, not everyone has good physical conditions.

But new training will inevitably require a new familiarization process. If they cannot grasp the key points of training as soon as possible during this process, then they may have to face the threat of death again. Just like the unlucky guys on the first day of sword training. The reason why those people could not complete the practice requirements was that they had a bad memory and could not remember the basic sword movements. As a result, they were basically beaten by the instructors all the time, and their injuries continued to increase and their own physical problems, so they finally fell under the instructors' swords.

Hearing that there is new training content, many people began to worry whether they can survive it?

However, even if they were worried, the trainers did not dare to make any sound, and still waited quietly for the instructor to continue speaking.

The instructor did not pay attention to the psychological changes of the crowd, and continued to calmly narrate the next content.

"Next, I will divide you into two groups, and the people in the same group will have a sword duel."

"Your goal is to knock down the opponent, the loser will be punished, and then regroup and continue to fight. There is no draw."

"The duel has a time limit. Those who fail to complete the goal within the specified time will be punished."

After speaking, the instructor pointed at everyone and divided them into groups one by one.

He did not use a list to divide them into groups. I don't know if there is no list or he simply did not remember the trainer's name.

The opponent assigned to Reans is a relatively unfamiliar person. He and Reans are not in the same dormitory.

He is a little taller than Reans, but he is also a thinner type.

Reans looked around and found that in the first round of duels, the instructor did assign opponents according to body size.

The two people in each group were of similar size.

The square was large, and it was more than enough to accommodate nearly 50 groups of people for sword duels.

There would be a guard from the training camp standing by to supervise and time each group's duel.

However, they didn't time it with any tools.

Instead, they looked at the instructor's instructions. If the instructor asked them to stop, they would stop, and if they asked them to start, they would start.

Speaking of which, now that there are so many guards in the square, is the defense in other places not so tight?

Reans held the wooden sword with both hands, facing the opponent not far away, who was in the same posture.

There was no extra chat between the two, firstly because they were unfamiliar and had nothing to say.

Secondly, because the guards were by their side, the two did not want to be whipped for talking too much.

Reens stepped forward and slashed at his opponent with his sword. His opponent hurriedly blocked Reens' attack with his wooden sword.

Then the two of them fought back and forth for several times. Finally, Reens seized the opportunity and hit his opponent's palm holding the sword, causing him to drop the wooden sword in pain.

However, the guard on the side did not declare Reens the winner.

So Reens could only continue to hit his opponent who had no weapons with his wooden sword.

It was not until the opponent shouted "I surrender" for a long time that the guard slowly announced the end of the game and Reens won.

However, Reens' opponent was pulled aside by the guard and accepted his whip.

In fact, when Reens saw how his opponent responded to his first sword, he knew that he could end the game with his next sword.

With his understanding of basic swordsmanship and the almost endless sword practice in the past few days.

He was far better than his opponent in terms of sword speed and reaction ability.

But Reens still fought with him for several rounds before he cut off his wooden sword.

This can make the game look better and give the opponent some face.

Although these people may not care about face.

It can also make him hide some of his strength and avoid being the first to stand out.

Being too conspicuous will attract the attention of others. In reality, Reens still likes to be more low-key.

In this way, when he backstabs others in the copy, their vigilance will not be too high, and it will be easier to succeed.

Next, Reens's games basically maintained a result of more wins than losses.

In the winning games, the opponents are basically thin individuals, while the losing games are those who are much taller than Reens.

Of course, Reens can actually win in those losing games.

Although those tall people are much stronger than him, Reens has some difficulty holding the wooden sword when blocking their swinging swords.

But their actions are still too direct, and Reens can easily find their flaws and counterattack.

But beating such a person would be a bit conspicuous, so Reens gave up.

Being beaten was not pleasant, so Reens decided to give back to these people in the dungeon.

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