After Nemo Fira appeared, he looked at Reans, then at the miserable situation on the ground, and finally sighed and said to the surviving students:

"You should leave here first. Let me and the dean handle the situation here."

"Teacher Nemo Fira..."

Several students shouted to Nemo Fira.

Then he looked at Reans again, and after seeing that Reans didn't care about them, he propped up his somewhat weak thighs and hurried away from the bloody scene.

"Do you know what your behavior means, knight brother?"

"Openly violating the ban is not something that can be perfunctorily dealt with by the title of a supernatural person."

Nemo Fira still said to Reans with a smile on his face.

But her tone was already cold at this time.

"Are you all here..."

Riens ignored Nemo Fira's words, looked up and saw that the dean had stopped in the air here, and then said softly.

"How to deal with it?"

The dean's voice came from the air.

Although it was not specified, everyone present knew who the question was raised to.

"Catch him first, and then send him to the Skylight Church for trial; if he cannot be captured alive, he will be killed on the spot."

Nemo Fira explained calmly.

"You come, or I come, or we go together?"

The dean asked again.

"Let's go together... Facing a knight who has mastered the 'element blessing', I am not sure that I can take him down alone."

Nemo Fira continued to respond.

"Have you finished discussing? If you have, then I will start."

Riens stood silently aside and waited for Nemo Fira and the others to finish their conversation, and then said.

After speaking, Reiens boosted his speed and turned to run out of the town.

Nemo Fira and the dean, who thought that Reans was going to attack, were stunned for a moment.

They didn't expect that Reans' so-called "start" was actually running away!

The main reason was that the fighting spirit in Reans' eyes was too confusing.

With that piercing look, Nemo Fira thought that Reans would raise his sword and chop at him in the next second.

Who would have thought that Reans would run away directly without even a trial process.

"Alas... Chase!"

Nemo Fira showed a helpless expression, but in an instant he became serious and greeted the dean.

Then he chased Reans at a speed that was not much inferior to Reans.

Hearing this, the dean immediately cast a buff magic on Nemo Fira, and then chased Reans in the air with the help of "floating magic".

However, although the dean could fly, his flying speed was not very fast.

So soon, he left Reans and Nemo Fira behind and they couldn't even see their shadows.

In addition, Reens and Nemo Fira had already rushed out of the town, and his main task was to maintain the progress of the ceremony.

So, after thinking for a while... the dean decided to stay in the town to prevent the ceremony from being accidentally held.

At this time, Reens was rushing towards the direction of the Monster Forest.

And Nemo Fira, who was blessed with the buff magic, was slowly closing the distance with Reens.

It seemed that as long as she needed a little more time, she could stop Reens.

But Reens' next move directly interrupted her thoughts.

I saw Reens jump directly into the air, and then borrowed power several times in the air.

Like pulling onions in dry land, he jumped up to a height that she could not reach.


Seeing this scene, Nemo Fira was furious.

Almost, just a little... she could punch that person.

But I didn't expect that this person could actually fly.

Seeing that Reans was still in the air, Nemo Fira thought he was laughing at him.

So, he directly launched a magic to attack Reans who was in the air.

Reans waited in the air for a while, but did not wait for Nemo Fira's flying method. Instead, he was greeted by a swarm of water arrows.

Reans waved his sword to raise the "wind wall" to block the incoming water arrows. After confirming that Nemo Fira was just incompetent and furious, Reans immediately flew into the depths of the monster forest.

Because of the cohesion problem of the aerial ladder, Reans' speed in the air was not fast, and might even be worse than the dean's "floating technique".

But who told the dean to be far away from the two of them, and Nemo Fira didn't know how to fly.

In addition, the terrain of the forest and various tall trees blocked the view.

Reans soon disappeared in Nemo Fira's

In sight.

Nemo Fira continued to chase for some time on the ground of the forest.

In the end, she could not find any trace of Reans and could only return to the town.

For her, this pursuit ended in failure.

As for Reans...

He walked in the air for a while, let himself get rid of Nemo Fira, and then landed from the air.

First, flying in this way is too physically demanding.

Second, it is dangerous.

The flying monsters in the Monster Forest are very fierce.

Relying on his half-baked flying method alone, in front of those monsters...

It is basically like a fat pigeon delivered to the eagle's mouth - fat meat delivered to the door.

After landing, Reans found a corner in the forest that looked a little more hidden and hid.

This is to confirm whether Nemo Fira and the others have any special tracking methods?

Reans has carefully checked his body and body surface.

Confirm that there is no special element structure or abnormal element on his body.

After waiting for a while, until the dungeon time was over, Reens still didn't wait for Nemo Fira.

This also confirmed that he had successfully escaped.


White space.

"Very good, the test was very successful."

"At present, as long as I get rid of the magician dean, Nemo Fira, a flying ground creature, will be incapable of rage."

"The next thing is to apply for a job."

Reens said happily.

Then, he opened another round of dungeons, and he did not do anything abnormal in this round of dungeons.

No killing, no attacking the dean, and even no strange words.

Just calmly completed the entire interview process.

Until the dean arranged a dormitory for him and introduced him to other teachers, including Nemo Fira, Reens left the dungeon.

The whole process was peaceful and nothing happened.

It seems that as long as Reens does not take the initiative to make trouble, no one will be in danger, and the town can always be peaceful and calm.


Riens opened his eyes and got up from the bed.

He looked out the window. It was almost sunset.

The rounds of tests in the dungeon took too long. He had to endure from noon to afternoon, almost evening.

"I wonder if they will still receive interviewers at this time?"

Riens thought to himself.

Then he collected his things and rushed to the Soldier Academy.

He was not a normal interviewer, but a "exempt person" who took the back door.

No matter what time it was, the dean would make him a successful candidate.

As long as he didn't talk nonsense, he, Riens, was a "specialist" sent by the dean.

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