The scene changes.

Reens appeared in the hotel room.

It was the time when he had just washed his body and returned to the room to enter the first round of the dungeon.

The reason for choosing this time was to give himself enough time for the job interview and to explore the situation of the Soldier Academy.

Otherwise, the dungeon time would be over without trying anything out.

Wouldn't it be necessary to start all over again?

It was too troublesome and a waste of time.

After leaving the hotel, Reens went to the clothing store again and "exchanged" a suitable set of clothes with the currency of the Kingdom of Hatwin.

Then, while the store keeper didn't react, he quickly ran away from the scene and rushed to the Soldier Academy.

As the saying goes, clothes make the man and saddles make the horse.

Many times, people's first impression of you comes from your appearance and the clothes you wear.

So, although he didn't like it very much, Reens still changed into nice-looking but not very durable clothes.

After all, he couldn't wear a ragged outfit to interview for a teacher at the academy, right?

In that case, he might be stopped by the security guards before he even entered the Soldier Academy.

"Excuse me, is the Soldier Academy recruiting a swordsman teacher?"

"I'm here for an interview and I'm going to apply for the position of swordsman teacher."

"Where do I need to report and who should I go to?"

Reens walked to the security booth at the entrance of the Soldier Academy and asked the gatekeeper inside.

The old man who was about to take a lunch break opened his eyes a little unhappy, and then saw Reens with a smile on his face.

In an instant, the anger in his heart calmed down immediately, and there was a feeling that a big fire was slowly soothed by the breeze.

Obviously, the person in front of him was just an ordinary person with ordinary looks in the eyes of the old man.

But the smile gave him a comfortable feeling like a spring breeze, which made people unable to get angry.

"Young man, do you want to apply for the academy's swordsmanship teacher?"

"However, I see that you don't seem to be very old, I wonder if your ability can meet the academy's standards?"

After calming down, the gatekeeper asked Reens doubtfully.

"I just look young, but I'm actually in my twenties."

"Besides, I'm an adventurer and I'm quite confident in my swordsmanship."

"So, can you answer my question just now?"

Reens explained to the old man with a smile.

"Oh, oh, oh... I almost forgot."

"There are not many teachers in the academy, so this kind of thing is usually handled by the dean himself."

"Young man, just go to the dean's room to find the dean, he usually works in his own room."

The old man answered Reens.

"Thank you very much."

"I wish you a good nap, goodbye."

After getting the information he wanted, Reens said goodbye to the old man and walked into the Soldier Academy.

The gate of this Soldier Academy has always been open, and it seems that other residents of the town are not prohibited from entering and leaving.

But at noon, no one else came to the academy except Reens.

Soon, after asking the students passing by, Reens came to the dean's room, which was also his office.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Reens knocked on the door politely.

"Come in."

A somewhat old voice came from the door.

Hearing this voice, Reens did not open the door and go in immediately, but paused briefly, and a little surprise rose on his face.

"What a coincidence."

Reens thought to himself.

Then he put away the surprise on his face, smiled, opened the door, and walked in.


The moment he saw Reens, the old man sitting behind the desk immediately condensed his eyes.

"Who are you?"

The dean asked Reens.

"Mr. Dean, I am an adventurer who is applying for a swordsmanship teacher."

"My name is Hale, please teach me."

Reens smiled and responded.


"With your ability, coming to my small academy to be a swordsmanship teacher, isn't it a bit of a waste of talent?"

"I can't afford to hire you for a long time."

The dean expressed his doubts a little and said coldly.

"Mr. Dean, you are joking. I am just here to make a living."

"I am not taking a commission, so I don't need a high commission."

Reens continued.


The dean did not comment.

"Then you passed

...Hale, right? Classes will start tomorrow."

"I'll take you to your dormitory now... You may not have a place to live yet since you came all this way."

The dean announced that Reens had passed the interview, and then continued.

After that, he stood up and led Reens out of his room.

"Interesting... Do you think I'm the one who came here deliberately?"

"It seems that the secret hidden in that magic ritual is not small... Should I go and explore it again? Maybe I can get some benefits?"

Reens, who was following the dean to the teacher's dormitory, thought to himself.

Think of it and do it. Although this is not Reens's ninja way, it is Reens' style of doing things in the copy.

So, Reens directly asked the dean who was walking in front:

"What is the use of the magic ritual you set up in the town? Can you tell me? "

Before he finished speaking, Reens had already drawn his sword.

A green light flashed, and the long sword slashed at the old man in front with a sharp wind.



The shield that suddenly rose on the dean's body slightly blocked Reens's slash, but it was almost instantly pierced through.

But it was enough for the magician dean to call on his own magic.

An orange-yellow magic circle appeared, and then a wall of earth suddenly appeared to block Reens's slash.

Then magic circles of various colors appeared in the air.

Then, fireballs, wind blades, ice spikes, water arrows and other magics bombarded Reens.

Almost at the same time, a green magic circle appeared on the dean's body.

He stepped up, and at a speed that was completely inconsistent with the old man, as if he had an engine installed on his body, he quickly moved away from the previous position.

Then he flew into the air, looking down at Reens who had just used the "wind wall" to block multiple attack magics.

"Tsk! "

Riens looked at the dean who had already floated into the air, and said with some dissatisfaction.

This old dean is too cautious. He reacted so quickly. It seems that he has been confronted many times before.

"You are not sent by the Adventurer's Association? Who are you?"

The dean who was suspended in the air questioned Riens.

"I never said that I was a commissioner sent by the Adventurer's Association. I just said that I was an adventurer."

"You misunderstood yourself. What can I do?"

Riens said indifferently.

"Slippery tongue!"

The dean said angrily.

"You should fly higher..."

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