The fire was finally started...

After all, the fire started...

"It's dangerous outside the city... Everyone be careful to avoid being attacked by monsters."

Lucretia reminded the silent crowd of the purpose of their trip.

After hearing this, they finally remembered the purpose of the "clearing operation" and that the monsters outside the city were not pigs and sheep that could be slaughtered at will.

So, they drew their swords and observed the surrounding environment vigilantly.

However, monsters are not irrational creatures.

Facing such a large group of well-equipped troops that looked difficult to mess with, they naturally avoided them.

Therefore, although they were alert to the movements around them, they did not see even a single goblin after walking for a long time.

Lucretia had expected this situation.

Therefore, since leaving the city, the direction of the team's advance has not changed.

After walking for a while, they finally saw a large goblin stronghold.


Lucretia shouted out a loud command with her moving voice.

After hearing the command, the soldiers who had been holding back all the way rushed towards the goblin stronghold not far away.

The stronghold was very large, like an abandoned village occupied by goblins.

Those tall or short green figures walked between the abandoned corridors and houses.

The smoke rising from the stronghold added a little popularity to this abandoned village.

The goblins were also confused by their sudden appearance.

What happened? How could so many humans with weapons rush towards them?

However, despite their doubts, the goblins still picked up their weapons and raised ferocious expressions in the face of the invasion.

They also rushed towards the army of Reans.

Reans took the lead, pulled away from the others, and rushed to the front of the goblin team.

Silver light flashed, and gushing blood sprinkled all around.

A goblin head with a confused face flew in the air, and finally rolled to the ground, raising some dust.

Without hesitation, Reans swung his sword again and cut off the arm of a goblin who attacked him.


It screamed, and the broken arm holding the stick spurted blood, and with inertia, it hit the surrounding goblins.

But soon, its screams stopped.

The long sword like an afterimage slashed across its throat, taking away its last sound.

But compared to the previous goblin, it was still lucky, because at least it called out, didn't it?

Ignoring the two goblins that he killed instantly, Reans rushed into the goblin team like a killing god, setting off a bloody storm.

He always dodged the goblin's attack with thrilling movements, and the long sword was constantly swinging like a gust of wind.

Every time he drew his sword, it represented the death of a goblin.

Red blood, accompanied by a green body, every step Reans took was like a road to death paved for the goblins.

Gradually, the green figure that had been surrounding Reans gradually dispersed.

The surrounding goblins looked timidly at the figure stained red by the blood of their companions, and the goblins in the front row retreated to stay away from the killing god in front of them.

This scene stunned the others who had just rushed over.

It turns out that there is such a big guy hidden among us.

Gars looked at the roommate who was almost soaked in blood, and felt strange, but at the same time he felt familiar.

He might know who it was.

No wonder, the voice was so familiar... What voice is more popular? It's all a lie!

Gars was a little tearful, thinking that he was in the same dormitory with such a killing god, and often teased him.

Gars felt a chill on his back...

He kept thinking about whether he had offended Reans? Did he speak too harshly?

Reans didn't care about the eyes of other people and goblins.

Since he said that he would give full play to his strength to show Lucrecia, he would certainly not hold back.

Moreover, killing was what he liked.

Having been defeated by Lucrecia, Reans hadn't killed so much for a long time.

Reans felt very happy now, so happy that he wanted to keep killing.

With such thoughts in mind

, Reens continued to rush towards the goblins who wanted to get away from him, and the swinging long sword once again brought up broken limbs and arms.

Perhaps because he couldn't bear to see Reens killing goblins so arrogantly, a tall figure suddenly appeared among the short goblins.

It was about two meters tall, with thriving muscles and a ferocious face. It was wearing steel armor that looked like a rough human, and it was holding a big knife in its hand.

"Oh, an elite individual... um, I remember it seemed to be called a big goblin."

Reens glanced at the big man not far away and thought secretly.

However, even if the big goblin appeared, Reens's movements did not stop.

The long sword waving like a shadow continued to harvest the lives of those timid goblins.


Seeing that Reens actually despised him so much, the big goblin roared.

Then it held the big knife with both hands, with great force, and chopped towards Reens like a mountain pressing down on his head.

Reans knew his own strength, so he dodged the hobgoblin's slash.

However, just because Reans could dodge easily didn't mean the goblins around him could dodge.

The powerful sword chopped its body like firewood, and the gushing blood dyed the sword red again.


The hobgoblin roared angrily, not caring about the tribesmen he had killed, and continued to swing the sword towards Reans.

The same result came again, and more goblins were killed by their boss.

Next, Reans led the hobgoblin around, letting him continue to kill his tribesmen.

Until they were forced to leave a space beside them, and the hobgoblin stopped after swinging the sword many times and was a little out of breath.

"Huh? It's over? That's it?"

Reans said to the hobgoblin with a contemptuous tone.

Perhaps it could understand human language, or perhaps this tone was also very irritating in the goblin language.

So, after hearing what Reens said, the hobgoblin roared again and attacked Reens.

Facing the attack of the hobgoblin, Reens, who had already fully understood its routine, was too lazy to play with it anymore.

Reens turned sideways and dodged the sharp edge of the broadsword by a hair's breadth, then stepped closer and swung his sword downward to cut the hobgoblin's tendons.

When its body was unstable and it fell forward and knelt, its head was at a position that Reens could easily touch.

Swing the sword!

Reens calmly swung a thunderous slash and cut the hobgoblin's throat.

Then, it fell to the red ground like the tribesmen he had killed.

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