The difference between the two is that people do not share the same joys and sorrows.

Just like Reans at this moment does not care about Woolley's complicated feelings.

He just wants to quickly kill the guard who has killed him many times in the dungeon.

However, the quality gap between wooden swords and iron swords is not so easy to cross. Reans has challenged the guards many times but still failed.

He tried to take away his iron sword when the guard was not careful, and then give him the wooden sword to change the game between the two sides.

But this behavior will only attract the siege of the surrounding guards.

Even the instructors will cast their eyes, as long as Reans actually hurts other guards, they will take action.


Reens could only continue to challenge the guard with a wooden sword, and after many rounds of challenges.

Even the rest time after each training session was used by Reens to challenge in the dungeon.

Hard work pays off, and Reens finally became familiar with the guard's sword-using habits after many challenges.

Although people do not have fixed routines like NPCs in the game, many action habits are difficult to avoid.

After getting familiar with it, Reens became much easier to deal with, and the moment when he completely defeated the guard was not far away.

However, this kind of backboard-like method is not conducive to the improvement of swordsmanship.

Now the guard has been defeated by the backboard method, but there are other guards, instructors, and powerful enemies that may be encountered in the future.

Can he only find the enemy's flaws in that way every time?

Therefore, Reens still hopes that he can find the guard's flaws through observation ability and understanding of swordsmanship, so as to defeat him.

Doing so can effectively exercise his combat experience and swordsmanship.

After all, the reason why he was defeated by the guard so many times was because he was not strong enough.

If his sword-drawing speed could be comparable to that of the instructor, then even with a wooden sword, he could quickly kill the guard.

Absolute strength can solve all problems. Even if it can't be solved, it can solve the person who raised the problem.


At night, many of Reans' roommates got up quietly and left the dormitory carefully.

Among them were Woolley and Wendel who slept next to him.

However, Reans' consciousness had entered the dungeon, and his body outside was sleeping soundly.

So he didn't notice their departure at all.

Of course, Reans didn't notice it, but it didn't mean that no one else who stayed in the dormitory noticed it.

Woolley and Wendel's behavior of going out at night many times had long been noticed by others.

But he, like Reans, kept silent and waited quietly for the development of the situation.

Again, what are the benefits of reporting? What preferential treatment? What guarantees?

Anyone who has stayed in Kara City for a period of time will know more or less about what the nobles have done.

They have long blocked the way of reporting.

Someone once wanted to please the nobles and went to great lengths to come to the nobles, and was beaten by the guards many times during the period.

The reason was that he, an inferior, should not approach the nobles' mansion.

It was not until he kept repeating that he had something important to tell the nobles that he got a chance to meet.

And what he called important things was just reporting that the shop managers in the name of the nobles lied about the shop finances to make a profit.

And he was the employee who was responsible for helping the shop managers record financial work.

Next, no one cared about the process in the middle.

All we know is that the final result was that the shop manager who lied about the finances was dealt with, but the reporter was also thrown out of the nobles' mansion.

He did not gain any benefits from this, and even lost his job because of his behavior.

Originally, he was still a superior person in the outer city, with an excellent job and a happy family.

The food and clothing of ordinary people was no longer a problem for him, and what he wanted more was to improve his status.

He wanted to enter the inner city and become a real upper class.

Unfortunately, he failed and eventually became a homeless person, dying quietly on a night in the Frost Season.

Not many people know whether the story is true or not, but the content of the story is known to most people in the outer city through word of mouth.

People believe that this is true and are willing to believe that it is true.

Because it fits their impression of the nobility.

The idea of ​​the nobility is that it is right and sacred for ordinary people to give everything to them without reservation.

Offering to the sacred, you actually want to ask for a reward,

It was really disrespectful.

The next day, at lunch, Wu Li deliberately sat next to Reans.

Since the sword training began, Reans has been sitting alone in the corner to eat.

Because he didn't want to waste time chatting with others, he just wanted to finish his meal quickly and enter the dungeon to practice sword.

"What's the matter? Wu Li?"

After swallowing a bite of bread, Reans said to Wu Li next to him.

Reans didn't know why Wu Li would look for him at this time?

Did he want to invite him to join the escape team at this time?

With doubts in his heart, Reans asked directly, and there was no need for any roundabout hints at this time.

First, because on the surface Reans should not know that kind of thing, and second, Wu Li didn't have anything that Reans must obtain.

Reans can completely get the relevant information from Wu Li in the dungeon, and there is no need to take risks in reality.

"Nothing, I just suddenly wanted to tell you a story."

Woolley said, and then continued without waiting for Reens to reply.

"A man was born in an ordinary family on a farm in the countryside."

"This family is very poor. His birth brought the joy of a newborn to this family, but also increased the burden on this family."

"More people means more mouths to feed, but he is still just a child and cannot share the hard work of his parents."

"This family makes a living by farming, but none of the land they farm belongs to them."

"They have been working hard for the owner of the farm, just for the meager food that can barely feed and clothe them."

"But even with this little food, the owner of the farm wants to take back some."

"The food that can be obtained from farming is getting less and less, and the family soon fell into a state of often not having enough to eat."

"Until one day, the mother died in the field due to hunger and overwork, and the father soon followed her."

"Only he was left alone in the quiet and dilapidated house, a teenager who had not grown up yet."

Woolley paused for a while, perhaps recalling his mood at that time, and then continued.

"That day, he thought a lot, about the owner of the farm, his parents who were still alive, and his father's last words."

"'Child, you have to live well.'"

"So he ran away, escaped from the farm, and came to the big city."

"After coming to the big city, he met many people, some were good, some were bad, and some were like the owner of the farm."

"In the city, he worked hard to make himself full. Although he was just barely fed and clothed, he was already very satisfied."

"Because he felt that he had done what his father said, to live well."

"Unfortunately, fate is always unfair."

"The owner of the city People extended their hands at the bottom of the city, just like the owner of the farm. "" It's just this time, he was caught. " "He was confused, he was desperate, and he shouted in his heart." "Just want to live, is it really so difficult? At the same time, Lane also understood the reason why Wuli was looking for him at this time. He needs an audience and also hopes to have a recorder.

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