After the conversation, Garth went to compete with other soldiers.

Because of the lesson in the morning, he was eager to know his ranking among the soldiers.

As a famous adventurer, he was still a little proud. He found that he was defeated by a few ordinary soldiers, which made him a little unacceptable.

Reens glanced at Garth's angry figure and thought that he would not bother him again in a short time, so he retracted his gaze.

Continue to devote energy to sword practice.

As the sword practice process continued to advance, Reens found that in the state of "killing will", the effect of sword practice was not very good, but very good.

The improvement brought by the world's transparency is that every time he swings the sword, Reens can vaguely feel that his connection with nature is gradually deepening.

The gentle wind soothes his body and cleanses his soul.

The violent wind beats his flesh, making it progress in a better direction.

As the swordsmanship unfolds, Reens understands how to go forward.

Although it will take a long time to really reach the next stage, the feeling of finding the way forward still makes Reens very happy.

"What? Although you have too much self-esteem, you still know how to listen to advice."

Gars saw that Reens's sword swinging speed began to increase, and he couldn't help but smile a little and said.

Although the sword swinging action still looks chaotic, since Reens can speed up, Gars thinks he still knows the limit.

I will guide him well later... After all, I can't let my roommate be bullied by others.

Gars thought so.

Then he swung the sword to defeat another soldier, which won him cheers and increased his confidence.

He, "Gars of the Swift Sword", is indeed not a small figure no matter where he is!


In the evening, in the cafeteria.

The original dinner was cancelled and replaced by a grand dinner.

There was singing and dancing, and everyone raised their glasses to welcome the arrival of the beautiful princess knight.


Everyone shouted.

Reens raised the wine glass and put it to his tightly closed mouth.

The light yellow liquid with the aroma of wine poured down Reens' chin like a waterfall, soaking his collar and finally falling to the ground.

Reens would not let this nerve-paralyzing liquid penetrate into his body.

However, the people who were immersed in joy and wine did not notice Reens's method.

On the contrary, they praised Reens for his generosity in drinking.

And every time he faced such praise, Reens would act like he was drunk and shouted "I'm okay, another glass".

Just like that, after a few rounds, Reens also "fell down".

After lying down for a while, Reens opened his eyes and looked up at the group of big men beside him.

After finding that they were competing to see who could drink more, Reens slowly moved his body and quietly left the table while they were not paying attention.

He was going to go back to the dormitory to practice sword in the dungeon, and didn't want to waste time here anymore.

"Huh? Where is the guy who got drunk at the beginning, who seemed to be called Hale?"

A guy with a red face asked his companion next to him with a breath of alcohol.

"Burp... How do I know? Maybe he was dragged to another table by his friends to drink."

The companion with a red face responded with a burp.

"It shouldn't be, he can still drink when he is drunk?"

The man asked in confusion.

"Who cares about him... Come on, let's continue drinking. You know, it's very rare to find so many people to drink together."

"Drink! No one can leave until we finish these wine jars tonight."

The companion replied indifferently, and then urged everyone to drink and not be idle.


"Where are you going? Don't you want to continue to have fun with everyone?"

A crisp and pleasant voice reached Reans' ears, stopping him from leaving.

Reans turned around, and at the same time, his face turned red again, looking up at the object of the voice.

"Yes... it's Lady Lucrecia... Sorry, sorry, I'm a little too excited to see you standing in front of me."

"I drank too much, my body can't bear it, my head is dizzy, so I want to go back and rest."

"If you think it's wrong, I'll go back to the table right away."

Reans explained to Lucrecia with an excited face.

However, although he said so on the surface, Reans secretly said "trouble" in his heart.

"Really? Don't be too excited. Protecting your body is the principle that a good soldier should have."

"Since you feel unwell, you should have a good rest."

Lucretia smiled faintly.

"Thank you for your concern, Lady Lucretia. I will go back and have a good rest now."

"Absolutely not. I will leave the bad condition for tomorrow's training."

Reans continued excitedly.

After saying that, he immediately turned and walked towards the exit of the cafeteria, looking anxious as if he was carrying out some mission.


"Excited with murderous intent, it's quite novel."

Lucretia looked at Reans's figure going away and thought secretly.

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years.

Facing Lucretia, Reans directly entered the state of "will to kill" by reflex.

The "mental attack" had left such a deep impression on Reens that even after he exited the dungeon, the graceful figure still remained in his memory.

It could not be dispelled in a short time.

Therefore, Reans was worried that he would be "tempted" again.

If he accidentally told any secrets, it would be a big deal.

After thinking for a while, Lucrecia gave up her speculation about Reans' identity.

He is just a person who has not yet achieved extraordinary... No matter what it is, her own strength makes her confident enough to deal with it.

Although I don't know why he has such a strong killing intention towards me, I just need to pay more attention to it later.

Maybe there are some forces hidden behind him, such as the Glenbargen family.

So, there is no need to alarm the snake, she and that family are not yet at the stage of confrontation.

With a slight fluctuation in her eyes, Lucrecia's figure appeared in everyone's "sight".

After talking to someone she cares about a little, Lucrecia faded the magic of reducing her presence.

Let her figure be exposed to the public, and once again deepen the impression of the soldiers on the scene.

"It's Lady Lucrecia! "

Someone screamed.

Hearing the shout, many dazed-eyed guys immediately looked around, looking for the beautiful figure.

Then, they soon saw a figure that seemed to be standing under the spotlight.

"Princess Knight!"

Everyone shouted, and at the same time, they desperately squeezed forward, trying to get close to the figure.

"Everyone, can you enjoy the dinner tonight?"

Lucretia stretched out her hand to stop everyone from approaching, and smiled faintly.

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