The old man was very happy.

At night, in the dean's room.

"How is it?"

The dean asked Nemo Fira.

"The signs of life are very young, and it should be not much different from the appearance."

"As for the level of swordsmanship, he didn't hide it too much, so I can still see that he should have crossed the threshold."

"However, his life source is a bit weird... too thin, which does not meet the life characteristics of a knight."

"It is speculated that his life source should have been severely damaged."

"Under normal circumstances, without something special, he will not live beyond 30 years old."

Nemo Fira explained calmly.

"I see, no wonder the Adventurer's Association asked him to come here."

"It's such a pity that a genius died so young."

"Maybe there was no time for him to try to sprint to the legendary realm..."

"Hehe... I really laughed at myself."

"What qualifications does a person who can't even reach the realm of a great magician have to feel sorry for such a genius."

The dean suddenly laughed at himself.

Nemo Fira didn't say anything, but looked at the dean with a wry smile.

"Okay, since there's no problem, let's end the conversation. You probably don't like to stay with an old man like me."

The dean said softly, and then waved his hand to signal Nemo Fira that he could leave.

Hearing this, Nemo Fira's figure gradually disappeared, and then the dean's door was opened and closed by an invisible hand.


Let's talk about Reans.

After the dinner in the cafeteria, Reans returned to his dormitory and entered the dungeon for training.

After spending some time and killing Locke, Reans went to fight Nemo Fira and the dean.

The next copy can be basically divided into three situations.

First, his battle with Nemo Fira.

To sum up, it was a passionate battle, and it was hard to tell who was better.

Nemo Fira was not much different from him in terms of melee skills...

And the two of them, one was a priest, and the other was a knight who controlled the "element blessing", and there was not much difference in the actual effect of the application of elements.

At most, the way of indirect influence by Reens was a bit troublesome and tiring.

But it did not affect the actual combat ability.

Of course, it was fortunate that Nemo Fira controlled the water element instead of the wind element.

Otherwise, he could only rely on his physical fitness to fight Nemo Fira.

The result would be basically the same as his battle with Lucretia before he controlled the elements... he would lose completely.

Second, his battle with the dean.

To put it simply, it was an air battle.

The dean reacted very quickly and was very cowardly.

After facing his surprise attack, he can quickly defend and counterattack, and then fly directly into the air.

Relying on the air advantage, he constantly launches magic attacks on him on the ground.

At the same time, he constantly applies various debuffs to him.

Forced to do so, Reens can only use the "Air Ladder" to fly into the air to fight with the dean in an air battle.

This has increased his proficiency in the "Air Ladder".

Unlike the battle with Nemo Fira, he can win the battle with the dean.

Because the dean is old.

Although from the perspective of elemental reactions, the dean's magic power is always sufficient.

But his physical strength and spirit cannot support him for a long and fierce battle.

Therefore, every time he fights to the end and Reens is feeling passionate, the dean suddenly staggers, then vomits blood and faints.

It is really disappointing.

But this also answers a question of Reens-

Obviously, he is very strong, but every time there is a problem, the dean waits for Nemo Fira to solve him.

It turned out that his body was no longer able to do so...

Seeing the dean, Reens began to worry about how he would not be able to lift a sword when he was old.

But then he thought that he would never live to old age, so he felt relieved.

However, joking aside, Reens still set a goal for his future travels in his heart.

- Find treasures that can restore, replenish and increase the source of life.

The beautiful life in the other world has just begun, and he doesn't want to die again at such a young age.

He also wants to see more scenery, experience fighting with stronger people, and touch a higher level of swordsmanship...

There are many things he wants, but time is always limited.

The third copy situation is that he fights Nemo Fira with the help of the dean's magic.

Roughly speaking, it is just looking for abuse.

The previous two copy situations

The duration is still quite long, and when it comes to this kind of situation, Liens basically can't hold on for long.

Its function is probably to train his ability to withstand attacks and the speed of removing debuffs.

The above is the situation of Liens's copy tonight.

As for why a good copy will derive three situations?

It is because of Nemo Fira's changeable personality.

Sometimes she will let the dean assist, and sometimes she will fall into the battle and fight with Liens.

Even in the same copy, Nemo Fira's choices are not the same.

So, even if she has already faced Nemo Fira's fists and swords many times...

Liens still can't guess what Nemo Fira's next choice is?

And when it comes to Liens's battle with the dean, she can't help the dean much without flying.

Therefore, three situations are formed.


Early in the morning, the soldier academy, the outer training ground.

Liens faced the slowly rising sun and began his daily sword practice.

The so-called outdoor training ground, as the name implies, is an outdoor training ground, roughly equivalent to a playground.

Reens had asked about the general situation of the Soldier Academy at the dinner in the cafeteria last night.

The entire academy can basically be divided into several areas.

First, the outdoor training ground just mentioned.

This is one of the places where teachers teach students to exercise and teach combat skills.

However, I heard from those teachers that because the Soldier Academy in Hughes Town is relatively small.

Therefore, there are only teachers who teach swordsmanship, gunmanship, and fighting in the academy.

And before Reens came, there was only one teacher for each.

And why does the academy want to recruit new swordsmanship teachers?

It is because there are more students who choose swordsmanship, and the academy considers that Locke can't take care of so many students.

So they recruited a new swordsmanship teacher from outside, that is, Reens now.

As for why many students choose to learn swordsmanship?

This has to mention the issue of employment.

The knights of the Royal Capital Knights all use swords... Do you understand?

Second, the teaching area.

The indoor training ground where Reigns and Locke fought last night is in the teaching area.

The indoor training ground is also a place for students to practice and learn combat skills.

In addition, there are classrooms for cultural courses, libraries, and medical rooms in the teaching area.

And Nemo Fira is the medical teacher, and also teaches medical knowledge.

The rest are the dormitory area and office area for teachers, the dormitory area for students, and public infrastructure areas such as canteens, convenience stores, and bathhouses.

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